첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 솔라나(SOL)가 XRP 순위를 충격적으로 위협합니다.

Solana (SOL) Shockingly Threatening XRP in Ranking

솔라나(SOL)가 XRP 순위를 충격적으로 위협합니다.

풀어 주다: 2023/12/13 06:01 읽다: 475


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65787c7595aedd654f31510f

솔라나(SOL)가 XRP 순위를 충격적으로 위협합니다.

After its unstoppable growth milestones, Solana (SOL) is now threatening XRP in the ranking among the most capitalized digital currencies.

Solana (SOL) and XRP growth comparison

솔라나(SOL)와 XRP 성장 비교

At the time of writing, Solana is changing hands for $71.09, up 3.56% in the past 24 hours, while XRP has slipped by 0.16% to $0.6231 within the same time frame. The growth of both assets when compared to the weekly and monthly spans shows that Solana is on a mission not just to dethrone XRP but to rise as high as it could go before the end of the year.

The twist in the outlook of both of the top cryptocurrencies has been shocking from the start of the year with their similarities. While XRP battled its lawsuit for the first half of the year, Solana was also weighed down following the implosion of FTX Derivatives Exchange and the subsequent steady sell-offs that accompanied the bankruptcy proceedings.

두 최고 암호화폐의 전망에 대한 반전은 유사성으로 인해 연초부터 충격적이었습니다. XRP가 올해 상반기 동안 소송을 벌이는 동안 솔라나는 FTX 파생상품거래소의 붕괴와 그에 따른 파산 절차에 따른 꾸준한 매각으로 인해 부담을 느꼈습니다.

However, Solana promptly decoupled from the impacts of the FTX saga, and since the start of the year, it has jumped by 623%. XRP also got its much-deserved clarity, and despite being the only cryptocurrency known as a nonsecurity by law in the United States, investor optimism has only managed to get it up by 82.06% in the year-to-date period.

At the time of writing, Solana trails closely behind XRP as the sixth largest digital currency, with a market cap of $30,528,651,306 against XRP’s $30,528,651,306. While the difference runs in the billions, sustained Solana growth and a sliding XRP price may close the gap in the mid to long term, similar to what Avalanche (AVAX) just did to Dogecoin (DOGE).

이 글을 쓰는 시점에서 Solana는 XRP의 $30,528,651,306에 비해 시가총액이 $30,528,651,306로 XRP의 뒤를 바짝 뒤쫓고 있으며 6번째로 큰 디지털 통화입니다. 그 차이는 수십억 달러에 달하지만, 솔라나의 지속적인 성장과 XRP 가격 하락은 Avalanche(AVAX)가 Dogecoin(DOGE)에 했던 것과 유사하게 중장기적으로 격차를 줄일 수 있습니다.

Solana capable of impossible

Already, Solana is the altcoin in the top 20 with the largest growth rate in the year-to-date period. This was an unpredictable achievement considering that it traded as low as $8.14 when the year started. 

Riding on this and predictions from market experts as to the coin’s future, only time will tell what further surprises Solana has in store.

이 사실과 코인의 미래에 대한 시장 전문가의 예측을 바탕으로 솔라나가 앞으로 어떤 놀라움을 더할지 시간이 지나서야 알 수 있을 것입니다.

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