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70% of Americans want a President knowledgeable about crypto

70% 的美國人希望總統了解加密貨幣

發布: 2023/12/21 15:26 閱讀: 908



The last several years have been immensely important for the crypto industry when it comes to firmly planting cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in the public conscience.


Between Bitcoin (BTC) making headlines after soaring in 2017 and 2021, FTX and other scandals shedding light on persistent issues in 2022, and the resurgence and cleanup efforts of 2023, most people have now heard of digital assets.

比特幣 (BTC) 在 2017 年和 2021 年飆升後成為頭條新聞,FTX 和其他醜聞揭示了 2022 年持續存在的問題,以及 2023 年的復甦和清理工作,大多數人現在都聽說過數位資產。

Therefore, it does not come as a surprise that a poll conducted between November 27 and 29, 2023, and commissioned by Grayscale, one of the hopeful applicants for a spot BTC exchange-traded fund (ETF), found that as many as 70% of American voters want a candidate who is knowledgeable about cryptocurrencies and other innovative technologies.

因此,毫不奇怪的是,2023 年 11 月 27 日至 29 日期間,由現貨 BTC 交易所交易基金 (ETF) 的希望申請人之一 Grayscale 委託進行的一項民意調查發現,多達 70%的美國選民希望候選人了解加密貨幣和其他創新技術。

When it comes to other such technologies, the poll specifically highlighted artificial intelligence (AI) – a technology that came into the spotlight with the launch of OpenAI’s flagship platform, ChatGPT, in November 2022.

當談到其他此類技術時,該民意調查特別強調了人工智慧 (AI)——這項技術隨著 OpenAI 旗艦平台 ChatGPT 於 2022 年 11 月推出而成為人們關注的焦點。



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Given the investment boom this technology sector has seen, the endless coverage of dangers and issues pertaining to it possibly turning into Skynet from Terminator, the quality of its training data, and the impact on copyright it may have, as well as of hopes for what can be achieved with the help of artificial intelligence, this highlight is also, arguably, not surprising.


The importance of crypto in 2024 election

加密貨幣在 2024 年選舉中的重要性

The Grayscale poll also found that cryptocurrencies will have unprecedented importance in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. In total, approximately 40% of investors say they expect to hold crypto in their portfolios in the future, while 19% currently own cryptocurrencies.

灰階民調也發現,加密貨幣在 2024 年美國總統大選中將具有前所未有的重要性。總共約 40% 的投資者表示,他們預計未來在投資組合中持有加密貨幣,而 19% 的投資者目前擁有加密貨幣。

As many as 46% of polled voters claim that they are waiting for clearer regulations before they start engaging with the crypto market. 

There is also a clear generational divide, with 31% of Generation Z voters holding cryptocurrencies compared to only 6% of Baby Boomers. Additionally, about one-half of younger voters in whose portfolios crypto is the largest asset class claim they will consider a candidate’s position on digital assets and blockchain technology before casting their ballot.

世代差異也很明顯,Z 世代選民中有 31% 持有加密貨幣,而嬰兒潮世代的比例僅為 6%。此外,大約一半的年輕選民(其投資組合中加密貨幣是最大的資產類別)聲稱,他們在投票之前會考慮候選人在數位資產和區塊鏈技術上的立場。

Other key issues for U.S. voters per the Grayscale poll


The Grayscale poll also included questions not directly related to cryptocurrencies or AI. When discussing values relevant to modern voters, it was found that financial stability is second in importance only to personal health and safety.


Additionally, most American voters believe that inflation was the most pressing issue affecting the U.S. at the time the poll was conducted several weeks ago. Gun violence, the state of the economy, climate change, and political polarization in that order also proved to be important issues.


In terms of the poll itself, it used a sample size of 1,759 adults – generally considered adequate, assuming other relevant criteria were met – and has a confidence level of 95% and is believed to be accurate within a 2.7% range.

就民意調查本身而言,它使用了 1,759 名成年人的樣本量(假設其他相關標準得到滿足,通常被認為是足夠的),置信度為 95%,據信準確度在 2.7% 的範圍內。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/70-of-americans-want-a-president-knowledgeable-about-crypto-tbt74319.html



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