首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師一致認為 Kaspa 將在創下歷史新高後實現指數級增長;分享下一個 KAS 價格目標

Analysts Agree Kaspa is Set for Exponential Growth Following New All-Time High; Share Next KAS Price Targets

分析師一致認為 Kaspa 將在創下歷史新高後實現指數級增長;分享下一個 KAS 價格目標

發布: 2024/06/06 19:05 閱讀: 880

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


分析師一致認為 Kaspa 將在創下歷史新高後實現指數級增長;分享下一個 KAS 價格目標

Analysts Project Promising Future for Kaspa After Record High

分析師預測 Kaspa 在創下歷史新高後前景光明

On Wednesday, Kaspa's value surged to an unprecedented $0.192. Since then, it has fluctuated slightly, settling at $0.179. However, it has maintained an upward trajectory today, facing key resistance levels to reach its all-time peak again.

週三,Kaspa 的價值飆升至前所未有的 0.192 美元。此後,它略有波動,最終穩定在 0.179 美元。然而,今天它仍然保持上升軌跡,面臨著再次觸及歷史最高點的關鍵阻力位。

Analysts remain optimistic about Kaspa's potential, predicting significant price increases in the months to come. Bysiyakat, an analyst at X, forecasts a surge to $5, with most of this growth occurring between July 2024 and 2025. According to their analysis, the rise from $2 to $5 will likely follow a logarithmic pattern, indicating substantial percentage gains.

分析師對 Kaspa 的潛力仍持樂觀態度,預計未來幾個月價格將大幅上漲。 X 分析師Bysiyakat 預測價格將飆升至5 美元,其中大部分成長發生在2024 年7 月至2025 年之間。百分比漲幅很大。

Bysiyakat emphasizes the value of understanding temporal cycles in the cryptocurrency market, suggesting it can lead to significant wealth accumulation. They have identified a pattern on Kaspa's weekly chart, showing decreasing intervals between blue lines, potentially indicating accelerating price growth. The two orange vertical lines on the chart frame the period between July 2024 and July 2025, which Bysiyakat believes will be crucial for Kaspa's performance.

Bysiyakat 強調了解加密貨幣市場時間週期的價值,並表明它可以帶來巨大的財富累積。他們在 Kaspa 的周線圖上發現了一種模式,顯示藍線之間的間隔不斷減小,這可能表明價格正在加速成長。圖表上的兩條橙色垂直線描繪了 2024 年 7 月至 2025 年 7 月之間的時期,Bysiyakat 認為這對 Kaspa 的業績至關重要。

Another analyst, Cryptographur, has identified a seven-month-long "Running Flat Pattern" on Kaspa's chart, which they view as a bullish sign. The low and extended correction, followed by an anticipated breakout, suggests a potential surge.

另一位分析師 Cryptographur 在 Kaspa 的圖表上發現了一個長達七個月的“運行平坦模式”,他們認為這是一個看漲信號。低位和延長的修正,以及隨後的預期突破,表明潛在的飆升。

Cryptographur also discusses the lack of widespread attention on Kaspa during its accumulation phase. They suggest that savvy investors, recognizing its value, prefer to accumulate quietly, avoiding competition and keeping the price low. Moreover, retail traders often overlook the true value of such projects, focusing instead on short-term price movements and hype.

Cryptographur 也討論了 Kaspa 在累積階段缺乏廣泛關注的問題。他們建議精明的投資者認識到其價值,更願意悄悄積累,避免競爭並保持低價。此外,零售交易者常常忽略此類項目的真正價值,而是專注於短期價格走勢和炒作。

The analyst stresses the importance of focusing on value over price, asserting that Kaspa has the strongest value proposition in the cryptocurrency industry.

這位分析師強調了關注價值而非價格的重要性,並斷言 Kaspa 擁有加密貨幣行業中最強的價值主張。

Technical Analysis and Price Expectations


Analyst Hov provides a technical analysis of Kaspa's recent performance, noting a 70% rebound from a support level. They anticipate a period of sideways correction, based on the rule of alternation, given the sharp correction in the previous wave.

分析師 Hov 對 Kaspa 最近的表現進行了技術分析,指出從支撐位反彈了 70%。考慮到前一波的急劇調整,他們根據交替規則預計將出現一段橫向調整期。

If Kaspa faces resistance at its current level, Hov expects a pullback to the $0.14 support level. However, a solid close above $0.20 could drive the price towards the $0.25-$0.28 range, completing the larger third wave pattern.

如果 Kaspa 在當前水平遇到阻力,Hov 預計會回調至 0.14 美元的支撐位。然而,如果收盤價穩定在 0.20 美元上方,可能會將價格推向 0.25-0.28 美元區間,從而完成更大的第三波形態。


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