첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Dogecoin이 가까운 시일 내에 1,097% 급등할 수 있는 이유

Why a 1,097% Surge Could Be in Dogecoin’s Near Future

Dogecoin이 가까운 시일 내에 1,097% 급등할 수 있는 이유

풀어 주다: 2023/10/14 20:16 읽다: 545

원저자:Crypto News Land

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/652a6a1ff8ad6669cd78d120

  • Ali Martinez predicts a potential Dogecoin breakout, indicating a massive 1,097% surge.
  • 알리 마르티네즈(Ali Martinez)는 도지코인이 1,097%나 급등할 가능성이 있다고 예측했습니다.

  • Dogecoin’s performance trapped in a descending triangle, but breakout seems imminent.
  • Dogecoin의 실적은 하강 삼각형에 갇혀 있지만 돌파가 임박한 것으로 보입니다.

  • While bullish sentiment is strong, the $0.0482 support remains crucial for DOGE’s trajectory.
  • 낙관적인 분위기가 강하지만 $0.0482 지원은 DOGE의 궤적에 여전히 중요합니다.

Top analyst Ali Martinez has dropped a tantalizing hint for Dogecoin enthusiasts. According to his insights, the beloved altcoin might soon snap from its extended selloff, ushering in a period of astronomical growth. Since April 2021, the coin has been ensnared in a descending triangle, with its value persistently nudging lower highs and resistance points.

A glance at the analyst’s chart reveals an aggressive ascent for Dogecoin last April, catapulting its price beyond $0.6. However, this exhilarating climb was ephemeral, with DOGE tumbling to a sobering $0.058 by October 2022. But the resilient crypto rallied, touching a lower high of $0.12 in the last quarter of 2022.

분석가의 차트를 살펴보면 지난 4월 Dogecoin의 공격적인 상승이 나타나 가격이 0.6달러 이상으로 치솟았습니다. 그러나 이 짜릿한 상승은 일시적이었고 DOGE는 2022년 10월까지 0.058달러로 급락했습니다. 그러나 탄력적인 암호화폐는 반등하여 2022년 4분기에 0.12달러라는 최저치를 기록했습니다.

Presently, with Dogecoin oscillating at the triangle’s base, Martinez postulates that a weekly close above $0.0835 could herald a breakout. If this prophecy materializes, Dogecoin may set its sights on the tantalizing $1 mark – a staggering leap of 1,097% from its current stance.

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023 up to 2031: Is $0.3 EOY Price Possible?

2023년부터 2031년까지 Dogecoin 가격 예측: $0.3 EOY 가격이 가능합니까?

At present, DOGE is valued at $0.058, witnessing a modest 0.81% uptick, boasting a trading volume of $171.2 million and a market cap of $8.27 billion.

Yet, Martinez also counsels caution, pinpointing the $0.0482 support as a decisive factor. A falter here could precipitate a decline to uncharted lows.

그러나 마르티네즈는 또한 0.0482달러의 지지가 결정적인 요인이라고 지적하면서 주의를 당부했습니다. 여기에서 흔들리면 미지의 저점으로 하락할 수 있습니다.

In the mercurial world of cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has showcased indomitable spirit and adaptability. As the coin gears up for potentially transformative moments, its trajectory in the crypto cosmos looks promising, affirming its position as a force to reckon with.

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Dogecoin의 가까운 미래에 1,097%의 급등이 있을 수 있는 이유라는 게시물이 Crypto News Land에 처음으로 게재되었습니다.

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