첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Meme Moguls(MGLS): Dogecoin과 Pepe의 떠오르는 도전자

Meme Moguls (MGLS): Rising Challenger to Dogecoin and Pepe

Meme Moguls(MGLS): Dogecoin과 Pepe의 떠오르는 도전자

풀어 주다: 2023/11/30 18:07 읽다: 332

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Meme Moguls(MGLS): Dogecoin과 Pepe의 떠오르는 도전자

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Meme Moguls(MGLS): Dogecoin 및 Pepe의 떠오르는 도전자 게시물이 Coinpedia에 처음 등장했습니다.

The rise of meme-based cryptocurrencies has been fascinating, and amid this digital frenzy, a new contender is emerging – Meme Moguls (MGLS). While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Pepe (PEPE) have held their ground in this space, Meme Moguls aims to carve its niche in this vibrant market. 

Dogecoin (DOGE): Rising Addresses

Dogecoin (DOGE): 상승 주소

Dogecoin (DOGE) is gathering momentum as its user base expands. Recently, IntoTheBlock’s report revealed over 5M Dogecoin addresses with a balance, which signifies growing interest and engagement within the DOGE community. In addition to this, technical indicators suggest a bullish tilt. 

Dogecoin(DOGE)은 사용자 기반이 확대되면서 탄력을 받고 있습니다. 최근 IntoTheBlock의 보고서에 따르면 500만 개 이상의 Dogecoin 주소가 균형을 이루고 있으며 이는 DOGE 커뮤니티 내에서 관심과 참여가 증가하고 있음을 의미합니다. 이 외에도 기술적 지표는 강세 경향을 시사합니다.

Notably, the MACD histogram demonstrates increasingly positive trends, indicating an imminent bullish crossover in the MACD lines. Over the past 30 days, Dogecoin has shown a solid performance, marking 63% green days with a modest 5.96% price volatility. The Dogecoin price has increased from $0.069 on October 29 to $0.077 on November 28.

With such momentum, experts anticipate it to surge to $0.0880 by December 2023 in their Dogecoin price predictions. This shows a bullish trajectory for the meme-inspired cryptocurrency. However, this growth may not be appealing to some traders looking for projects with a lot more upside potential. 

Pepe (PEPE): Strategic Binance Move

페페(PEPE): 전략적 바이낸스 움직임

The Pepe (PEPE) community was recently stirred by a significant development initiated by its core team, unveiling a staggering 418B PEPE tokens on Binance. This bold maneuver, strategically aimed at enriching Binance’s-earn program, triggered a surge in bullish sentiments among investors. 

This move initially propelled the Pepe price from $0.0000011 to $0.0000012. However, subsequent market shifts have seen the price recede slightly to $0.000001084 by November 28. Despite this temporary dip, Pepe remains above its 21-day EMA, suggesting a positive market positioning. 

이 움직임으로 인해 Pepe 가격은 처음에 $0.0000011에서 $0.0000012로 상승했습니다. 그러나 후속 시장 변화로 인해 가격은 11월 28일까지 $0.000001084로 약간 하락했습니다. 이러한 일시적인 하락에도 불구하고 Pepe는 21일 EMA 위에 머물고 있어 긍정적인 시장 포지셔닝을 시사합니다.

When looking at some Pepe price predictions, it is clear that experts in the field foresee potential growth. They predict Pepe will surge to $0.000001 before the year ends. 

일부 Pepe 가격 예측을 살펴보면 해당 분야 전문가들이 잠재적인 성장을 예측하고 있는 것이 분명합니다. 그들은 Pepe가 올해가 끝나기 전에 $0.000001까지 급등할 것이라고 예측합니다.

Meme Moguls (MGLS): The Crypto MVP 

While Dogecoin and Pepe are showing some positive signs, they may not be able to compete with the long-term growth potential of Meme Moguls (MGLS). This project will introduce the very first meme-driven stock market operating on the blockchain.

It has sparked tremendous enthusiasm within the crypto sphere. Currently, Meme Moguls is in stage one of its presale, with MGLS tokens being offered for just $0.0021. This value has triggered a demand among traders eager to secure their slice of MGLS before its meteoric rise.

이는 암호화폐 분야에서 엄청난 열정을 불러일으켰습니다. 현재 Meme Moguls는 사전 판매 1단계에 있으며 MGLS 토큰은 단 $0.0021에 제공됩니다. 이 가치는 MGLS가 급등하기 전에 자신의 MGLS 조각을 확보하려는 거래자들 사이에서 수요를 촉발시켰습니다.

Beyond merely serving as a trading platform, Meme Moguls will allow you to connect with like-minded individuals to share new trading strategies or compete. The primary objective is to reach the top of the Meme Moguls Wealth Leaderboard.

While the trading exchange takes center stage, the team’s roadmap reveals plans for three additional components:

거래소가 중심이 되는 동안 팀의 로드맵에는 세 가지 추가 구성 요소에 대한 계획이 나와 있습니다.

  • Moguls Casino: A gaming platform using meme-based assets for many activities.
  • Meme Moguls Fantasy Trader: Empower traders to refine their strategies by challenging or collaborating with peers.
  • Meme Moguls Fantasy Trader: 트레이더가 동료에게 도전하거나 협력하여 전략을 개선할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

  • Mogul Land: A metaverse experience where you can perform actions like mine tokens or join liquidity pools. 

According to Statista, the meme market will soar to $6.1B by 2025. Meme Moguls could become a dominant force in this domain with these innovative components. 

Compared to Dogecoin and Pepe, MGLS has a competitive edge – its low market cap. In other words, the MGLS price will rise way more quickly than its rivals as fewer new funds are needed. Because of this, experts are predicting a 1,000% growth for MGLS before its presale finishes. 

Dogecoin 및 Pepe에 비해 MGLS는 시가총액이 낮다는 경쟁 우위를 가지고 있습니다. 즉, MGLS 가격은 새로운 자금이 덜 필요하므로 경쟁사보다 훨씬 더 빠르게 상승할 것입니다. 이 때문에 전문가들은 MGLS의 사전판매가 끝나기 전 1,000%의 성장을 예상하고 있다.

Those who purchase it now may capitalize on this growth. Not only that, but they will also participate in a $10,000 giveaway, which will occur at the end of each presale stage. 

지금 그것을 구입하는 사람들은 이러한 성장을 활용할 수 있습니다. 뿐만 아니라 각 사전 판매 단계가 끝날 때 발생하는 $10,000 경품 행사에도 참여할 예정입니다.

주요 주제

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  • 스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
    스페이스엑스 우주선 발사
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  • 밈의 왕: Dogecoin
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