首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師稱 ETFSwap (ETFS) 的價格為 0.01831 美元,在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 達到 1 美元之前將達到 50 美元

Analysts Says ETFSwap (ETFS), Priced At $0.01831 Will Reach $50 Before Dogecoin (DOGE) And Shiba Inu (SHIB) Reach $1

分析師稱 ETFSwap (ETFS) 的價格為 0.01831 美元,在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 達到 1 美元之前將達到 50 美元

發布: 2024/07/23 01:12 閱讀: 250

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


分析師稱 ETFSwap (ETFS) 的價格為 0.01831 美元,在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 達到 1 美元之前將達到 50 美元

ETFSwap (ETFS): A Rising Star in the Cryptosphere with a Projected 1600x Rally to $50

ETFSwap (ETFS):加密領域的後起之秀,預計將上漲 1,600 倍至 50 美元

Top analysts are igniting excitement and driving investment into the viral ICO for ETFSwap (ETFS), predicting its token to surge to $50 before Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) reach $1.

頂級分析師正在激發人們的興奮並推動對 ETFSwap (ETFS) 病毒式 ICO 的投資,預測其代幣將在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 達到 1 美元之前飆升至 50 美元。

ETFSwap (ETFS): On Track to Reach $50 with an Anticipated 1600x Surge

ETFSwap (ETFS):預計達到 50 美元,預計將飆升 1600 倍

ETFSwap's presale is rapidly selling out, with tokens priced at $0.01831 each. Smart investors and financial institutions are acquiring substantial quantities of ETFS tokens in anticipation of the meteoric price rally forecast by industry experts. ETFS is eclipsing Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, thanks to its unique token utilities and unparalleled DeFi trading platform that offers access to the most lucrative investment assets in the crypto market.

ETFSwap 的預售很快就被搶購一空,每個代幣的售價為 0.01831 美元。聰明的投資者和金融機構預計行業專家預測價格將大幅上漲,因此正在購買大量 ETFS 代幣。 ETFS 憑藉其獨特的代幣實用程式和無與倫比的 DeFi 交易平台(可提供加密貨幣市場中最有利可圖的投資資產),使狗狗幣和柴犬黯然失色。

The DeFi trading platform empowers investors with lucrative opportunities through its carefully curated tokenized ETFs and cryptocurrency listings. Its platform virtually guarantees investment profitability by offering tokenized ETF listings that include bond, market, fixed income, equity, spot Ethereum, spot Bitcoin, and leveraged ETFs, among others. By leveraging the platform's 100x leverage, investors can amplify their profits to an astonishing 41,000% on tokenized ETFs.

DeFi 交易平台透過精心策劃的代幣化 ETF 和加密貨幣列表,為投資者提供了利潤豐厚的機會。其平台透過提供代幣化 ETF 清單,包括債券、市場、固定收益、股票、現貨以太坊、現貨比特幣和槓桿 ETF 等,實際上保證了投資獲利能力。透過利用該平台的 100 倍槓桿,投資者可以將代幣化 ETF 的利潤放大到驚人的 41,000%。

User-friendly and seamlessly integrated with AI technologies, the DeFi trading platform provides a frictionless experience for traders and investors. AI-powered tools such as the ETF Tracker and ETF Screener provide insightful data on the most profitable tokenized ETFs and track investment profitability.

用戶友好且與人工智慧技術無縫整合的 DeFi 交易平台為交易者和投資者提供了無摩擦的體驗。 ETF Tracker 和 ETF Screener 等人工智慧驅動的工具提供有關最賺錢的代幣化 ETF 的深入數據,並追蹤投資獲利能力。

Investors and traders have access to an advanced DeFi platform that ensures optimal market liquidity and provides 24/7 coverage of lucrative investment opportunities and crypto news events. Beginner traders seeking reduced risk can explore asset staking and yield farming options, risk-free investments that generate passive income with returns reaching up to 87% APR.

投資者和交易者可以使用先進的 DeFi 平台,確保最佳的市場流動性,並提供 24/7 的利潤豐厚的投資機會和加密新聞事件報告。尋求降低風險的新手交易者可以探索資產抵押和流動性挖礦選項,這些無風險投資可以產生被動收入,年化回報率高達 87%。

Beyond asset staking and leveraged trading, users can also tokenize real-world assets (RWA) and trade them on-chain. ETFSwap plans to expand its offerings by introducing its ETF into the global finance industry in 2025, positioning investors for potential transformative gains. The DeFi platform is meticulously secured, as evidenced by smart contract audit reports from CyberScope. The project team maintains transparency and has completed KYC with SolidProof.

除了資產質押和槓桿交易之外,用戶還可以對現實世界資產(RWA)進行代幣化並在鏈上進行交易。 ETFSwap 計劃於 2025 年將其 ETF 引入全球金融業,從而擴大其產品範圍,為投資者帶來潛在的變革性收益。 Cyber​​Scope 的智能合約審計報告證明了 DeFi 平台受到精心保護。專案團隊保持透明度,並已使用 SolidProof 完成 KYC。

Dogecoin (DOGE): A Favored Altcoin with Potential to Hit $1

狗狗幣 (DOGE):備受青睞的山寨幣,有望突破 1 美元

Listed among the top meme coins in the crypto market, Dogecoin is touted by analysts as one of the altcoins, along with Shiba Inu, that could surge from $0.1 to $1 during the crypto bull run. However, Dogecoin trails behind ETFSwap, with market experts predicting ETFS to surpass DOGE with a 1600x rally, reaching a significant $50 milestone.

狗狗幣被列為加密貨幣市場中最熱門的迷因幣之一,被分析師吹捧為與柴犬一樣的山寨幣之一,在加密貨幣牛市期間,狗狗幣可能會從0.1 美元飆升至1美元。然而,Dogecoin 落後於 ETFSwap,市場專家預測 ETFS 將以 1600 倍的漲幅超越 DOGE,達到 50 美元的重要里程碑。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Lagging Behind ETFSwap in Potential Gains

Shiba Inu (SHIB):潛在收益落後於 ETFSwap

Top crypto analysts have identified Shiba Inu as among the popular altcoins that pale in comparison to ETFSwap in terms of potential profits and returns for investors. Shiba Inu investors are noticeably diversifying their portfolios with ETFSwap, which is forecast to rally from $0.01831 to $50. Nevertheless, Shiba Inu retains potential, with analysts suggesting the possibility of reaching $1 alongside Dogecoin during the upcoming crypto bull run.

頂級加密貨幣分析師已將 Shiba Inu 視為流行的山寨幣之一,但就投資者的潛在利潤和回報而言,與 ETFSwap 相比,Shiba Inu 相形見絀。柴犬投資者明顯透過 ETFSwap 實現投資組合多元化,預計 ETF 將從 0.01831 美元上漲至 50 美元。儘管如此,柴犬仍然具有潛力,分析師表示,在即將到來的加密貨幣牛市期間,柴犬有可能與狗狗幣一起達到 1 美元。

Conclusion: ETFSwap Poised to Outperform Dogecoin and Shiba Inu with Projected $50 Price

結論:ETFSwap 的表現預計將超越狗狗幣和柴犬,預計價格為 50 美元

Priced at $0.01831, ETFSwap emerges as a superior investment option compared to Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, as analysts predict a bullish future for the ETFS token, projecting a 1600x rally to reach an impressive $50.

與狗狗幣和柴犬相比,ETFSwap 的定價為 0.01831 美元,成為更優越的投資選擇,因為分析師預測 ETFS 代幣未來看漲,預計將上漲 1600 倍,達到令人印象深刻的 50 美元。


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