첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Memeinator 사전 판매는 $590,000를 기록했으며 투자자들은 Meme의 부활을 주목하고 있습니다.

Memeinator presale hits $590k as investors eye meme resurgence

Memeinator 사전 판매는 $590,000를 기록했으며 투자자들은 Meme의 부활을 주목하고 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/10/05 22:16 읽다: 337


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/651eb477a15b5f6d81eaf8a6

  • The Memeinator (MMTR) presale has hit $590k just days after its launch. 
  • Memeinator(MMTR) 사전 판매는 출시 며칠 만에 $590,000를 달성했습니다.

  • As a new AI-powered project, Memeinator aims at providing genuine utility and value to crypto meme users.
  • 새로운 AI 기반 프로젝트인 Memeinator는 암호화폐 밈 사용자에게 진정한 유용성과 가치를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

  • It’s a new era that will see Memeinator hunt down and destroy weak meme coins on its way to a $1 billion market cap.
  • Memeinator가 시가총액 10억 달러에 도달하는 과정에서 약한 밈 코인을 찾아 파괴하는 것을 보게 될 새로운 시대입니다.

Traction for the global meme cryptocurrency space over the past two years has been spectacular. What with the rise of meme altcoins like Dogecoin and the impressive Shiba Inu, Pepe and FLOKI driving a practically non-existent market to a $20 billion ecosystem. At its peak, memes accounted for over $36 billion of total crypto market cap.

But while the trajectory for meme coins is expected to be on the upside as quality comes to the sector, one project – Memeinator (MMTR) – wants to see the market rid of weak memes. An annihilation of these poorly designed and often scam projects is what will restore the ecosystem’s belief in such tokens.

That era is here with the launch of the Memeinator presale.

Memeinator 사전 판매가 시작되면서 그 시대가 도래했습니다.

What is Memeinator?

The Memeinator (MMTR) presale launched on September 27, marking the crypto project’s first encounter with the crypto community. It was also the beginning of the end for puny tokens masquerading as dog, frog or other such meme-inspired projects.

Memeinator(MMTR) 사전 판매는 9월 27일에 시작되어 암호화폐 프로젝트와 암호화폐 커뮤니티의 첫 만남을 의미합니다. 이는 또한 개, 개구리 또는 기타 밈에서 영감을 받은 프로젝트로 가장하는 보잘것없는 토큰의 종말의 시작이기도 했습니다.

Within days, Memeinator has attracted over $590k from investors – a debut that suggests this AI-powered project offers value that the community has failed to garner from many of the OG meme replicas.

Terminator 2: Judgement Day”- inspired Memeinator has served notice to all memes – it has a $1 billion market cap in the short term and achieving it means hunting down all weak memes. Leveraging an AI-powered Memescanner system to dominate the space is not all though.

"터미네이터 2: 심판의 날"에서 영감을 받은 Memeinator는 모든 밈에 대한 공지를 제공했습니다. 단기적으로 시가총액이 10억 달러에 달하며 이를 달성한다는 것은 모든 약한 밈을 사냥하는 것을 의미합니다. AI 기반 Memescanner 시스템을 활용하여 공간을 지배하는 것이 전부는 아닙니다.

The project seeks to give its community access to real value via the Memeinator Game and will incorporate NFTs, staking rewards, token burns to unlock further gains for MMTR holders. With such utility prospects built into the roadmap, it’s likely the presale could be just the beginning of an astounding community initiative.

Among would-be competing altcoins, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Floki and Pepe stand out. According to data from CoinGecko, only DOGE and SHIB have a current market cap of over $1 billion – $8.6 billion and $4.2 billion. The Memeinator’s $1 billion market cap target means FLOKI and PEPE are currently among those marked for early judgement.

경쟁할 알트코인 중에서는 Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Floki 및 Pepe가 눈에 띕니다. CoinGecko의 데이터에 따르면 DOGE와 SHIB만이 현재 시가총액이 10억 달러(86억 달러, 42억 달러)가 넘습니다. Memeinator의 10억 달러 시가총액 목표는 FLOKI와 PEPE가 현재 조기 판단 대상에 속한다는 것을 의미합니다.

What’s the price of Memeinator (MMTR)?

Memeinator(MMTR)의 가격은 얼마입니까?

Crypto and AI enthusiasts can scoop up MMTR at $0.0112 in stage three of the presale before price jumps to $0.0118. Notably, the token was priced at $0.01, a likely bargain given the final presale price is locked in at $0.0485.

Although market uncertainty and other headwinds could dictate trading performance when coins list on major exchanges, the explosive returns by major projects within the ecosystem suggest MMTR is trending towards a solid debut.

코인이 주요 거래소에 상장될 때 시장 불확실성과 기타 역풍이 거래 성과를 좌우할 수 있지만, 생태계 내 주요 프로젝트의 폭발적인 수익은 MMTR이 탄탄한 데뷔 추세를 보이고 있음을 시사합니다.

When will Memeinator hit the trading market?

The Memeinator presale has been split into 29 stages, with the project’s whitepaper outlining a total MMTR supply of 1 billion tokens. According to its stated tokenomics, 62.5% of MMTR will be available to early birds via the presale, while the rest is split between exchange listings and marketing, development, liquidity provision and competition pool.

Memeinator 사전 판매는 29단계로 나누어졌으며, 프로젝트 백서는 총 10억 개의 토큰의 MMTR 공급을 설명합니다. 명시된 토큰경제학에 따르면 MMTR의 62.5%는 사전 판매를 통해 얼리 버드에게 제공되며 나머지는 거래소 상장과 마케팅, 개발, 유동성 공급 및 경쟁 풀로 나뉩니다.

You can buy MMTR today ETH, BNB, USDT and USDC, with the tokens purchased claimable when distribution takes place at the end of the presale. Users have to note that MMTR can only be purchased via the official presale page (accessible here) at this stage. 

The tokens will later be available on leading cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms after the presale, expected to be in Q4 2023.

Find out more about Memeinator (MMTR), including how to buy, here.

구매 방법을 포함하여 Memeinator(MMTR)에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/memeinator-presale-hits-590k-as-investors-eye-meme-resurgence-tbt65236.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/memeinator-presale-hits-590k-as-investors-eye-meme-resurgence-tbt65236.html

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