첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > Terra Classic의 24시간 거래량이 LUNC 시가총액의 50%까지 급증

Terra Classic’s 24-hour volume spike to 50% of LUNC’s market cap

Terra Classic의 24시간 거래량이 LUNC 시가총액의 50%까지 급증

풀어 주다: 2023/11/30 06:00 읽다: 438


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/65675a21eac064084b0c96a7

Market interest in Terra Classic (LUNC) has risen with a spike in volume as $113 million is added to its capitalization in one day. LUNC ranks among the best performers in multiple time frames.

Terra Classic(LUNC)에 대한 시장 관심은 하루 만에 자본금에 1억 1,300만 달러가 추가되면서 거래량이 급증하면서 상승했습니다. LUNC는 여러 기간에 걸쳐 최고의 성과를 낸 기업 중 하나로 평가됩니다.

Notably, LUNC registers a 24-hour volume of $371.88 million, 53.28% of its $669.85 million market cap. Both cryptocurrency trading metrics highlight the token’s notable daily performance. In particular, considering a previous $296 million volume and $556 million market cap 24 hours ago.

Meanwhile, Terra Classic is also featured among the top cryptocurrency gainers, according to CoinMarketCap’s index. LUNC is ranked first as the top gainer of the day and second as the top gainer of the week.

Terra Classic (LUNC) price analysis

테라클래식(LUNC) 가격 분석

At the time of publication, LUNC was changing hands by $0.000116, surging 18% in the day and with 59% weekly accumulated gains. The price surge follows the increased interest reflected by the total exchanged volume.



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Terra Classic soars 50% in a day; Is $0.10 next for LUNC?

Terra Classic은 하루 만에 50% 급등했습니다. LUNC의 다음 단계는 0.10달러인가요?



Google Bard predicts Terra Classic price for start of 2024

Google Bard는 2024년 초 Terra Classic 가격을 예측합니다.



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Dogecoin 파생상품 거래량이 110% 급증했습니다. DOGE의 의미는 다음과 같습니다.



Terra Classic price prediction as LUNC rallies 30% in a month

Interestingly, Terra Classic has entered the “overbought” zone at CoinGlass’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) heatmap. LUNC registers an RSI of 75.58 points in 24 hours and 79.74 points in the week, by press time.

This technical Analysis indicator evidences a strong momentum for the Terra Classic native token. However, it may also forecast a possible retrace in the following days, as cryptocurrency traders might want to realize these recent gains.

LUNC’s further price action will be highly dependent on the project’s tokenomics Terra Classic’s development and also be influenced by macro and micro events.

LUNC의 추가 가격 조치는 프로젝트의 토큰경제학 Terra Classic의 개발에 크게 의존하며 거시적 및 미시적 이벤트의 영향도 받습니다.

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

Source: https://thebittimes.com/terra-classic-s-24-hour-volume-spike-to-50-of-lunc-s-market-cap-tbt72069.html

출처: https://thebittimes.com/terra-classic-s-24-hour-volume-spike-to-50-of-lunc-s-market-cap-tbt72069.html

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