첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 비트코인 랠리의 인기 상품 - 솔라나(SOL), 이더리움(ETH), 체인링크(LINK), 도지코인(DOGE), 폴리곤(MATIC)

Top Picks In Bitcoin Rally – Solana (SOL), Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polygon (MATIC)

비트코인 랠리의 인기 상품 - 솔라나(SOL), 이더리움(ETH), 체인링크(LINK), 도지코인(DOGE), 폴리곤(MATIC)

풀어 주다: 2023/10/28 14:35 읽다: 400

원저자:CoinPedia News

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653c9ea966dec706014d66ee

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비트코인 랠리의 최고 추천 게시물 – 솔라나(SOL), 이더리움(ETH), 체인링크(LINK), 도지코인(DOGE), 폴리곤(MATIC)이 코인피디아에 처음 등장했습니다.

The cryptocurrency market has always been a rollercoaster of emotions, with prices soaring to new heights and plummeting to new lows. Recent events have seen Bitcoin crossing the $35,000 mark for the first time since May 2022, with speculations of an impending approval of a spot bitcoin ETF in the U.S. This surge in Bitcoin’s price has necessarily translated to a similar rise for other cryptocurrencies. As Bitcoin’s dominance grows, other altcoins like Solana (SOL), Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polygon (MATIC) are trying to keep up. Amidst this backdrop, a new player, ScapesMania (MANIA), is gaining attention and capturing the interest of many. 

It’s hard to resist the temptation to invest in a cryptocurrency when every day brings news of another coin’s meteoric rise on the agenda. Besides, it is a great way to increase your wealth. The time to act strategically is now, especially since the US approval of a Bitcoin ETF is imminent. Here are the six coins we think will see the most growth in the foreseeable future!

매일 다른 코인의 급격한 상승 소식이 의제에 올라오면 암호화폐에 투자하고 싶은 유혹을 뿌리치기 어렵습니다. 게다가 그것은 부를 늘리는 좋은 방법입니다. 특히 미국의 비트코인 ​​ETF 승인이 임박했기 때문에 전략적으로 행동해야 할 때입니다. 가까운 미래에 가장 큰 성장을 보일 것으로 생각되는 6개의 코인은 다음과 같습니다!

Top 6 Picks In Bitcoin Rally:

  1. ScapesMania (MANIA): Emerging as a distinctive force in the crypto arena, ScapesMania promises innovation and robust growth, fueled by its unique business model and imminent exposure from major exchange listings.
  2. ScapesMania(MANIA): 암호화폐 분야에서 차별화된 세력으로 떠오르고 있는 ScapesMania는 고유한 비즈니스 모델과 주요 거래소 상장에 대한 임박한 노출을 통해 혁신과 탄탄한 성장을 약속합니다.

  3. Solana (SOL): Solana (SOL) has shown measured growth and investor interest, but this might change at any time given the unpredictable nature of the cryptocurrency industry.
  4. 솔라나(SOL): 솔라나(SOL)는 측정된 성장과 투자자 관심을 보였지만 이는 암호화폐 산업의 예측할 수 없는 특성을 고려할 때 언제든지 바뀔 수 있습니다.

  5. Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum (ETH) shows promise with recent gains, yet it grapples with significant resistance levels. 
  6. Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink (LINK) niche focus on asset tokenization brings both attention and skepticism regarding its long-term standalone success, suggesting a balanced outlook, but its impressive growth cannot be denied.
  7. Dogecoin (DOGE): When it comes to Dogecoin (DOGE), it’s possible to see rapid development, a precipitous decline, or even gradual progress. The market’s mood is the deciding factor.
  8. 도지코인(DOGE): 도지코인(DOGE)의 경우 급격한 발전, 급격한 쇠퇴 또는 심지어 점진적인 발전을 볼 수 있습니다. 시장 분위기가 결정적인 요인이다.

  9. Polygon (MATIC): Polygon (MATIC) contribution to Ethereum’s ecosystem is noteworthy, but its growth potential remains tethered to broader market trends and Ethereum’s own scalability solutions.

ScapesMania (MANIA): New Confident Coin (x500%+)

ScapesMania (MANIA): 새로운 컨피던트 코인(x500%+)

While bigger cryptocurrencies wrestle with volatility, ScapesMania can offer almost guaranteed ROIs in the range of 400-500%. The innovative project is currently in presale which means holders can get paid well for the wait. The presale consists of several rounds and the current one offers a huge discount on purchases, nearing 85%. If there’s ever a time to trust the hype, it is now!

