첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > 이 알트코인의 고래는 축적 모드에 있으며 매도 압력이 떨어지고 있습니다! 강세 신호?

Whales are in Accumulation Mode in this Altcoin with Decreasing Selling Pressure! Bullish Signal?

이 알트코인의 고래는 축적 모드에 있으며 매도 압력이 떨어지고 있습니다! 강세 신호?

풀어 주다: 2023/10/30 18:15 읽다: 814

원저자:Bitcoin Sistemi EN

원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/653f80f4ea3194771a514f5f

Apart from Dogecoin (DOGE), Ali Martinez examined Uniswap (UNI), the token of the decentralized exchange Uniswap.

“Selling Pressure Has Reduced in UNI, Rising Is Coming!”

“UNI에서는 매도 압력이 줄어들었고, 상승이 다가오고 있습니다!”

Stating that things are about to turn around for UNI, which has seen a strong sales pressure recently, Martinez said that the sales pressure in UNI has been exhausted.

마르티네즈는 최근 강한 판매 압력을 받고 있는 UNI의 상황이 곧 반전될 것이라고 말하면서 UNI의 판매 압력이 소진되었다고 말했다.

Stating that UNI has created significant support around $4 at this point, the analyst pointed out that optimism among UNI investors has been renewed.

The analyst also pointed out that the number of UNI transactions has increased, and said that this increase indicates that UNI activities of institutional investors and UNI whales have increased at current price levels.

애널리스트는 또한 UNI 거래 건수가 증가했다는 점을 지적하며, 이러한 증가는 현재 가격 수준에서 기관 투자자와 UNI 고래의 UNI 활동이 증가했음을 의미한다고 말했습니다.

This may indicate that institutional investors and whales are making strategic investments or may be taking positions in anticipation of Uniswap's upcoming rise.

Pointing out that $ 4 is an important support for UNI, the analyst added that UNI must overcome the purchase walls of $ 4.23 and $ 4.45 to continue its rise.

애널리스트는 4달러가 UNI에게 중요한 지지대라는 점을 지적하면서 UNI의 상승세를 이어가려면 4.23달러와 4.45달러의 구매벽을 극복해야 한다고 덧붙였다.

“With 87.56% of UNI investors holdings in an “Out of the Money” position, Uniswap is poised for an exit!

UNI investors do not believe; Selling pressure has worn off and a significant support base has been established around $4.

UNI 투자자들은 믿지 않습니다. 판매 압력이 사라졌고 약 4달러에 상당한 지원 기반이 구축되었습니다.

Interestingly, the number of large UNI transactions is increasing, indicating an increase in interest from institutional players and UNI whales at current price levels.

They may be investing or positioning themselves before Uniswap rises.

Although UNI forms significant support at $4, it still has 2 supply walls to overcome to signal bullishness.

UNI는 $4에서 상당한 지지를 형성하지만 강세 신호를 보내기 위해 극복해야 할 2개의 공급 벽이 여전히 있습니다.

One is $4.23, where 7,000 addresses bought 14.24 million UNI; the other is $4.45, where 2,000 addresses received 10.28 million UNI.”

*This is not investment advice!

*이 글은 투자 조언이 아닙니다!

Continue Reading: Whales are in Accumulation Mode in this Altcoin with Decreasing Selling Pressure! Bullish Signal?

계속 읽으세요: 고래는 판매 압력이 감소하면서 이 알트코인에서 축적 모드에 있습니다! 강세 신호?

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