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Analysts backing 4 meme coins in 2024

分析師支援 2024 年推出 4 種 Meme 幣

發布: 2024/02/14 18:01 閱讀: 901



分析師支援 2024 年推出 4 種 Meme 幣

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


Investing in meme coins like Bonk, Meme Moguls, Honk, and Dogecoin can lead to gains. However, it’s crucial to research and choose carefully before investing your money. While some people have made a lot of money by investing in meme coins, others have not been successful. 

投資 Bonk、Meme Moguls、Honk 和 Dogecoin 等迷因幣可以帶來收益。然而,在投資之前仔細研究和選擇至關重要。雖然有些人透過投資迷因幣賺了很多錢,但其他人卻沒有成功。



In late 2022, Bonk was airdropped to Solana holders. 

2022 年底,Bonk 被空投給 Solana 持有者。

However, most ignored the token. 


Even though Bonk was considered a worthless meme coin, it made headlines with its growth. 

儘管 Bonk 被認為是一種毫無價值的迷因幣,但它的成長卻成為了頭條新聞。

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你可能也喜歡:Solana 的 Saga 行動版因 Bonk 代幣飆升 7% 而售空

Bonk remained inactive on exchanges for almost a year before soaring in H2 2023. 

Bonk 在交易所上保持了近一年的不活躍狀態,然後在 2023 年下半年飆升。

If someone had invested $500 in Bonk in late 2022, they could have made a million dollars when prices peaked in December 2023.  

如果有人在 2022 年底向 Bonk 投資 500 美元,那麼當 2023 年 12 月價格達到頂峰時,他們可能會賺到 100 萬美元。

Meme Moguls: the premise for meme-based crypto exchange 

Meme Moguls:基於 meme 的加密貨幣交易的前提

Meme Moguls is currently in presale. 

Meme Moguls 目前正在預售。

The exchange allows users to trade memes on a stock exchange-style platform. 


Analysts predict that Meme Moguls could rally after launch. 

分析師預測 Meme Moguls 推出後可能會反彈。

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您可能也喜歡:The Sandbox、Axie Infinity 和 Meme Moguls 2024 年價格預測

As Meme Moguls is not just a meme coin but a functioning crypto exchange, it has significant long-term potential.

由於 Meme Moguls 不僅僅是一個 meme 幣,而且是一個功能齊全的加密貨幣交易所,因此它具有巨大的長期潛力。

Honk soars


Honk is also known as Clown Pepe, launching in March 2023. 

Honk 也稱為 Clown Pepe,於 2023 年 3 月推出。

It initially tanked after launch before posting sharp gains in subsequent months. 


If someone had invested $14,000 in Honk in September, they would have made $1 million when prices peaked in January. 

如果有人在 9 月向 Honk 投資 14,000 美元,那麼當 1 月價格達到頂峰時,他們將賺到 100 萬美元。



Dogecoin started as a meme and has gained popularity over time. 


Although it is unlikely to rally, it remains an interesting case study.


You might also like: Dogecoin soars as Astrobotic wants to launch physical DOGE to Moon in 2024

你可能也喜歡: Astrobotic 希望在 2024 年向月球發射實體 DOGE,狗狗幣飆升

DOGE is one of the most liquid coins.

DOGE 是流動性最強的代幣之一。

 In May 2017, DOGE was trading for $0.001. Then, a $1,300 investment would be worth $1 million in May 2021. 

2017 年 5 月,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.001 美元。那麼,到 2021 年 5 月,1,300 美元的投資將價值 100 萬美元。



Meme coins like Dogecoin, Bonk, and Honk have churned millionaires in the past. In stage 5 of the presale, the Meme Moguls token trades for $0.0036. 

像 Dogecoin、Bonk 和 Honk 這樣的 Meme 幣過去曾讓百萬富翁流失。在預售的第 5 階段,Meme Moguls 代幣的交易價格為 0.0036 美元。

Read more: Arbitrum and Celestia recovering, Meme Moguls up 42% in presale

了解更多:Arbitrum 和 Celestia 正在復蘇,Meme Moguls 預售上漲 42%

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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