首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 在狗狗幣和柴犬的崛起中,一種新的 Meme 幣成為黑馬

Amidst Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Gains, a New Meme Coin Emerges as a Dark Horse

在狗狗幣和柴犬的崛起中,一種新的 Meme 幣成為黑馬

發布: 2023/11/27 06:06 閱讀: 405

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


在狗狗幣和柴犬的崛起中,一種新的 Meme 幣成為黑馬

Meme coins are all the rage in the crypto market, with $DOGE and $SHIB being two of the most popular ones. These trendy coins are meme-based, featuring a fun mascot, an active community, and the opportunity to make a quick profit. These two particular ones have experienced quite a successful run during this bull run. However, the bull run is not a fair metric to determine the project’s potential and advantages, as it’s usually positive for most of the altcoins. 

Meme 幣在加密貨幣市場上風靡一時,其中 $DOGE 和 $SHIB 是最受歡迎的兩種。這些流行的硬幣是基於模因的,具有有趣的吉祥物、活躍的社區以及快速獲利的機會。這兩個特殊的股票在這次牛市中經歷了相當成功的運行。然而,牛市並不是確定專案潛力和優勢的公平指標,因為它通常對大多數山寨幣都是正面的。

So, what should we look at? Core principles, utility, tokenomics, and features. While most cryptos experience positive trends, some can provide higher returns than others, and according to recent movements, Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) is here to bring the most phenomenal returns in the coming months and years. Let’s learn more about this new coin and discover why it is the best ICO crypto to invest in now.

那麼,我們該看什麼呢?核心原則、實用性、代幣經濟學和特徵。雖然大多數加密貨幣都經歷了積極的趨勢,但有些可以提供比其他加密貨幣更高的回報,根據最近的走勢,Galaxy Fox($GFOX)將在未來幾個月和幾年內帶來最驚人的回報。讓我們更多地了解這種新貨幣,並了解為什麼它是現在最值得投資的 ICO 加密貨幣。

Getting to know Galaxy Fox


New ICO crypto Galaxy Fox has reached its major presale milestone – raising over $150K!  This achievement points to two major things: The positive market sentiment is back, and Galaxy Fox, with its well-thought-out fundamentals, is winning among the best altcoins to buy. 

新的 ICO 加密貨幣 Galaxy Fox 已達到其主要預售里程碑 – 籌集超過 15 萬美元!這項成就顯示了兩件大事:積極的市場情緒回歸,而 Galaxy Fox 憑藉其深思熟慮的基本面,贏得了最值得購買的山寨幣之列。

 So, what exactly makes $GFOX the best ICO crypto? Many things, such as its Web3 game, staking feature, unique NFT collection of 3000 pieces, hyper-deflationary tokenomics, merchandise, etc. So, let’s go one by one and discover how Galaxy Fox integrates each of these elements.

那麼,到底是什麼讓 $GFOX 成為最好的 ICO 加密貨幣呢?很多東西,像是它的Web3遊戲、質押功能、獨特的3000件NFT收藏、超通貨緊縮的代幣經濟、商品等等。所以,讓我們一一來看看Galaxy Fox是如何整合這些元素的。

Galaxy Fox’s gaming ecosystem is ingeniously designed to reward skill and participation. Specifically, the top 20% of players in the game’s leaderboard are eligible for rewards from a dedicated prize pool. This prize pool is a key motivator for players and offers them tangible rewards. 

Galaxy Fox 的遊戲生態系統經過精心設計,旨在獎勵技能和參與度。具體來說,遊戲排行榜前 20% 的玩家有資格獲得專用獎金池的獎勵。這個獎金池是玩家的關鍵激勵因素,並為他們提供實際的獎勵。

But where does this prize money come from? In-game asset purchases fund it. In fact, 50% of the prize pool is directly redistributed to the top 20% of players, and 50% is reinvested in the project’s growth.  In this gaming ecosystem, Galaxy Fox’s NFTs are also crucial. the project will release an exclusive NFT collection of 3000 pieces. These NFTs, besides being digital art, play a key part in the $GFOX universe – they have unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses and offer variety and an edge over your opponents.

