첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 시바 가격 급락으로 SHIB 연소율 1,300% 급등

SHIB Burn Rate Rockets 1300% As Shiba Inu Price Plunges

시바 가격 급락으로 SHIB 연소율 1,300% 급등

풀어 주다: 2023/11/17 18:26 읽다: 278


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/shib-burn-rate-rockets-1300-as-shiba-inu-price-plunges/

시바 가격 급락으로 SHIB 연소율 1,300% 급등

Shiba Inu (SHIB), the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, is once again amassing significant attention in the cryptocurrency universe as the SHIB community is continuously burning colossal amounts of tokens, with a significant surge in the last 24 hours on November 17.

자칭 Dogecoin 킬러인 Shiba Inu(SHIB)는 SHIB 커뮤니티가 11월 17일 지난 24시간 동안 상당한 양의 토큰을 지속적으로 소각하면서 암호화폐 세계에서 다시 한 번 큰 주목을 받고 있습니다.

Subsequently, the Shiba Inu price witnessed an extremely marginal downfall as of writing. Today’s price slump comes despite the SHIB community’s efforts to build up support for their cryptocurrency.

However, over the past seven days, the SHIB price portrayed a bullish sentiment in the broader markets as the token witnessed a minimal price surge.

SHIB Community Burning Tokens

SHIB 커뮤니티 소각 토큰

According to recent data unveiled by Shibburn, a platform offering SHIB burning insights, a whopping 105.20 million SHIB tokens were burnt as of today. The aforestated burning of tokens represents a 1327% upswing, gaining significant traction throughout crypto markets. Furthermore, as of writing, the total number of tokens burnt amounted to 410.66 trillion.

As per the data offered by Shibburn, two colossal transactions burning significant amounts of SHIB, among many others, caught the eyes of crypto market enthusiasts. An unknown address, 0x75d9df1efe6d860218…, burnt 100 million SHIB approximately 9 hours ago, along with another unknown address, 0x46340b20830761efd3…, burning 1.5 million SHIB approximately 12 hours ago.

The massive burning of SHIB tokens comes as a result of the Shiba Inu crypto community putting in efforts to jack up the SHIB tokenomics, inducing scarcity while also uplifting the value of the remaining tokens.

SHIB 토큰의 대규모 소각은 Shiba Inu 암호화폐 커뮤니티가 SHIB 토큰경제학을 향상하여 희소성을 유발하는 동시에 나머지 토큰의 가치를 높이려는 노력의 결과로 발생합니다.

Meanwhile, according to ShibariumScan data, the total transactions on the platform are nearing the 4 million mark and stood at 3.95 million.

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또한 읽어보세요: WisdomTree가 현물 비트코인 ​​ETF를 개정합니다; SEC는 논평을 연기할 수 있습니다: Bloomberg 분석가

Shiba Inu Price & Performance

The Shiba Inu price experienced a marginal downfall of 0.81% today, as of writing. The current SHIB price is valued at $0.000008793, undermining yesterday’s price in the green.

However, contrary to today’s price, the SHIB price witnessed a weekly upswing of 6.52%, along with a monthly surge of 24.41% while writing. The aforestated price surge over the past week and month seems to come in alignment with the recent burning of enormous amounts of SHIB tokens. This might indicate a positive outlook for the cryptocurrency’s future.

그러나 오늘의 가격과 달리 SHIB 가격은 주간 6.52% 상승, 월간 24.41% 급등을 기록했습니다. 지난 주와 달에 걸쳐 예측된 가격 급등은 최근 엄청난 양의 SHIB 토큰 소각과 일치하는 것으로 보입니다. 이는 암호화폐의 미래에 대한 긍정적인 전망을 나타낼 수 있습니다.

Also read: Ripple CLO Slams SEC Chair Gensler’s Remarks On Prejudgment

또한 읽으십시오: Ripple CLO가 SEC 의장 Gensler의 편견에 대한 발언을 비난합니다.

The post SHIB Burn Rate Rockets 1300% As Shiba Inu Price Plunges appeared first on CoinGape.

시바견 가격 폭락으로 SHIB 소각율 1300% 상승 게시물이 CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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