첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 시바 연소율 11,000% 급등, SHIB 가격 오른다?

Shiba Inu Burn Rate Surges 11000%, SHIB Price To Rally?

시바 연소율 11,000% 급등, SHIB 가격 오른다?

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 18:13 읽다: 416


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/shiba-inu-burn-rate-surges-11000-shib-price-to-rally/

시바 연소율 11,000% 급등, SHIB 가격 오른다?

The Shiba Inu cryptocurrency, positioned as the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, recently caught the eyes of crypto market traders and investors homogenously as the token experienced a massive surge in burning activity.

자칭 Dogecoin 킬러로 자리잡은 Shiba Inu 암호화폐는 최근 토큰 소각 활동이 크게 급증하면서 암호화폐 시장 거래자와 투자자의 시선을 동일하게 사로잡았습니다.

However, amid the ongoing SHIB burning chronicle, the token’s price also noted marginal falls over the past twenty-four hours.

그러나 SHIB 소각이 진행되는 가운데 지난 24시간 동안 토큰 가격도 소폭 하락했습니다.

The recent advancements made by the Shiba Inu crypto community seem to come contrary to the price fall witnessed by the token.

SHIB Community Burning Tokens

SHIB 커뮤니티 소각 토큰

According to the data offered by Shibburn, a platform facilitating SHIB burn insights, the platform recently disclosed data showcasing a colossal 10653.65% surge in the burn rate over the past twenty-four hours.

As of writing, a whopping 297.57 million SHIB were burnt over the past day. Furthermore, the total number of tokens burnt from the initial supply now amounts to 410.663 trillion as of today.

이 글을 쓰는 시점에서 지난 하루 동안 무려 2억 9,757만 개의 SHIB가 소각되었습니다. 또한 초기 공급량에서 소각된 총 토큰 수는 현재 현재 410조 6630억 개에 이릅니다.

Interestingly, a transaction that amassed significant attention within the broader crypto markets burnt 261.40 million SHIB approximately twenty-four hours ago. As per the data, the unknown wallet address, 0xa9d1e…, was noted, transferring the abovementioned amount to a dead wallet.

However, another transaction gained significant traction, transferring 21.52 million SHIB to a dead wallet. Reportedly, the wallet address, 0x811beed…., was observed burning the prior stated amount.

Contrary to the common belief that a surge in the burning of tokens would ultimately result in inducing scarcity for it, thereby upswinging the token’s price, seems otherwise in Shiba Inu’s case as the token witnessed price falls subsequent to the burning of tokens over the past few days.

토큰 소각이 급증하면 궁극적으로 토큰의 부족이 발생하여 토큰 가격이 상승할 것이라는 일반적인 믿음과는 달리 Shiba Inu의 경우 지난 몇 년 동안 토큰 소각 이후 토큰 가격이 하락하는 것을 목격했기 때문에 다르게 보입니다. 날.

Also read: Crypto Prices Today: Bitcoin, Pepe Coin Slip As Celestia Advances

또한 읽어 보세요: 오늘의 암호화폐 가격: Celestia가 발전함에 따라 비트코인, Pepe 코인 하락

What’s Next For Shiba Inu Price?

As of writing, the Shiba Inu price witnessed a slight downfall of 2.76% over the past twenty-four hours, reaching $0.00000808 today, November 27. Moreover, the token also noted a 3.65% decrease over the past seven days, as portrayed by market charts.

글을 쓰는 시점에서 Shiba Inu 가격은 지난 24시간 동안 2.76%의 소폭 하락을 보였으며 11월 27일 오늘 $0.00000808에 도달했습니다. 더욱이 토큰은 시장에서 나타난 바와 같이 지난 7일 동안 3.65% 하락을 기록했습니다. 차트.

However, the twenty-four-hour trading volume showcased a substantial surge of 63.24%, evaluating $208.27M.

The stated fall in the token’s price also seems to come contrary to the recent announcement by the community orbiting around an upcoming project collaboration with a football team. As per the community’s announcement, the upcoming project is affiliated with Napoli, an Italian football club.

Meanwhile, given the soaring burning rate witnessed recently, the market watchers anticipate a potential rally for the SHIB price in the near future.

한편, 최근 소각률이 급등하고 있는 점을 감안할 때, 시장에서는 가까운 시일 내에 SHIB 가격이 반등할 가능성이 있다고 예상하고 있습니다.

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The post Shiba Inu Burn Rate Surges 11000%, SHIB Price To Rally? appeared first on CoinGape.

포스트 시바 연소율 11000% 급등, SHIB 가격 반등? CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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