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Technical Analysis of Dogecoin in the Cryptocurrency Market

암호화폐 시장 Dogecoin 기술적 분석

풀어 주다: 2023/12/18 06:17 읽다: 910


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/657f2a3a1140997712dc5371

암호화폐 시장 Dogecoin 기술적 분석

In the cryptocurrency market, technical analysis is an indicator that investors, especially those trading in the futures market, must continuously follow. So, what kind of clues does technical analysis provide for Dogecoin, which was trading at a level of 0.09353 dollars at the time of writing this article? We examine it in detail, along with the chart analysis and the important support and resistance levels.

암호화폐 시장에서 기술적 분석은 투자자, 특히 선물시장 거래자들이 지속적으로 따라야 하는 지표입니다. 그렇다면 이 글을 쓰는 시점에 0.09353달러 수준에서 거래되고 있던 도지코인에 대해 기술적 분석은 어떤 단서를 제공하는가? 차트 분석과 중요한 지지 및 저항 수준과 함께 자세히 검토합니다.

In the daily Dogecoin chart, there was a resistance breakout in the contracting wedge formation following the recent increase, and this situation allowed an important barrier to be left behind for DOGE. After touching the support line in October, DOGE has been rising recently, and in the last few days, DOGE has been squeezed into a narrow area, which will determine the direction depending on the breakout of support or resistance for investors.

일일 Dogecoin 차트에서는 최근 상승 이후 수축하는 쐐기 형성에 저항 돌파가 있었고 이러한 상황은 DOGE에 중요한 장벽을 남겨두도록 허용했습니다. 지난 10월 지지선을 터치한 후 DOGE는 최근 상승세를 보이고 있으며, 지난 며칠간 DOGE는 좁은 영역에 눌려 투자자들의 지지 또는 저항 돌파에 따라 방향이 결정될 것입니다.

The most important support levels to follow on the daily DOGE chart are, in order; 0.09202 / 0.08756, and 0.08241 dollars. Particularly, the level of 0.09202 dollars, which has taken on an important role in recent days and intersects with the EMA 7 level (green line), could cause a selling pressure on the DOGE side if there is a daily bar closure below it.

The most important resistance levels to pay attention to on the daily DOGE chart are, in order; 0.09879 / 0.10482, and 0.11212 dollars. A daily bar closure above the 0.10482 dollar level, which appeared as a major obstacle during the recent rise, will provide significant momentum to the DOGE price.

일일 DOGE 차트에서 주목해야 할 가장 중요한 저항 수준은 다음과 같습니다. 0.09879 / 0.10482 및 0.11212 달러. 최근 상승 과정에서 주요 장애물로 등장했던 0.10482달러 수준 이상의 일일 바 폐쇄는 DOGE 가격에 상당한 모멘텀을 제공할 것입니다.

The DOGE/ETH pair, launched on the Ethereum network, holds great significance. In the daily chart, the wedge formation, which has been ongoing since June, continues to give important clues to investors. The failure to break the resistance line in recent days could create selling pressure on the DOGE side.

The most important support levels to watch for the DOGE/ETH pair are, in order; 0.00004143 / 0.00003903, and 0.00003681. Particularly, a daily bar closure below the 0.00004143 level, which has taken on a significant role recently and intersects with the EMA 7 and EMA 21 levels, could lead to a loss of value on the DOGE side.

DOGE/ETH 쌍을 관찰해야 할 가장 중요한 지원 수준은 다음과 같습니다. 0.00004143 / 0.00003903 및 0.00003681. 특히 최근 중요한 역할을 담당하고 EMA 7 및 EMA 21 수준과 교차하는 0.00004143 수준 미만의 일일 봉 폐쇄는 DOGE 측의 가치 손실로 이어질 수 있습니다.

The most important resistance levels to follow for the DOGE/ETH pair are, in order; 0.00004267 / 0.00004426, and 0.00004607. A daily bar closure above the 0.00004607 level, which has been a major obstacle in the recent uptrend, will enable DOGE to gain value against Ethereum.

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/technical-analysis-of-dogecoin-in-the-cryptocurrency-market/

계속 읽기: https://en.coin-turk.com/technical-analytic-of-dogecoin-in-the-cryptocurrency-market/

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