첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 시바견 유출 최고조: 7월에 수조 마리의 시바견이 냉장 보관소로 옮겨졌습니다.

Shiba Inu Outflow Peaks: Trillions Moved to Cold Storage In July

시바견 유출 최고조: 7월에 수조 마리의 시바견이 냉장 보관소로 옮겨졌습니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/08/02 02:30 읽다: 795


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64c94cc98ffc0635d4d779df

Shiba Inu has gained significant traction as a successful meme coin. Competing closely with Dogecoin, the SHIB team has been actively involved in various community projects, leading to an increase in Shiba Inu market cap and price predictions.

Shiba Inu는 성공적인 밈 코인으로 상당한 관심을 얻었습니다. SHIB 팀은 Dogecoin과 긴밀하게 경쟁하면서 다양한 커뮤니티 프로젝트에 적극적으로 참여해 왔으며, 이로 인해 Shiba Inu 시가총액 및 가격 예측이 증가했습니다.

In a striking revelation, crypto trader Ali has shared data indicating a substantial outflow of Shiba Inu from known cryptocurrency exchanges during the month of July. The data shows an astounding 3.30 trillion SHIB being transferred out of exchanges, with an estimated value of approximately $28 million.

놀랍게도 암호화폐 거래자 알리(Ali)는 7월 한 달 동안 알려진 암호화폐 거래소에서 시바 이누(Shiba Inu)가 상당량 유출되었음을 나타내는 데이터를 공유했습니다. 데이터에 따르면 약 3조 3000억 개의 SHIB가 거래소에서 이체되고 있으며 추정 가치는 약 2,800만 달러입니다.

Also read: Dogecoin Army Buzzing with Anticipation After Elon Musk’s Tweet

The spike in cold wallet withdrawals is happening at a time when the SHIB community is anticipating the launch of Shibarium.

Shiba Inu’s burn rate plummets

시바견의 화상률이 급락합니다

The Shiba Inu burn rate has been the subject of interest. It shows varying patterns with occasional significant increases and declines. However, in recent times, the burn rate has become more stable, consistently witnessing millions of SHIB burning daily. Nevertheless, the latest data shows otherwise.

Also read: Dogecoin Eyes $0.1 Milestone, What’s Hindering the Surge?

또한 읽어 보세요: Dogecoin Eyes $0.1 마일스톤, 급증을 방해하는 것은 무엇입니까?

According to Shibburn, the SHIB burn rate experienced a notable decline of 36.5% in the past 24 hours. During this period, only 50 million SHIB went to dead wallets.

  • shib
  • shiba inu
  • shiba inu

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