首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師認為 BlockDAG 的價格上漲潛力是 Shiba Inu 價格漲幅的 500 倍以及狗狗幣的 2024 年計劃

Analysts Pick BlockDAG’s 500x Surge Potential Over Shiba Inu Price Gains and Dogecoin’s Plan for 2024

分析師認為 BlockDAG 的價格上漲潛力是 Shiba Inu 價格漲幅的 500 倍以及狗狗幣的 2024 年計劃

發布: 2024/02/14 06:45 閱讀: 437



Shiba Inu (SHIB), the self-proclaimed ‘Dogecoin Killer,’ must find a way to balance hope with a recent drop in its 30-day performance. On the other hand, Dogecoin (DOGE), which is well-known for being easily accessible, struggles with the unpredictability of its market and has an optimistic 2024 forecast linked to the Bitcoin (BTC) Halving event. Among them, BlockDAG (BDAG) stands out due to the success of its Batch 2 and the impending Batch 3 which looks promising. Could investors looking for stability and possible returns be drawn to BlockDAG’s presale?

自稱為「狗狗幣殺手」的柴犬 (SHIB) 必須找到一種方法來平衡希望與其最近 30 天表現的下跌。另一方面,以易於取得而聞名的狗狗幣(DOGE)卻因市場的不可預測性而苦苦掙扎,並對 2024 年比特幣減半事件做出了樂觀的預測。其中,BlockDAG(BDAG)因其第 2 批的成功和即將推出的第 3 批看起來前景光明而脫穎而出。尋求穩定性和可能回報的投資者會被 BlockDAG 的預售所吸引嗎?

Shiba Inu’s Turbulent Ride


Over the past week, Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) price has had some good news, with several crypto analysts reporting that the meme coin may reach $0.04. However, it should be noted that all of this is based on a Telegaon prediction that extends into the 2030s. Things are looking pretty red, as Shiba Inu’s recent 30-day performance shows.

過去一周,柴犬 (SHIB) 的價格傳來了一些好消息,幾位加密貨幣分析師報告稱,這種 meme 幣可能會達到 0.04 美元。然而,應該指出的是,這一切都是基於 Telegaon 的一項延續到 2030 年代的預測。正如柴犬最近 30 天的表現所表明的那樣,情況看起來相當糟糕。

Even though Telegaon is forecasting significant gains in the next ten years, the meme coin has lost more than 15% of its value in the time frame mentioned above, so it is difficult to be hopeful about its pricing. At least the Shiba Inu environment always tries. According to D3, there is work on the development of a “.shib” domain, which will enable investors to have a .shib email address and be the first cryptocurrency to seamlessly connect Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.

儘管 Telegaon 預測未來十年將大幅上漲,但 Meme 幣在上述時間範圍內已經損失了超過 15% 的價值,因此很難對其定價抱有希望。至少柴犬環境總是在嘗試。據 D3 稱,正在開發「.shib」域名,這將使投資者能夠擁有 .shib 電子郵件地址,並成為第一個無縫連接 Web 2.0 和 Web 3.0 的加密貨幣。

Dogecoin Price Predictions and 2024 Prospects

狗狗幣價格預測與 2024 年前景

It is crucial to comprehend the intentions of Dogecoin (DOGE) investors in order to predict where the price of the cryptocurrency will go in 2024. A low-cost payment option is provided by Dogecoin, which is accepted by a large number of vendors like Twitch, Microsoft, and Tesla. But the majority of investors that drove up Dogecoin’s price in 2021 were inexperienced cryptocurrency investors hoping to “get rich quick.” These kinds of conditions usually come along only during bull markets.

