첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > $PEPE는 이번 주에 20% 하락하고 $GOLDEN [BEP-20] 토큰은 여전히 ​​높습니다.

$PEPE Down 20% Over The Week, $GOLDEN [BEP-20] Token Holds High

$PEPE는 이번 주에 20% 하락하고 $GOLDEN [BEP-20] 토큰은 여전히 ​​높습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/08/24 20:00 읽다: 328


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64e7405edf525d1f27513033

The memecoin market is currently going through a retraction period, mostly due to the effects that the entire cryptocurrency market is suffering due to economic uncertainties in the Western economy.

Despite being a market that usually trades without as much pressure as assets like Ethereum and Bitcoin, memecoins are also seeing a growth in depreciation over the past weeks.

일반적으로 Ethereum 및 Bitcoin과 같은 자산만큼 큰 압력 없이 거래되는 시장임에도 불구하고 Memecoin은 지난 몇 주 동안 가치 하락이 증가하는 것을 목격하고 있습니다.

One of the most talked about tokens of the year, $PEPE is down by about 18% over the past seven days, accumulating losses of over 30% over the past month.

Throughout 2023, the token inspired by the iconic “Pepe The Frog” character captivated a massive following, gathering a lot of investors and multiplying its market cap tenfold.

2023년 내내 상징적인 “개구리 페페(Pepe The Frog)” 캐릭터에서 영감을 받은 토큰은 엄청난 추종자를 끌어모았고, 많은 투자자를 모으고 시가총액을 10배로 늘렸습니다.

However, over the past two months, the currency appears to not only have stagnated around the $0.0000010 margin but also to be decreasing over time. Many in the market attribute this to the lack of utility-focused incentives in order to turn the currency from just an internet meme into an actually valuable asset.

Furthermore, many of the market-leading memecoins are also seeing an unusual depreciation. Dogecoin is down by 13% over the week, while Shiba Inu is dealing with yet another Shibarium mishandling, and is currently down by 20.9% over the same timestamp.

Golden Inu Holding On

One of the few memecoins to actually showcase resilience throughout the turbulent month of August is Golden Inu ($GOLDEN) token, based on the Binance Chain. 

격동의 8월 내내 탄력성을 실제로 보여주는 몇 안 되는 밈코인 중 하나는 바이낸스 체인을 기반으로 하는 Golden Inu($GOLDEN) 토큰입니다.

While assets like $DOGE and $SHIB are stacking up losses in the two digits — $GOLDEN is only seeing a small depreciation of less than 3%.   

In addition, the currency is technically still trading on an upwards momentum, trading at just below its recent all-time high record. 

The Golden Inu project is currently going through a lot of updates and new developments that could further enhance the value of $GOLDEN, both the BEP-20 and ERC-20 versions. 

Golden Inu 프로젝트는 현재 BEP-20 및 ERC-20 버전 모두에서 $GOLDEN의 가치를 더욱 향상시킬 수 있는 많은 업데이트와 새로운 개발을 진행하고 있습니다.

Expected to launch around the end of August, the project’s new play-to-earn RPG is poised to debut its beta version to the public anytime soon.

In addition, the recent launch of a new token-burning mechanism called “Golden Treasury” promises to become one of the most active burning rates in all of the memecoin market. 

또한, 최근 "Golden Treasury"라고 불리는 새로운 토큰 소각 메커니즘의 출시는 모든 밈코인 시장에서 가장 활발한 소각 속도 중 하나가 될 것을 약속합니다.

By allocating half of the total revenue generated from the project’s dApps to buy-back $GOLDEN tokens and automatically burning them, the Golden Treasury is shaping up not only to create a deflationary level ground for the crypto to grow but also to become a huge incentive for traders to try out and support Golden Inu’s applications.

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$PEPE가 일주일 동안 20% 하락한 $GOLDEN [BEP-20] Token Holds High 게시물이 CaptainAltcoin에 처음으로 나타났습니다.

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