첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 이 가격 조치는 XRP의 경우 1달러 이상의 대규모 이동을 유발할 수 있습니다.

This price movement could trigger XRP’s aggressive move past $1

이 가격 조치는 XRP의 경우 1달러 이상의 대규모 이동을 유발할 수 있습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/18 20:28 읽다: 269


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6558abed0c273e6d6c640023

XRP is grappling with bearish sentiments as the cryptocurrency struggles to sustain a potential upswing towards the $1 mark. This correction has occurred even as Ripple secured multiple victories in its legal battles with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Despite prevailing market conditions, some analysts assert that XRP is poised for a rebound, aiming to reach the $1 mark. Notably, in a post dated November 17 on X (formerly Twitter), crypto analyst Cryptoinsightuk highlighted XRP’s potential for an aggressive price trajectory, citing chart movements and setting the next target between $0.89 and $1.35.

일반적인 시장 상황에도 불구하고 일부 분석가들은 XRP가 1달러 선 도달을 목표로 반등할 준비가 되어 있다고 주장합니다. 특히 암호화폐 분석가인 Cryptoinsightuk은 X(이전 Twitter)의 11월 17일자 게시물에서 차트 움직임을 언급하고 다음 목표를 $0.89에서 $1.35 사이로 설정하면서 공격적인 가격 궤도에 대한 XRP의 잠재력을 강조했습니다.

The analysis highlighted a noteworthy development in the XRP market, with more than $100 million in open interest (OI) added during a marked spike. Notably, the surge in open interest coincided with reports surrounding a fake BlackRock (NYSE: BLK) XRP Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) filing, sparking a swift price spike that corrected later. 

분석에서는 XRP 시장의 주목할만한 발전이 강조되었으며, 급격한 상승 기간 동안 미결제약정(OI)이 1억 달러 이상 추가되었습니다. 특히, 미결제약정의 급증은 가짜 BlackRock(NYSE: BLK) XRP ETF(상장지수펀드) 제출을 둘러싼 보도와 동시에 발생하여 급격한 가격 급등을 촉발했으나 나중에 수정되었습니다.

Cryptoinsightuk emphasized the importance of breaking above the descending trendline, indicating that such a move could trigger an aggressive upward momentum for XRP. According to the analyst, this would prompt those with short positions to cover or close them, forcing them to buy XRP and potentially triggering a cascade of stop-loss orders, further propelling the digital asset’s value.



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“A break above the descending trendline could be the start of an aggressive move for $XRP as people try to cover or close shorts (basically meaning they have to buy). This could cascade stop losses to the upside and push $XRP on a fast move,” he said. 

“하강 추세선을 돌파하는 것은 사람들이 공매도를 커버하거나 청산하려고 할 때(기본적으로 매수해야 한다는 의미) $XRP의 공격적인 움직임의 시작일 수 있습니다. 이는 정지 손실을 상향 조정하고 XRP 가격을 빠르게 상승시킬 수 있습니다.”라고 그는 말했습니다.

Increasing XRP whale activity

As reported by Finbold, despite the drop in XRP valuation, the token has recorded a surge in whale transactions. This movement is viewed as a catalyst for a potential price rebound. Indeed, XRP slightly surged following fake news around BlackRock filing for an XRP ETF.

The current XRP price movement comes when Ripple has also strayed from the routine of selling unlocked XRPs in weekly installments, a pattern that had been consistently observed since August. This deviation marks the first instance of such a change in approach.

현재 XRP 가격 변동은 Ripple이 잠금 해제된 XRP를 매주 분할 판매하는 루틴에서 벗어났을 때 발생하며, 이는 8월부터 지속적으로 관찰된 패턴입니다. 이러한 편차는 접근 방식이 변경된 첫 번째 사례입니다.

XRP price analysis

By press time, XRP was trading at $0.61, representing daily losses of about 1%. On the weekly chart, XRP is down almost 10%. 

A review of XRP technical analysis shows the token is dominated by neutrality. A summary of the gauges, moving averages, and oscillators are all ‘neutral’ at 9,1 and 8, respectively. 

It is worth noting that the general crypto market has been in a frenzy regarding the possible approval of spot Bitcoin ETF. Indeed, if the approval occurs, it will likely positively impact assets such as XRP. However, the approval does not guarantee a bull run for the crypto market. 

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

면책 조항: 이 사이트의 콘텐츠는 투자 조언으로 간주되어서는 안 됩니다. 투자는 투기적이다. 투자할 때 귀하의 자본이 위험에 처해 있습니다.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/this-price-movement-could-trigger-xrp-s-aggressive-move-past-1-tbt70783.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/this-price-movement-could-trigger-xrp-s-aggressive-move-past-1-tbt70783.html

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