首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師將 Kaspa 與 Cardano 進行比較,揭示了他的 KAS 策略,而代幣價格下跌

Analyst Compares Kaspa to Cardano, Revealing His KAS Strategy While the Coin Trades in Red

分析師將 Kaspa 與 Cardano 進行比較,揭示了他的 KAS 策略,而代幣價格下跌

發布: 2023/11/28 21:38 閱讀: 312

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


A thoughtful thread by a crypto analyst Cryptographur recounts lessons learned from impatience and a lack of conviction during previous market cycles—mistakes many can relate to.

加密貨幣分析師 Cryptographur 發表了一篇深思熟慮的帖子,講述了在之前的市場週期中從不耐煩和缺乏信念中吸取的教訓——許多人都會犯這樣的錯誤。

Using the example of accumulating ADA in the last bull run, Cryptographur described buying around 3–4 cents, selling at 10 cents on the way up, FOMOing back in around 30 cents, and ultimately selling again at $2.90.

Cryptographur 以上次牛市累積 ADA 為例,描述了在 3-4 美分左右買入,在上漲過程中以 10 美分賣出,FOMO 回到 30 美分左右,最終再次以 2.90 美元賣出。

In hindsight, simply holding through 100X+ gains to ADA’s peak above $3 seems obvious. But in the moment, protecting gains and attempting to time market swings won out over conviction.

事後看來,只要將 ADA 100 倍以上的漲幅維持在 3 美元以上的峰值似乎是顯而易見的。但目前,保護收益並試圖掌握市場波動的時機勝過了信念。

Cryptographur notes micro-cap gem Kaspa (KAS) is in a similar early stage where the long-term upside could be immense. Yet the tendency to trade reactively could undermine those returns. Kaspa is down by 9.5% in the last 24 hours according to the latest data from CoinMarketCap.

Cryptographur 指出,微型市值創業板 Kaspa (KAS) 正處於類似的早期階段,長期上漲空間可能巨大。然而,被動交易的傾向可能會損害這些回報。根據 CoinMarketCap 的最新數據,Kaspa 在過去 24 小時內下跌了 9.5%。

Source: CoinStats – Start using it today

來源:CoinStats – 立即開始使用

His key takeaways are to stick to a set accumulating strategy rather than trying to time trades and to avoid selling until the macrocycle peaks when setting targets based on Bitcoin’s bull market tops. Patience and conviction trump short-term thinking.


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This is sage advice for any burgeoning cryptocurrency investment. The massive long-term upside potential makes holding through volatility worthwhile. But human psychology so often sabotages these returns with weak hands. Developing a strategic plan and sticking to it separates disciplined investors from those who end up leaving tons of profit on the table.


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The post Analyst Compares Kaspa to Cardano, Revealing His KAS Strategy While the Coin Trades in Red appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

分析師將 Kaspa 與 Cardano 進行比較,揭示了他的 KAS 策略,而紅色的代幣交易首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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