首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師預測狗狗幣將達到 0.115 美元,Meme Moguls 的前景看好

Analyst predicts Dogecoin to reach $0.115, Meme Moguls’ prospects bullish

分析師預測狗狗幣將達到 0.115 美元,Meme Moguls 的前景看好

發布: 2023/12/11 18:07 閱讀: 743



Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


After evaluating the meme coin’s price movement, an analyst has chosen Dogecoin’s (DOGE) next target. Similarly, the presale token, Meme Moguls (MGLS), appears to be gearing up for a price rally.

在評估了迷因幣的價格走勢後,分析師選擇了狗狗幣(DOGE)的下一個目標。同樣,預售代幣 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 似乎正在為價格上漲做好準備。

Dogecoin may reach $0.11 and $0.115 

狗狗幣可能達到 0.11 美元和 0.115 美元

In a recent YouTube video, a cryptocurrency analyst expressed optimism about the future of Dogecoin.

在最近的 YouTube 影片中,一位加密貨幣分析師對狗狗幣的未來表示樂觀。

DOGE recently broke vital resistance around the $0.09-$0.095 range, which some proponents view as a bullish indicator of upward trajectory potential.

DOGE 最近突破了 0.09-0.095 美元區間的重要阻力位,一些支持者認為這是上行潛力的看漲指標。

The analyst suggests the crypto market could enter an early broad bull cycle with capital rotating back into meme-themed assets like DOGE after favoring bellwethers Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) earlier. If prices continue rising, influencer commentary around DOGE may follow.

這位分析師表示,在早些時候青睞比特幣(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)等領頭羊之後,加密貨幣市場可能會進入早期的廣泛牛市週期,資本將回流到DOGE 等以模因為主題的資產。如果價格繼續上漲,圍繞 DOGE 的影響者評論可能會隨之而來。

Given the current momentum, targets between $0.11 and $0.115 have been floated in the near term. However, the analyst notes DOGE remains strongly correlated with Bitcoin, carrying the risk of sharp declines if Bitcoin suddenly drops.

鑑於目前的勢頭,近期目標價已在 0.11 美元至 0.115 美元之間浮動。然而,分析師指出,DOGE 仍與比特幣密切相關,如果比特幣突然下跌,則有大幅下跌的風險。

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您可能也喜歡: Netflix 科幻系列導演透過狗狗幣賺了 2700 萬美元,新型被動收入山寨幣受到關注

DOGE broke out from a tight trading range in December, climbing 17.5% and 31.4% week-over-week and month-over-month, respectively.

DOGE 在 12 月突破窄幅波動區間,週比上漲 17.5%,季增 31.4%。

Meme Moguls may extend gains

Meme 大亨可能會擴大收益

Meme Moguls is a play-to-earn (P2E) that introduces a gamified investment platform for users to learn about investing and potentially earn rewards.

Meme Moguls 是一款邊玩邊賺錢 (P2E) 的遊戲,它引入了一個遊戲化的投資平台,讓用戶了解投資知識並可能賺取獎勵。

Participants can gain practical knowledge of various investment strategies through simulated investment scenarios and explore new opportunities. 


You might also like: 2 coins under $1 investors can consider: Shiba Inu and Meme Moguls

您可能還喜歡:1 美元以下的 2 種硬幣投資者可以考慮:Shiba Inu 和 Meme Moguls

Each player begins with a virtual balance of $100,000 to construct their investment portfolio. As they progress and complete challenges, players can convert their simulated profits into MGLS that can be withdrawn.

每個玩家開始時都有 100,000 美元的虛擬餘額來建立他們的投資組合。隨著他們的進步和完成挑戰,玩家可以將他們的模擬利潤轉換為可以提取的 MGLS。

To encourage diversification, Meme Moguls restricts players, limiting them to allocating at most 20% of their virtual portfolio to a single investment. This unique feature sets Meme Moguls apart from other similar projects.

為了鼓勵多元化,Meme Moguls 對玩家進行了限制,限制他們將最多 20% 的虛擬投資組合分配給單一投資。這項獨特功能使 Meme Moguls 與其他類似項目區分開來。

The platform fosters a sense of community by enabling members to organize tournaments and participate in simulated investment competitions. 


Players can also engage in head-to-head battles against each other, with the victor claiming all tokens and rewards.


Additionally, users can climb the in-game rankings and aspire to achieve the coveted status of a “mogul.”


Mogul status allows users to monetize their trading expertise, leading to potential passive income generation. 


Meme Moguls offers users various earning and engaging opportunities. Currently, MGLS is available for purchase at $0.0021 in its presale.

Meme Moguls 為用戶提供各種賺錢和參與的機會。目前,MGLS 的預售價格為 0.0021 美元。



Meme Moguls is being compared with Dogecoin. Analysts predict MGLS will rally in the sessions ahead. At the end of each presale stage, there will be a giveaway of $10,000 for the most active user on X. 

Meme Moguls 正在與狗狗幣進行比較。分析師預測 MGLS 將在未來幾個交易日上漲。在每個預售階段結束時,X 上最活躍的用戶將獲得 10,000 美元的贈品。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale:

有關 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 預售的更多資訊:

Website: https://mememoguls.com/


Buy presale: https://app.mememoguls.com/sign-up 


X: https://twitter.com/meme_moguls


Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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