첫 페이지 > 정보 뉴스 > XRP 소송: 미국 SEC 변호사 Pascale Guerrier가 소송을 기각

XRP Lawsuit: US SEC's Attorney Pascale Guerrier Withdraws

XRP 소송: 미국 SEC 변호사 Pascale Guerrier가 소송을 기각

풀어 주다: 2023/08/24 00:30 읽다: 503


원본 소스:https://coinmarketcap.com/community/articles/64e631a97695015e168695bd

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US SEC’s Attorney Withdraws From XRP Lawsuit

In a filing dated August 23, 2022, the federal regulatory agency said that attorney Guerrier is no longer a part of the lawsuit against Ripple Labs. However, other counsels recorded previously continue to represent the agency, it said in the filing.

연방 규제 기관은 2022년 8월 23일자 서류에서 Guerrier 변호사가 더 이상 Ripple Labs를 상대로 한 소송에 참여하지 않는다고 밝혔습니다. 그러나 이전에 기록된 다른 변호인들은 계속해서 해당 기관을 대표한다고 서류에 나와 있습니다.

“Ms. Guerrier is no longer participating in this matter. The SEC continues to be represented by the other counsel of record in this matter.”

In this context, it is unknown as of now as to whether the attorney had asked to withdraw over disagreements with the SEC’s position. The agency officials have been at the receiving end of criticism over the stringent enforcement actions it took against crypto businesses since the beginning of 2023. On the other side, the US lawmakers have been expressing concerns on the threat of dedollarization in the international markets.

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