첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > SHIB, LTC·DAI 추월, 시바견 가격 급등

Shiba Inu Price Soars As SHIB Surpasses LTC and DAI

SHIB, LTC·DAI 추월, 시바견 가격 급등

풀어 주다: 2023/12/06 20:04 읽다: 675


원본 소스:https://coingape.com/shiba-inu-price-soars-as-shib-surpasses-ltc-and-dai/

SHIB, LTC·DAI 추월, 시바견 가격 급등

Shiba Inu, the self-proclaimed Dogecoin killer, has curated an enormous wave of frenzy within the broader crypto market as it recently experienced a substantial surge in price.

자칭 도지코인 킬러인 시바 이누(Shiba Inu)는 최근 상당한 가격 급등을 경험하면서 광범위한 암호화폐 시장 내에서 엄청난 열광의 물결을 일으켰습니다.

Furthermore, the token noted a fall in the burning of tokens over the past twenty-four hours, sparking curiosity among crypto market fanatics.

게다가 이 토큰은 지난 24시간 동안 토큰 소각이 감소했다는 사실을 지적해 암호화폐 시장 매니아들 사이에서 호기심을 불러일으켰습니다.

Conversely, the token also caught the eyes of crypto traders and investors alike as it recently overtook Litecoin (LTC) and Dai (DAI) cryptocurrencies in global crypto rankings by market cap.

SHIB Burn Plunges As Shiba Inu Catapults It’s Ranking

시바견이 순위를 높이면서 SHIB 화상 급락

According to the data unveiled by Shibburn, a platform offering SHIB burning insights, the Shiba Inu crypto community recorded a substantial plunge of 100% in the burning of tokens in the past 24 hours.

SHIB 소각 통찰력을 제공하는 플랫폼인 Shibburn이 공개한 데이터에 따르면 Shiba Inu 암호화폐 커뮤니티는 지난 24시간 동안 토큰 소각이 100%라는 상당한 급락을 기록했습니다.

Furthermore, as per the data, 1.14 million SHIB was burnt over the past day.

The recent fall in the burn rate appears to come concurrent to the recent advancement made by the SHIB token, where-in it overtook LTC and DAI to emerge as the 16th largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

Over the past few months, the Shiba crypto community has been constantly burning colossal amounts of tokens to jack up the SHIB tokenomics.

지난 몇 달 동안 Shiba 암호화폐 커뮤니티는 SHIB 토큰경제학을 향상시키기 위해 지속적으로 엄청난 양의 토큰을 소각해 왔습니다.

Besides, the token also noted a significant price surge over the past 24 hours amid the abovementioned saga, stirring up speculation among crypto market traders and investors.

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Shiba Inu Price Soars

시바견 가격 급등

As of writing, the Shiba Inu Price witnessed a substantial upswing of 10.38%, evaluating $0.00000992. Moreover, the token’s price also recorded a weekly surge of 18.76%, accompanied by a monthly thrust of 21.23%.

Meanwhile, as the token overtook LTC and DAI by market capitalization, the SHIB circulating supply observed a 10.17% increase, reaching $5.83 billion while writing.

한편, 토큰이 시가총액 기준으로 LTC와 DAI를 추월하면서 SHIB 유통 공급량은 10.17% 증가해 작성 기간 동안 58억 3천만 달러에 이르렀습니다.

The surge in the Shiba Inu’s price also prompted an increase in several tokens encompassed within the SHIB ecosystem. Interestingly, the LEASH price experienced a concurrent surge to SHIB, rising 1.61% in the past 24 hours, reaching $326.84. Besides, the Bone ShibaSwap (BONE) price also noted a marginal upswing of 4.25%, reaching $0.7576 while writing.

Additionally, one of the leading crypto investors, SHIB KNIGHT, recently issued a statement proclaiming that December appears to be a month for dog coins. The statement comes forth as a result of cryptocurrencies like DOGE and SHIB witnessing a rally within the broader crypto market.

Also read: Dogecoin Price Skyrockets Ahead Of DOGE’s 10th Anniversary, What’s Next?

또한 읽어 보세요: DOGE 10주년을 앞두고 Dogecoin 가격이 급등합니다. 다음은 무엇일까요?

The post Shiba Inu Price Soars As SHIB Surpasses LTC and DAI appeared first on CoinGape.

SHIB가 LTC와 DAI를 능가하면서 Shiba Inu 가격이 치솟는 포스트가 CoinGape에 처음 등장했습니다.

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