The tokens are low in price, which means that regardless of your budget you can take advantage of the offer. There’s no downside and plenty of potential gains to joining ScapesMania even if you don’t have much money to make use of.

토큰 가격이 저렴하므로 예산에 관계없이 제안을 활용할 수 있습니다. 사용할 돈이 많지 않더라도 ScapesMania에 가입하면 단점도 없고 잠재적인 이득도 많습니다.

A closer examination of this coin’s features reveals many attractive aspects. For instance, ScapesMania allows holders to get involved with a multi-billion-dollar industry and has many features in place to keep users engaged and incentivize them to keep on engaging. Furthermore, the tokenomics of the project is transparent and secure and the addition of the latest $150,000 giveaway may be the final touch needed to convert early enthusiasts into full-blown fanatics.

Those still considering which presale projects to choose, need to know that ScapesMania’s vision for the future is highly ambitious. it comes in the form of further listings, improvements, and development of a unique niche concept that has yet to be adopted in crypto circles. Considering all of the above, it’s not surprising that the presale numbers are outstanding – it can surely be a boon to many in the long run.

아직 어떤 사전 판매 프로젝트를 선택할지 고민하고 있는 사람들은 ScapesMania의 미래 비전이 매우 야심적이라는 것을 알아야 합니다. 이는 암호화폐 업계에서 아직 채택되지 않은 고유한 틈새 개념의 추가 목록, 개선 및 개발의 형태로 제공됩니다. 위의 모든 사항을 고려해 볼 때, 사전 판매 수치가 뛰어난 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 장기적으로 볼 때 확실히 많은 사람들에게 이익이 될 수 있습니다.

ScapesMania is at the point where previous buyers can already assume they’ve made a great decision and now the time is right for those who haven’t tried the project yet. Get in now to reach potential ROIs of 400-500% or maybe even higher.

Solana (SOL): Altcoin Powerhouse

Solana (SOL) has been a source of hope for many investors, especially with its impressive 23% surge in the past week. This altcoin has shown resilience, especially in the third financial quarter, a period traditionally challenging for the crypto market. Solana’s (SOL) resilience, reliability, and security have been lauded, and its Total Value Locked (TVL) remains near yearly highs.

솔라나(SOL)는 특히 지난 주 인상적인 23% 급등으로 많은 투자자들에게 희망의 원천이었습니다. 이 알트코인은 특히 암호화폐 시장에서 전통적으로 어려운 기간인 3분기에 회복력을 보여주었습니다. 솔라나(SOL)의 탄력성, 신뢰성 및 보안은 호평을 받았으며, 고정된 총 가치(TVL)는 거의 연간 최고치를 유지하고 있습니다.

Currently trading near $23.50, Solana has caught the attention of many crypto enthusiasts. Experts predict a potential rise to the $28 mark in the coming days, indicating a 19% appreciation. This bullish sentiment is echoed by other traders and technical analysis platforms, with many seeing Solana (SOL) as a promising buy.

While the current momentum is positive, it’s essential to approach Solana with a balanced perspective. Its integration with giants like Visa and Shopify gives it an edge, but the crypto market’s volatile nature means that investors should tread with caution.

현재의 모멘텀은 긍정적이지만 균형 잡힌 관점으로 솔라나에 접근하는 것이 중요합니다. Visa 및 Shopify와 같은 거대 기업과의 통합으로 우위를 점할 수 있지만 암호화폐 시장의 불안정한 특성으로 인해 투자자는 주의 깊게 접근해야 합니다.

Ethereum (ETH): Crypto Giant’s Journey

이더리움(ETH): 암호화폐 거인의 여정

Ethereum (ETH) has been on a remarkable journey, with a 16% surge in the past week. However, it faces stiff competition from Bitcoin, which has seen a 20% rise in the same period. Ethereum (ETH) recently broke the key resistance at $1,745, sparking optimism.

이더리움(ETH)은 지난 주 16% 급등하는 놀라운 여정을 이어왔습니다. 그러나 같은 기간 20% 상승한 비트코인과 치열한 경쟁에 직면해 있다. 이더리움(ETH)은 최근 1,745달러로 주요 저항선을 돌파해 낙관론을 불러일으켰습니다.

The crypto community is closely watching Ethereum (ETH) resistance level at $1,960. This “buy wall” represents a significant barrier, with many investors potentially looking to sell at this price point.