但這筆獎金從哪裡來呢?遊戲內資產購買為其提供資金。事實上,獎池的50%直接重新分配給前20%的玩家,50%再投資於專案的成長。在這個遊戲生態系統中,Galaxy Fox 的 NFT 也至關重要。該項目將發行 3000 件獨家 NFT 系列。這些 NFT 除了是數位藝術之外,還在 $GFOX 宇宙中發揮關鍵作用 - 它們具有獨特的特徵、優點和缺點,並提供多樣性和優於對手的優勢。

In addition to the gaming rewards, Galaxy Fox also features a staking pool known as the Galaxy Fox Stargate. The Galaxy Fox Stargate pool grows through a distinctive process: 2% of each buy-and-sell transaction goes directly into the Stargate. This pool then actively distributes the gathered funds to users who stake their $GFOX tokens, ensuring they receive consistent rewards.

除了遊戲獎勵外,Galaxy Fox 還設有一個名為 Galaxy Fox Stargate 的質押池。 Galaxy Fox Stargate 池透過獨特的流程成長:每筆買賣交易的 2% 直接進入 Stargate。然後,該池積極地將收集到的資金分配給質押 $GFOX 代幣的用戶,確保他們獲得一致的獎勵。

This dual reward system – through both gaming and staking – sets Galaxy Fox apart in the crypto world. It offers multiple avenues for users to engage with and benefit from the ecosystem, whether they are gamers, investors, or both. 

這種通過遊戲和質押的雙重獎勵系統使 Galaxy Fox 在加密世界中脫穎而出。它為用戶提供了多種參與生態系統並從中受益的途徑,無論他們是遊戲玩家、投資者還是兩者兼而有之。

But that’s not all. When it comes to tokenomics, Galaxy Fox adopts a hyper-deflationary approach, which is crucial in today’s crypto market. The practice of reducing the total supply over time lets the token remain scarce and gain a strong appreciation potential. Therefore, even if you are a hodler, rewards from $GFOX could still be phenomenal.

但這還不是全部。在代幣經濟學方面,Galaxy Fox 採用了超級通縮方法,這在當今的加密貨幣市場中至關重要。隨著時間的推移減少總供應量的做法使代幣保持稀缺性並獲得強大的升值潛力。因此,即使您是持有者,$GFOX 的獎勵仍然是驚人的。

All these, together with the dynamic presale model that rewards the earliest supporters and promises them 450% ROI over the ten stages, indicate that $GFOX is one of the best altcoins to buy and should definitely own a place in your portfolio.

所有這些,再加上獎勵最早的支持者並承諾他們在十個階段獲得450% 投資回報率的動態預售模型,表明$GFOX 是最值得購買的山寨幣之一,絕對應該在您的投資組合中佔有一席之地。


>>立即購買 $GFOX 代幣



Cryptocurrencies, especially meme coins, are very volatile, and many external factors can influence them positively and negatively. The recent market trends have finally let $SHIB and $DOGE investors see their portfolios green. But these slight price boosts do not really seem promising. Meanwhile, Galaxy Fox guarantees 450% ROI solely in the presale, and considering its rich utility, well-structured tokenomics, and future plans, %GFOX is easily the best ICO crypto to watch and invest in now.

加密貨幣,尤其是迷因幣,波動性很大,許多外部因素都會對它們產生正面和負面的影響。最近的市場趨勢終於讓 $SHIB 和 $DOGE 投資者看到他們的投資組合呈現綠色。但這些價格的小幅上漲似乎並不樂觀。同時,Galaxy Fox 僅在預售中就保證了450% 的投資回報率,考慮到其豐富的實用性、結構良好的代幣經濟學和未來計劃,%GFOX 無疑是目前值得關注和投資的最佳ICO 加密貨幣。

Learn more about Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) here:

在此了解更多關於 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的資訊:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Galaxy Fox on Twitter 

造訪 Galaxy Fox 預售 |加入 Telegram 群組 |在 Twitter 上關注 Galaxy Fox

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The post Amidst Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Gains, a New Meme Coin Emerges as a Dark Horse appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣和柴犬崛起,新模因幣以黑馬身份出現的帖子首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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