첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Shiba Inu 마케팅 책임자는 Shibarium 생태계에서 SHIB의 중요한 역할을 밝힙니다.

Shiba Inu Marketing Lead Reveals The Important Role Of SHIB In The Shibarium Ecosystem

Shiba Inu 마케팅 책임자는 Shibarium 생태계에서 SHIB의 중요한 역할을 밝힙니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 22:22 읽다: 870


원본 소스:https://bitcoinist.com/shiba-inu-its-important-role-in-shibarium/

The Shiba Inu ecosystem has grown exponentially from its early days as a meme crypto inspired by a doge meme and created as the Dogecoin killer. Shiba Inu has now evolved to have its own layer-2 blockchain designed to process SHIB transactions quickly and smart contracts off-chain the Ethereum network.

The ecosystem is home to three tokens, SHIB, BONE, and LEASH, and a decentralized trading platform called ShibaSwap. Behind this growth is SHIB’s popularity, as the token is the foundation of the ecosystem. 

생태계에는 SHIB, BONE, LEASH라는 세 가지 토큰과 ShibaSwap이라는 분산형 거래 플랫폼이 있습니다. 이러한 성장의 이면에는 토큰이 생태계의 기반이 되는 SHIB의 인기가 있습니다.

Lucie, Shiba Inu’s marketing lead, recently took to social media platform X, to reiterate SHIB’s position as Shibarium’s governance token while also highlighting some of its utilities.

Shiba Inu Marketing Lead Reveals SHIB’s Roles

Shiba Inu 마케팅 책임자가 SHIB의 역할을 밝힙니다.

At the time of writing, SHIB is the second biggest meme crypto behind Dogecoin, with a market cap of $5.31 billion. As the first token released, SHIB paved the way for future projects like ShibaSwap, Shibarium, and Shi. Without SHIB, none of these innovative platforms and cryptocurrencies would exist. Lucie shared a picture in her tweet detailing some of the key features of SHIB inside and outside of the Shibarium ecosystem. 

The first point noted was SHIB’s feature as a cornerstone, which enables every holder to express their opinions on decision makings, community proposals, and council elections. Participating in governance is a key way for investors to guide the direction of a project and ensure it aligns with community values.

SHIB has also found utility outside the Shiba Inu ecosystem, as it has shed off most of its reputation as a meme token only. Another use case the marketing lead noted is SHIB’s acceptance as a payment method by many vendors and companies, some of which include AMC, Gucci, GameStop, and Twitch.

SHIB는 또한 밈 토큰으로서의 명성을 대부분 벗어났기 때문에 Shiba Inu 생태계 외부에서도 유용성을 찾았습니다. 마케팅 책임자가 언급한 또 다른 사용 사례는 AMC, Gucci, GameStop 및 Twitch를 포함하여 많은 공급업체 및 회사에서 SHIB를 결제 방법으로 수용한 것입니다.

This mainstream adoption of SHIB in the real world is an important step in establishing its value and utility. Other SHIB roles noted were in the “Charity Council” and the “Culture and Heritage Council.”

Current State Of The Shiba Inu Ecosystem

The wider Shiba Inu ecosystem is still going through active developments, with sporadic announcements of new projects and innovations. SHIB has registered a 30-day gain of 33% in retrospect to the inflow into the larger crypto market. LEASH is also up by 23% in the same time period. 

BONE, on the other hand, which is used as gas fees on Shibarium, is down by 4% due to declining activity on the layer-2 network. Data from Shibariumscan shows the number of transactions in the past 24 hours was just 9,230.

반면, Shibarium에서 가스비로 사용되는 BONE은 레이어 2 네트워크의 활동 감소로 인해 4% 감소했습니다. Shibariumscan의 데이터에 따르면 지난 24시간 동안의 거래 건수는 9,230건에 불과했습니다.

Lucie recently suggested on X that Robinhood list the BONE token. SHIB is trading at $0.000009049 at the time of writing. CoinCodex’s price prediction algorithm predicts the token will hit $0.000009534 by December 11.

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