Ethereum (ETH) correlation with Bitcoin is undeniable. Any potential correction in Bitcoin’s price could impact Ethereum (ETH). While some analysts predict a bullish trend for Ethereum, others foresee potential challenges, especially with the looming resistance at $1,960.

비트코인과 이더리움(ETH)의 상관관계는 부인할 수 없습니다. 비트코인 가격의 잠재적인 조정은 이더리움(ETH)에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 일부 분석가는 이더리움의 강세 추세를 예측하는 반면, 다른 분석가는 특히 $1,960의 저항이 다가오는 잠재적인 어려움을 예측합니다.

Chainlink (LINK) has garnered attention due to its association with real-world asset tokenization. Its role as a bridge between blockchains and real-world applications has solidified its position in the market.

체인링크(LINK)는 실제 자산 토큰화와의 연관성으로 인해 주목을 받았습니다. 블록체인과 실제 애플리케이션을 연결하는 가교 역할을 하며 시장에서의 입지를 확고히 했습니다.

Chainlink (LINK) strategic positioning in the blockchain landscape makes it a potential candidate for sustained growth.

블록체인 환경에서 체인링크(LINK)의 전략적 포지셔닝은 지속적인 성장을 위한 잠재적 후보가 됩니다.

Given its association with real-world asset tokenization and its collaborations, Chainlink (LINK) is poised for growth. However, like all cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to approach it with a balanced perspective.

실제 자산 토큰화 및 협업과의 연관성을 고려할 때 Chainlink(LINK)는 성장할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 그러나 모든 암호화폐와 마찬가지로 균형 잡힌 관점으로 접근하는 것이 중요합니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE): From Meme to Mainstream

Dogecoin (DOGE): Meme에서 주류로

Dogecoin (DOGE), initially a parody of Bitcoin, has found legitimacy among many traders. High-profile endorsements have added to its appeal, but it’s not without its challenges, especially with ongoing lawsuits.

Dogecoin (DOGE) journey has been marked by volatility, often influenced by external factors and endorsements.

Dogecoin(DOGE) 여정은 종종 외부 요인 및 보증에 의해 영향을 받는 변동성으로 표시되었습니다.

Dogecoin (DOGE) future remains uncertain. Its simplicity and endorsements give it an edge, but the volatile nature of the crypto market means that its trajectory can change rapidly.

Polygon (MATIC): Enhancing Ethereum’s Capabilities

Polygon (MATIC): 이더리움의 기능 향상

Launched in 2017, Polygon aims to address Ethereum’s scalability issues. Its unique blockchain and modified proof-of-stake consensus mechanism have set it apart.

2017년에 출시된 Polygon은 Ethereum의 확장성 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 독특한 블록체인과 수정된 지분 증명 합의 메커니즘이 이를 차별화했습니다.

Polygon (MATIC), Polygon’s native cryptocurrency, plays a crucial role in securing and governing the network. It’s used for transaction fees and as rewards for staking.

Polygon’s focus on enhancing Ethereum’s capabilities gives it a unique position in the market. However, the broader challenges faced by the crypto market could impact its growth trajectory.

Ethereum의 기능을 향상시키는 데 중점을 둔 Polygon은 시장에서 독특한 위치를 제공합니다. 그러나 암호화폐 시장이 직면한 광범위한 과제는 성장 궤도에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.

In Conclusion

The cryptocurrency landscape is ever-evolving, with new players like ScapesMania making their mark. While Bitcoin’s dominance grows, altcoins like Solana (SOL), Ethereum (ETH), Chainlink (LINK), Dogecoin (DOGE), Polygon (MATIC) face both opportunities and challenges. Investors should approach these coins with caution, considering both their potential and the inherent risks of the crypto market.

암호화폐 환경은 ScapesMania와 같은 새로운 플레이어가 등장하면서 끊임없이 진화하고 있습니다. 비트코인의 지배력이 커지는 동안 솔라나(SOL), 이더리움(ETH), 체인링크(LINK), 도지코인(DOGE), 폴리곤(MATIC)과 같은 알트코인은 기회와 도전에 직면해 있습니다. 투자자들은 암호화폐 시장의 잠재적 위험과 내재된 위험을 모두 고려하여 이러한 코인에 주의 깊게 접근해야 합니다.

The only coin that should be embraced wholeheartedly is ScapesMania. As of right now, it seems as if it’s the strongest option on the market – growing steadily, having no real issues to face in the future, etc. Perhaps its generous giveaway or presale discount will help you make up your mind more quickly.

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