첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 신규 도착: Shiba Memu, Memeinator 및 500x Project GameStop Memes 상위 Meme 코인 사전 판매 차트

This Just In: Shiba Memu, Memeinator & 500x Project GameStop Memes Tops Meme Coin Presale List

신규 도착: Shiba Memu, Memeinator 및 500x Project GameStop Memes 상위 Meme 코인 사전 판매 차트

풀어 주다: 2023/11/28 20:15 읽다: 625

원저자:Coinpedia Fintech News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/6565beca3c9d5f31f4282ea3

The post This Just In: Shiba Memu, Memeinator & 500x Project GameStop Memes Tops Meme Coin Presale List appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

They told us Dogecoin was a one-hit wonder. Then Shiba Inu wagged its tail, and Floki barked up a storm. “Just passing trends,” the naysayers whispered. But then along comes Wall Street Memes, casually raking in a cool 25 million in its 2023 crypto presale. “Oh, not another one!” they groaned.

그들은 Dogecoin이 원 히트의 경이로움이라고 말했습니다. 그러자 시바견이 꼬리를 흔들었고, 플로키는 폭풍처럼 짖었습니다. 반대론자들은 “트렌드가 지나가는 것뿐이다”라고 속삭였다. 그러나 2023년 암호화폐 사전 판매에서 우연히 2,500만 달러를 벌어들인 Wall Street Memes가 등장했습니다. “아, 또 하나는 안돼!” 그들은 신음했다.

The meme market is like a chaotic dog park, and as an investor, you’re trying to figure out which pup’s going to fetch you the golden bone. So, how do you sift through the barking mass? Here’s the leash you’ve been looking for: our top three meme coin picks! 

밈 시장은 혼란스러운 개 공원과 같습니다. 투자자로서 당신은 어떤 강아지가 당신에게 황금 뼈를 가져다 줄지 알아내려고 노력하고 있습니다. 그렇다면 짖는 덩어리를 어떻게 선별합니까? 당신이 찾고 있던 가죽끈은 다음과 같습니다: 우리가 선정한 상위 3가지 밈 코인입니다!

Dive into Shiba Memu and its futuristic AI-driven self-promotion, embark on an adventure with Memeinator, or ride the nostalgia wave with GameStop Memes (GSM), the OG internet sensation of 2021. Because why not make memes and money at the same time?  

Shiba Memu & Memeinator: A Union of AI and Meme

Shiba Memu, often touted as the up-and-comer, stands out primarily due to its ingenious merger of AI and blockchain technology. This meme coin uses AI to amplify and sustain buzz within online communities, promising a whopping 100x returns for stakeholders.

종종 유망주로 선전되는 Shiba Memu는 주로 AI와 블록체인 기술의 독창적인 합병으로 인해 두각을 나타냅니다. 이 밈 코인은 AI를 사용하여 온라인 커뮤니티 내에서 소문을 증폭시키고 유지하며 이해관계자에게 무려 100배의 수익을 약속합니다.

But it’s not just about technology; the project’s association with the immensely popular Shiba Inu gives it an added aura of legitimacy. This connection has helped Shiba Memu establish itself as a must-watch in the meme coin sphere. 

Beyond speculative value, Shiba Memu’s ‘EmuPaper’ indicates a more profound vision, with plans for an NFT incubator, P2E gaming, and a virtual universe. But what makes it truly mesmerizing is the underlying promise of utility and value beyond mere speculation.

Meanwhile, Memeinator, within a short span, has proven its mettle, crossing $500K in less than 48 hours. Distinct from other meme coins rife with exaggerated claims, Memeinator’s birth came from a desire to restore the original joy and wonder associated with meme coins.

한편, Memeinator는 짧은 기간 내에 48시간 이내에 $500,000를 돌파하며 그 능력을 입증했습니다. 과장된 주장이 난무하는 다른 밈 코인과 달리 Memeinator의 탄생은 밈 코인과 관련된 원래의 기쁨과 경이로움을 복원하려는 열망에서 비롯되었습니다.

Its standout feature? A revolutionary AI-powered game inspired by a classic ’90s action movie. The “Meme Warfare” promises a thrilling integration of battle chaos with meme hilarity. Moreover, the backend “Memescanner” AI provides a unique twist, incorporating real-time market stats and urging players to target the weaker meme coins.

눈에 띄는 특징은 무엇입니까? 90년대 고전 액션 영화에서 영감을 받은 혁신적인 AI 기반 게임입니다. "Meme Warfare"는 전투 혼란과 밈의 유쾌함을 스릴 넘치는 통합으로 약속합니다. 또한 백엔드 “Memescanner” AI는 실시간 시장 통계를 통합하고 플레이어가 약한 밈 코인을 목표로 삼도록 촉구하는 독특한 변형을 제공합니다.

And for those looking beyond the digital realm, Memeinator offers the jaw-dropping prospect of a space journey with Virgin Galactic. Furthermore, the project assures the release of distinctive NFTs, reinforcing Memeinator’s commitment to rejuvenating the meme coin universe with genuine innovation.

GameStop Memes: A David Vs Goliath Tale

GameStop Memes: 다윗 대 골리앗 이야기

GameStop Memes isn’t just another coin; it’s a symbol of a social uprising. Birthed from the r/wallstreetbets saga, it showcases the raw power of a unified community. This meme coin’s history traces back to the day when a Reddit community decided to challenge Wall Street’s might, causing ripples in the financial world.

Its connection to Wall Street Memes, a coin that saw a staggering 25 million in presales, adds to its allure. The virality factor is crucial for meme coins, and GameStop Memes embraces its roots, reminiscent of the initial viral movement that challenged Wall Street’s titans.

2,500만 달러라는 엄청난 사전 판매를 기록한 코인인 Wall Street Memes와의 연결이 매력을 더해줍니다. 바이러스 성 요소는 밈 코인에 매우 중요하며 GameStop Memes는 월스트리트의 거대 기업에 도전했던 초기 바이러스 운동을 연상시키는 그 뿌리를 수용합니다.

In essence, it serves as a testament to the sheer force of community sentiment, where memers and Redditors united to chart their course in the vast financial sea.

The Verdict: Which Meme Coin Reigns Supreme?

평결: 어떤 Meme 동전이 최고를 통치합니까?

When comparing Shiba Memu, Memeinator, and GameStop Memes, it’s evident that each brings its unique flavour to the table.

So, which one should you invest in? The answer isn’t straightforward. If technology and adaptability are what you seek, Shiba Memu appears promising. For those who desire a blend of fun, rewards, and innovation, Memeinator beckons. And for investors who value history, community sentiment, and a powerful origin story, GameStop Memes is a compelling choice.

그렇다면 어느쪽에 투자해야 할까요? 대답은 간단하지 않습니다. 기술과 적응성을 추구한다면 Shiba Memu는 유망해 보입니다. 재미, 보상, 혁신의 조화를 원하는 사람들을 위해 Memeinator가 손짓합니다. 그리고 역사, 커뮤니티 정서, 강력한 기원 이야기를 중시하는 투자자들에게 GameStop Memes는 매력적인 선택입니다.

With meme coins, while trends change and coins rise and fall, Shiba Memu, Memeinator, and GameStop Memes have shown they’re not mere flashes in the pan. They represent the evolving essence of the meme coin world, each in its own unique way. The future is meme-tastic, and these coins are here to shape it!

Join GameStop Memes: 

GameStop 밈에 참여하세요:

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