首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Alchemy Pay 獲得美國貨幣轉帳牌照,DOGE 和 SPCT 可能激增

Alchemy Pay Secures US Money Transmitter License and DOGE and SPCT May Surge

Alchemy Pay 獲得美國貨幣轉帳牌照,DOGE 和 SPCT 可能激增

發布: 2023/09/27 04:09 閱讀: 240



Alchemy Pay has secured a money transmitter license in the Arkansas state of America, with plans to obtain this in more states. On the topic of the US, speculation continues for Dogecoin (DOGE) featuring as a payment method on Twitter/X following a recent video. Meanwhile, the buzz for the new VC Spectra (SPCT) continues, proving itself the best cryptocurrency to buy this year.

Alchemy Pay 已在美國阿肯色州獲得貨幣傳輸許可證,並計劃在更多州獲得此許可證。關於美國的話題,在最近的一段影片之後,關於狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 Twitter/X 上作為支付方式的猜測仍在繼續。與此同時,新的 VC Spectra (SPCT) 的熱度仍在繼續,證明自己是今年最值得購買的加密貨幣。

We will dive deeper into this exciting decentralized finance (DeFi) solution soon. Let’s first understand the latest Alchemy Pay story and if it has implications for the crypto market and the other projects.

我們很快將深入研究這個令人興奮的去中心化金融(DeFi)解決方案。讓我們先了解最新的 Alchemy Pay 故事,以及它是否對加密市場和其他項目有影響。

Alchemy Pay Secures Money Transmitter Licence in the Arkansas State

Alchemy Pay 取得阿肯色州貨幣轉帳牌照

Alchemy Pay is a popular Singapore-based crypto-to-fiat payment firm founded in 2018 and available in 173 countries. The company’s long-awaited entry into the large yet strict US market has come after acquiring a money transmitter license in the Arkansas region. Moreover, Alchemy Pay is said to be in the process of getting such a license across other US states.

Alchemy Pay 是一家總部位於新加坡的加密貨幣到法定貨幣支付公司,成立於 2018 年,在 173 個國家提供服務。該公司在獲得阿肯色州地區的貨幣轉移許可證後,期待已久地進入了龐大而嚴格的美國市場。此外,據說 Alchemy Pay 正在美國其他州獲得此類許可證。

Ultimately, the goal is to offer the massive American market more choice in crypto-to-fiat payments. It may see top altcoins like Dogecoin (DOGE) getting featured on Alchemy, boosting its liquidity.

最終的目標是為龐大的美國市場提供更多加密貨幣到法定支付的選擇。狗狗幣(DOGE)等頂級山寨幣可能會出現在 Alchemy 上,從而提高其流動性。

That brings us to DOGE, where we look at the latest developments and Dogecoin prediction forecasts.

這讓我們來到 DOGE,在這裡我們了解最新的發展和狗狗幣的預測。

Latest Video From Twitter/X CEO Reignites Speculation On Dogecoin (DOGE) As Payment Method

Twitter/X 執行長的最新影片重新引發了對狗狗幣 (DOGE) 作為支付方式的猜測

Linda Yaccarino, the Twitter/X CEO, unveiled a video that has got the Dogecoin (DOGE) community talking. Speculation about Dogecoin (DOGE) being a payment method on X began when Musk announced the rebrand. While Musk has been quite mum on Dogecoin (DOGE) since, he has communicated with related figures like ‘DogeDesigner.’

Twitter/X 執行長琳達·雅卡里諾 (Linda Yaccarino) 發布了一段視頻,引起了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社區的熱議。當馬斯克宣布更名時,關於狗狗幣(DOGE)成為 X 支付方式的猜測就開始了。儘管馬斯克自那時起一直對狗狗幣(DOGE)保持沉默,但他與「DogeDesigner」等相關人士進行了交流。

The latest video revealed that X plans to become a payments app, reigniting the rumors of Dogecoin (DOGE) being the go-to payment method. Still, Dogecoin (DOGE) has yet to react on the charts to this tidbit, ranging around the $0.06 mark. Still, conservative Dogecoin prediction estimates begin from $0.10 for 2024, while Dogecoin prediction estimates start from $0.15 for the following year.

最新影片顯示,X 計畫成為一款支付應用,再次引發了狗狗幣 (DOGE) 成為首選支付方式的傳言。儘管如此,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 尚未在圖表上對此消息作出反應,波動範圍約為 0.06 美元大關。儘管如此,保守的狗狗幣預測估計從 2024 年的 0.10 美元開始,而狗狗幣對下一年的預測估計從 0.15 美元開始。

These are positive signals for those seeking to buy Dogecoin (DOGE). Yet, VC Spectra (SPCT) is less speculative, instead serving a much-needed purpose to finance blockchain and tech disruption.

對於那些尋求購買狗狗幣(DOGE)的人來說,這些都是正面的訊號。然而,VC Spectra (SPCT) 的投機性較少,而是服務於為區塊鏈和技術顛覆提供融資的急需目的。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Offers Secure, Transparent and Profitable Investing

VC Spectra (SPCT) 提供安全、透明和盈利的投資

SPCT is on track to make a name for itself in the top DeFi projects, providing a slick decentralized asset manager for new, promising blockchain and tech ventures.

SPCT 預計將在頂級 DeFi 專案中贏得聲譽,為新的、有前途的區塊鏈和科技企業提供一個靈活的去中心化資產管理器。

Experts in fields ranging from technology to venture capital will assess these projects through intricate due diligence to pick only the cream of the crop. VC Spectra (SPCT) will manage the risks while maximizing gains through several advanced trading strategies.

從技術到創投等領域的專家將透過複雜的盡職調查來評估這些項目,以選出其中的精華。 VC Spectra (SPCT) 將透過多種先進的交易策略管理風險,同時實現收益最大化。

VC Spectra is backed by the Ethereum blockchain, which uses unmatched security and smart contracts. The latter offers much-needed transparency and automates the expected asset management functions without third parties. So, you can have your funds stored safely and get paid automatically hassle-free.

VC Spectra 由以太坊區塊鏈支持,該區塊鏈使用無與倫比的安全性和智能合約。後者提供了急需的透明度,並在沒有第三方的情況下實現了預期的資產管理功能的自動化。因此,您可以安全地儲存您的資金並輕鬆自動獲得付款。

The primary method of earning on VC Spectra is through quarterly dividends. Investors need the Spectra token for this purpose, which also provides access to exclusive discounted pre-ICOs and voting rights.

VC Spectra 的主要獲利方式是透過季度股息。為此,投資者需要 Spectra 代幣,該代幣還提供獨家折扣預 ICO 和投票權。

SPCT is selling for $0.033 in Stage 3 of VC Spectra’s presale, set to jump by 33% to $0.044 in Stage 4. The total expected ROI after the presale is 142%, as this is how much the token will have grown, equaling a price of $0.080. So, secure your spot in VC Spectra to earn consistent, above-average returns.

SPCT 在VC Spectra 預售第三階段的售價為0.033 美元,在第四階段將上漲33% 至0.044 美元。預售後的總預期投資回報率為142%,因為這是代幣將成長的程度,等於價格0.080 美元。因此,請確保您在 VC Spectra 中的一席之地,以獲得持續高於平均水平的回報。

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

了解有關 VC Spectra 預售的更多資訊:

Buy Presale: https://invest.vcspectra.io/login 


Website: https://vcspectra.io  


Telegram: https://t.me/VCSpectra 


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