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Algotech presale leads Dogecoin and Solana whales to jump in

Algotech 預售帶動狗狗幣和 Solana 鯨魚加入

發布: 2024/02/17 18:35 閱讀: 763



Algotech 預售帶動狗狗幣和 Solana 鯨魚加入

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


Just 42% of DOGE holders profit as SOL dips 70% from the peak. Whales now eye Algotech (ALGT) for portfolio rebalance.

當 SOL 較高峰下跌 70% 時,只有 42% 的 DOGE 持有者獲利。鯨魚現在關注 Algotech (ALGT) 來重新平衡投資組合。

According to statistics from Cryptorank, only 42% of Dogecoin (DOGE) owners are in profit, and the figure gets worse with Solana (SOL), which has been down over 70% from its all-time high.

根據 Cryptorank 的統計,只有 42% 的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 持有者實現盈利,而 Solana (SOL) 的盈利情況更糟,較歷史最高點下跌了 70% 以上。

Whales have started rebalancing their portfolios, and one name stands out amongst the cryptocurrencies they are buying- Algotech (ALGT). 

鯨魚已經開始重新平衡他們的投資組合,其中一個名字在他們購買的加密貨幣中脫穎而出——Algotech (ALGT)。

Dogecoin’s road beyond hype


Dogecoin has always been a speculative asset. Despite having no solid fundamentals, white paper, and roadmap, it has appealed to different investors, as it takes the meme coin crown.


The value of Dogecoin has risen exponentially since its launch, but a time has come when investors are asking themselves what value it brings. This question and the answers that have been found have led to an outflow of investors from Doge into lesser-known names with solid fundamentals. Algotech (ALGT) is one of the biggest beneficiaries of this, as its presale hit $1.1 million in the first two days.

自推出以來,狗狗幣的價值呈指數級增長,但投資者開始捫心自問它能帶來什麼價值。這個問題和已找到的答案導致投資者從 Doge 流出,轉向基本面堅實但鮮為人知的公司。 Algotech (ALGT) 是最大的受益者之一,預售在前兩天就達到了 110 萬美元。

Solana’ pain point

Solana 的痛點

While Dogecoin prides itself on being a meme coin with zero qualitative value but a ton of social appeal, Solana has a mixture of both. The cryptocurrency, created as an Ethereum (ETH) killer, has grown exponentially, becoming one of the top 10 coins by market cap.

雖然狗狗幣以自己是一種品質價值為零但具有巨大社會吸引力的迷因幣而自豪,但 Solana 卻兼具了兩者。這種加密貨幣作為以太坊(ETH)殺手而誕生,現已呈指數級增長,成為市值排名前十的加密貨幣之一。

Despite this growth, it has not scratched the surface of its goal – overtake Ethereum in terms of scalability. Occasional blockchain freezes also do not help its cause.  Ethereum 2.0, despite its scalability issues, has proven to be a far better alternative to Solana. These issues push Solana whales to diversify some of their tokens into newer projects. 

儘管有這樣的成長,但它還沒有觸及其目標的表面——在可擴展性方面超越以太坊。偶爾的區塊鏈凍結也無助於其解決問題。儘管存在可擴展性問題,以太坊 2.0 已被證明是比 Solana 更好的替代品。這些問題促使 Solana 鯨魚將他們的一些代幣多樣化到新的項目中。

Algotech’s solid use cases

Algotech 可靠的用例

Across forums and chat groups, Solana and Dogecoin investors are brimming about a new cryptocurrency with a solid use case, a strong development team, and good sentiments. 

在論壇和聊天群組中,Solana 和狗狗幣投資者對這種具有可靠用例、強大開發團隊和良好情緒的新型加密貨幣充滿了興趣。

Algotech (ALGT) is a decentralized algorithm trading platform that caters to the knowledge needs of new traders and the expertise needs of Adept ones. It uses automated and Algorithmic systems to ensure that emotional trading is reduced to the minimum while schematic and strategic trading booms. 


Algotech is emerging at a time of rising demand for automated trading. With few competitors, it aims to cement itself as a market leader. 

Algotech 的出現正值自動化交易需求不斷增長的時期。由於競爭對手很少,它的目標是鞏固自己的市場領導者地位。

At the heart of the Algotech platform is its ALGT token. ALGT is an ERC-20 token that will be used for voting rights in future development. Based on the number of tokens held, dividends will also be shared, primarily from trading fees. 

Algotech 平台的核心是 ALGT 代幣。 ALGT是一種ERC-20代幣,在未來的開發中將用於投票權。根據持有的代幣數量,還將分享股息,主要來自交易費用。

Algotech’s presale event broke a record and became the first cryptocurrency to get $1.1 million in the first two days of presale. After the four-stage presale event, analysts predict that the price of Algotech would have increased to $0.15 from its current $0.04. This 275% increase will mark the start of Algotech’s rise and see more attention from whales on other blockchain networks. 

Algotech 的預售活動打破了紀錄,成為第一個在預售的前兩天獲得 110 萬美元的加密貨幣。在四階段預售活動結束後,分析師預測 Algotech 的價格將從目前的 0.04 美元上漲至 0.15 美元。這 275% 的成長將標誌著 Algotech 崛起的開始,並將引起其他區塊鏈網路上鯨魚的更多關注。

For more details about this project:


Visit Algotech Presale

造訪 Algotech 預售

Join The Algotech Community

加入 Algotech 社區

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