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The Meme Coin Appeal: Exploring the Popularity of Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Dogeverse

Привлекательность мем-монет: изучение популярности сиба-ину, Dogecoin и Dogeverse

выпускать: 2024/05/10 01:45 читать: 326

Оригинальный автор:CaptainAltcoin


,The meme coin market has seen a surge in trade this past week with all the major tokens seeing a breakthrough.
Dog projects like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin are still growing strong, with both trading above slightly green in the last 7 days, proving that doge-themed coins are a safe bet.
But can they increase your portfolio’s value to never-before-seen heights?  According to most analysts, not likely.
If you’re looking for gains in the 100x range, we suggest that you check out the new Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE).
Let’s check out the details.
 >>> Buy the Best Meme Coin Now <<<
Doge-themed Meme Coins like DOGE and SHIB Have Always Recorded the Biggest Profit Explosions – This New Presale Coin Could be Next in Line
Since Dogecoin first launched back in 2013, we’ve witnessed a huge surge in interest for dog-themed meme coins.
With strong community support and tweets from heavyweights like Elon Musk, $DOGE has skyrocketed by a staggering 5000% in value over the past 5 years, solidifying its status as an icon within the crypto community.
To put that into perspective, if you had invested $1000 back in 2019, you’d be looking at $50,000 in your pocket today!
Following DOGE’s massive success, numerous imitators flooded the market – one notable example being Shiba Inu ($SHIB). This coin has also proven highly lucrative for many investors, with significant price spikes fueling gains.
As of now, you can snag $SHIB for $0.000023 per token, marking a jaw-dropping 40,027,797% increase compared to its lowest selling price back in November 2020.
In the past week, both Dogeverse and Shiba Inu have been trading in the green and are only 1% lower in value if we take a broader look at the entire year. This highlights the stability and immense potential that both these coins hold for the future.
However, numerous top crypto experts are pointing toward Dogverse ($DOGEVERSE) as the likely contender to surpass its predecessors’ success
 >>> Buy the Best Meme Coin Now <<<
Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE) is the First Ever Multi-Chain Token Utilizing  Six Major Tokens
Dogeverse stands out as the world’s first token to blend multiple blockchain technologies, operating seamlessly across six major blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Base, and the latest addition, Solana.
Cosmo is at the core of the project, a chain-hopping dog ensuring smooth transitions across these diverse blockchains. This integration not only enhances accessibility but also optimizes costs and transaction speeds.

На прошлой неделе на рынке мем-монет наблюдался всплеск торговли, и все основные токены совершили прорыв. Собачьи проекты, такие как Shiba Inu и Dogecoin, по-прежнему набирают силу, причем за последние 7 дней оба торговались выше слегка зеленого уровня, что доказывает, что doge Тематические монеты — беспроигрышный вариант. Но могут ли они увеличить стоимость вашего портфолио до невиданных ранее высот?  По мнению большинства аналитиков, это маловероятно. Если вы ищете прибыль в диапазоне 100x, мы предлагаем вам проверить новую Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE). Давайте посмотрим на детали. >>> Купите лучшую мем-монету сейчас Купите лучшую мем-монету сейчас

Each blockchain brings unique strengths to Dogeverse. Ethereum’s smart contract capabilities, BNB Chain’s low fees, Polygon’s scalability, Avalanche’s rapid transactions, Base’s focus on privacy, and Solana’s high performance and affordability all contribute to tokens’s robust infrastructure.
Additionally, investors who choose to hold on to the coin will be rewarded with a significant annual percentage yield (APY). Staking takes 10% of the total token supply and will result in good passive income, even with APY’s decreasing as more investors acquire the coin.
 >>> Buy Dogeverse Now <<<
It Has Record-breaking Sales With the Presale Gaining Over $13 Million in Just One Month
Dogeverse has been on a wild ride lately, with its presale hitting an impressive $13 million in just a month. 
What’s got everyone buzzing is its unique tokenomics strategy which allocates 20% to marketing of the total 200 billion tokens. This strategy has boosted sales and built up additional hype around the debut.

Каждый блокчейн привносит в Dogeverse уникальные преимущества. Возможности смарт-контрактов Ethereum, низкие комиссии BNB Chain, масштабируемость Polygon, быстрые транзакции Avalanche, ориентация Base на конфиденциальность, а также высокая производительность и доступность Solana — все это способствует надежной инфраструктуре токенов. Кроме того, инвесторы, которые решат сохранить монету, будут вознаграждены значительная годовая процентная доходность (APY). Стейкинг занимает 10% от общего количества токенов и приведет к хорошему пассивному доходу, даже несмотря на снижение APY по мере того, как все больше инвесторов приобретают монету. >>> Купите Dogeverse сейчас

Combining that the project allocates 15% for the presale with a hard cap set at $17 million – we are most likely going to see a sellout in the coming days. All of this has really caught the eye of investors, further fueling the excitement surrounding the project.
Each $DOGEVERSE token is now priced at $0.00031, showcasing its solid performance, which is only expected to improve as the presale wraps up.
Dogeverse’s team has disturbed 10% to liquidity pools. This strategic move ensures strong trading volume right from the start. With the focus being on getting listed on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), Dogeverse’s position is going to be solidified in no time.
Also, the community boasts over 14.000 members across all social media platforms, with that number rising each day. 
 >>> Buy Dogeverse Now <<<
With the popularity of dog-themed meme coins gradually rising over time, it comes as no surprise that Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have had constant success.
However, if you are looking to make x100 profits in the following period, analysts suggest that you should definitely buy Dogeverse ($DOGEVERSE).
With its popularity among crypto enthusiasts, impressive tokenomics, and enormous potential it’s looking to be the next big coin on the market.
Don’t miss out on the chance to buy now as the price is only going to rise after the presale ends!
Disclaimer: We advise readers to do their own research before interacting with any featured companies. The information provided is not financial or legal advice. Neither CaptainAltcoin nor any third party recommends buying or selling any financial products. Investing in cryptoassets is high-risk; consider the potential for loss. CaptainAltcoin is not liable for any damages or losses from using or relying on this content.
The post The Meme Coin Appeal: Exploring the Popularity of Shiba Inu, Dogecoin, and Dogeverse appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

Учитывая, что проект выделяет 15% на предпродажу с жестким капиталом в 17 миллионов долларов, мы, скорее всего, увидим распродажу в ближайшие дни. Все это действительно привлекло внимание инвесторов, что еще больше подогрело ажиотаж вокруг проекта. Каждый токен $DOGEVERSE теперь оценивается в 0,00031 доллара США, что демонстрирует его солидную производительность, которая, как ожидается, только улучшится по мере завершения предварительной продажи. Команда Dogeverse встревожилась. 10% в пулы ликвидности. Этот стратегический шаг обеспечивает высокий объем торгов с самого начала. Поскольку упор делается на листинг на децентрализованных биржах (DEX), позиции Dogeverse будут укрепляться в кратчайшие сроки. Кроме того, сообщество может похвастаться более чем 14 000 участников на всех платформах социальных сетей, и это число растет с каждым днем.  >>> Купите Dogeverse сейчас

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