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Analyst says Bitcoin’s fall no reason to panic


發布: 2023/12/12 06:28 閱讀: 210




A popular cryptocurrency analyst known for his YouTube channel, CryptosRUs, issued a call for calm after Bitcoin saw a steep price decline over the weekend.

一位因其 YouTube 頻道 CryptosRUs 而聞名的加密貨幣分析師在比特幣週末價格大幅下跌後呼籲保持冷靜。

On Dec. 11, Bitcoin (BTC) fell from around $44,000 down to $40,000, a drop of nearly 10% in a short period. It has since rebounded slightly to around $42,000 at the time of this writing.

12月11日,比特幣(BTC)從4.4萬美元左右跌至4萬美元,短時間內跌幅近10%。截至撰寫本文時,該價格已小幅反彈至 42,000 美元左右。

According to the analyst, a few potential factors are behind this sudden fall. One is an upcoming meeting between major central banks, such as the European Central Bank, to discuss monetary policy and whether more interest rate hikes are needed to curb inflation.


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“This could be affecting things a little bit,” said the analyst, though he noted the Federal Reserve seems content with current policy in the United States.


According to the analyst, more impactful were several hundred million dollars’ worth of liquidations in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency-leveraged positions. He explained, “When things are good, everyone makes a ton of money with leverage. When things are bad, many people lose a lot of money with leverage.”


The analyst suggested that liquidations triggered a “long squeeze,” forcing the price of Bitcoin down very rapidly as overleveraged long positions were wiped out, causing further sell-offs.


However, he also urged calm and a long-term perspective following this drop, even with Bitcoin falling close to 10% from its price a day earlier. He pointed out that Bitcoin has still increased substantially in a short timeframe. Also, it is expected to see retracements of 20-30% or even more during volatile crypto bull cycles.

不過,儘管比特幣較前一天價格下跌了近 10%,但他也敦促在此次下跌後保持冷靜並保持長遠眼光。他指出,比特幣在短時間內仍大幅上漲。此外,在波動的加密貨幣牛市週期中,預計會出現 20-30% 甚至更多的回檔。

“Sometimes retracements happen. Sometimes whales will do their whalish things,” he said, referring to large individual holders who can influence prices through the sheer size of the capital that they control. He also speculated that exchanges themselves may be involved.


It may be exchanges wanting to liquidate the longs because they want to collect their fees.




Ultimately, the analyst emphasized dollar cost averaging as the strategy investors should stick to despite price fluctuations. “You gotta see these dips as buying opportunities,” he encouraged viewers. By steadily accumulating during market drops, investors are poised to benefit the most during the next upcycle.

最後,分析師強調,儘管價格波動,投資人仍應堅持美元成本平均策略。 「你必須將這些下跌視為買入機會,」他鼓勵觀眾。透過在市場下跌期間穩步積累,投資者預計將在下一個上升週期中獲得最大收益。

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