為了預測 2024 年加密貨幣的價格走向,理解狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者的意圖至關重要。狗狗幣提供了低成本的支付選項,並被 Twitch 等大量供應商所接受、微軟和特斯拉。但 2021 年推高狗狗幣價格的投資者大多是缺乏經驗、希望「快速致富」的加密貨幣投資者。這些情況通常只會在牛市期間出現。

Dogecoin will, therefore, have the best chance of pumping once more when the market as a whole is bullish. Experts think the cryptocurrency bull run will start in 2024 as a result of the Bitcoin Halving event, albeit the exact outcome is yet unknown. Consequently, by the end of 2024, our DOGE price prediction projects a possible high of $0.19, a low of $0.04225, and an average price of $0.1161.

因此,當市場整體看漲時,狗狗幣將有最好的機會再次上漲。專家認為,由於比特幣減半事件,加密貨幣牛市將於 2024 年開始,但具體結果尚不清楚。因此,到 2024 年底,我們的 DOGE 價格預測預計最高價為 0.19 美元,最低價為 0.04225 美元,平均價格為 0.1161 美元。

Why BlockDAG’s Presale Outshines in 2024

為什麼 BlockDAG 的預售在 2024 年表現出色

On the other hand, BlockDAG’s success determines the prediction of its network. BDAG’s coin price in batch 2 is now $0.0015 after raising over $1 million in just 24 hours in batch 1. And when the coin starts batch 3, the price will increase to $0.002. It’s a profitable investment with zero fear of drops.

另一方面,BlockDAG的成功決定了其網路的預測。在第 1 批僅 24 小時內籌集了超過 100 萬美元後,BDAG 第 2 批的代幣價格現在為 0.0015 美元。當代幣開始第 3 批時,價格將上漲至 0.002 美元。這是一項有利可圖的投資,而且零擔心跌落。

BlockDAG emerges as one of the best cryptos in 2024 after reflecting on the supporters’ feedback and announcing the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) technology that the network uses. The DAG structure ensures scalability, security, and decentralisation, surpassing conventional blockchain technologies. This advanced architectural framework aligns seamlessly with the project’s commitment to cultivating a robust and trustworthy network. The presale raised over $1 million, and it won’t be long before Batch 3 and the new price release.

在反映支持者的回饋並宣布網路使用的有向無環圖(DAG)技術後,BlockDAG 成為 2024 年最好的加密貨幣之一。 DAG結構確保了可擴展性、安全性和去中心化,超越了傳統的區塊鏈技術。這種先進的架構框架與該專案致力於培養強大且值得信賴的網路的承諾無縫契合。預售籌集了超過 100 萬美元,不久之後就會發布第三批和新價格。

Act Now or Miss Out on the Future


While Dogecoin’s reliance on market sentiment and Shiba Inu price’s volatility may put investors in a precarious position, BlockDAG’s innovative technologies and success story in the presale set a hopeful tone for 2024. Investing in BlockDAG’s presale seems like a more appealing option. Will BlockDAG’s forward-thinking tactics win out, or will Shiba Inu and Dogecoin continue to gain traction? It seems obvious what to do: think about using BlockDAG’s presale offer as a possible game-changer for your investing portfolio.

雖然狗狗幣對市場情緒的依賴和柴犬價格的波動可能會讓投資者處於不穩定的境地,但BlockDAG 的創新技術和預售的成功故事為2024 年奠定了充滿希望的基調。投資BlockDAG 的預售似乎是一個更有吸引力的選擇。 BlockDAG 的前瞻策略會獲勝,還是柴犬和狗狗幣會繼續獲得關注?怎麼做似乎很明顯:考慮使用 BlockDAG 的預售優惠作為您投資組合的可能的遊戲規則改變者。

Join BlockDAG Crypto Presale:

加入 BlockDAG 加密貨幣預售:

Presale: https://purchase.blockdag.network


Website: https://blockdag.network


Telegram: https://t.me/blockDAGnetwork


Discord: https://discord.gg/Q7BxghMVyu


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The post Analysts Pick BlockDAG’s 500x Surge Potential Over Shiba Inu Price Gains and Dogecoin’s Plan for 2024 appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

分析師認為 BlockDAG 的價格漲幅比柴犬價格上漲 500 倍以及狗狗幣的 2024 年計畫首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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