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Analysts pick leading crypto primed for strong performance in 2024

分析師認為領先的加密貨幣預計在 2024 年表現強勁

發布: 2024/07/10 03:05 閱讀: 475



分析師認為領先的加密貨幣預計在 2024 年表現強勁

With the crypto market experiencing a bearish trend, these top picks, including Angry Pepe Fork, present growth potential in 2024.

隨著加密貨幣市場經歷看跌趨勢,包括 Angry Pepe Fork 在內的這些首選產品在 2024 年呈現出成長潛力。

Amidst market volatility, investors are seeking higher ROI to mitigate risks. As a result, several cryptocurrencies have garnered attention from industry experts and influencers, sparking renewed interest in projects expected to surge in 2024. Angry Pepe Fork (APORK), Polkadot (DOT), Cardano (ADA), and Book Of Meme (BOME) emerge as prominent contenders for substantial gains in the next bull cycle.

在市場波動的情況下,投資者正在尋求更高的投資報酬率以降低風險。因此,幾種加密貨幣引起了行業專家和影響者的關注,重新激發了人們對預計在2024 年激增的項目的興趣。 Meme (BOME)成為下一個牛市週期大幅收益的主要競爭者。

Angry Pepe Fork: Experts' Darling


During the market downturn, Angry Pepe Fork has emerged as an attractive investment for investors. According to industry experts, this unique crypto is poised for impressive performance within the memecoin market, promising a 100x surge by the conclusion of its presale stages. Its innovative conquer-to-earn mechanism is anticipated to revolutionize the memecoin market, shifting from hype to utility.

在市場低迷時期,Angry Pepe Fork 已成為對投資者有吸引力的投資。據行業專家稱,這種獨特的加密貨幣有望在 memecoin 市場中取得令人印象深刻的表現,並有望在預售階段結束時實現 100 倍的飆升。其創新的「征服即賺錢」機制預計將徹底改變迷因幣市場,從炒作轉向實用。

The conquer-to-earn mechanism empowers Angry Pepe Fork community members to earn collectively through staking. The APY increases as more zombie memecoins are vanquished. Moreover, individuals showcasing their prowess on the battlefield ascend to higher ranks within the Angry Pepe Fork community, earning additional rewards and APORK tokens.

征服即賺錢的機制使 Angry Pepe Fork 社區成員能夠透過質押集體賺錢。隨著更多殭屍迷因幣被擊敗,APY 也會增加。此外,在戰場上展示英勇的個人會在 Angry Pepe Fork 社群中晉升到更高的等級,獲得額外的獎勵和 APORK 代幣。

Additionally, the platform offers a staking option during its presale, with 30, 60, and 90-day tiers. The staking duration determines the APY received, incentivizing long-term investors to earn a higher return. With these compelling features, industry experts have projected a bullish price prediction for Angry Pepe Fork, with a potential 100x surge before year-end, positioning it as a prime crypto investment for 2024.

此外,該平台在預售期間提供 30 天、60 天和 90 天等級的質押選項。質押期限決定了收到的APY,激勵長期投資者獲得更高的報酬。憑藉這些引人注目的功能,行業專家對 Angry Pepe Fork 的價格做出了樂觀的預測,年底前可能飆升 100 倍,將其定位為 2024 年的主要加密貨幣投資。

Polkadot: Scalability and Interoperability in Focus


Polkadot is another top contender in the market, aiming to drive mainstream adoption by addressing scalability and connectivity limitations across networks. This focus has propelled Polkadot's price to record highs, with moderate volatility establishing it as one of the most reliable cryptos for investment. The upcoming network development, the Polkadot App, has also fueled growing interest in the altcoin.

Polkadot 是市場上的另一個頂級競爭者,旨在透過解決跨網路的可擴展性和連接限制來推動主流採用。這種關注推動 Polkadot 的價格創下歷史新高,適度的波動使其成為最可靠的投資加密貨幣之一。即將推出的網頁開發 Polkadot 應用程式也引發了人們對山寨幣日益增長的興趣。

Polkadot's on-chain market activity reflects this heightened interest. Trading volume has experienced a 62% surge, indicating positive investor sentiment. Experts have issued bullish Polkadot price predictions, suggesting that the altcoin is poised for a breakout, solidifying its position among the most promising cryptocurrencies.

Polkadot 的鏈上市場活動反映了這種濃厚的興趣。交易量激增 62%,顯示投資者情緒積極。專家們發布了看漲的 Polkadot 價格預測,表明該山寨幣即將突破,鞏固其在最有前途的加密貨幣中的地位。

Book Of Meme Price Breaks Levels


Amid sell-off pressure on Solana-based memecoins, Book of Meme's price has been consolidating within a narrow trading range. However, it has recently dipped to lower critical levels as the bulls struggle to regain dominance. The downtrend is largely attributed to overall market bearishness.

在基於 Solana 的 memecoin 面臨拋售壓力的情況下,Book of Meme 的價格一直在狹窄的交易區間內盤整。然而,隨著多頭努力重新獲得主導地位,它最近已跌至較低的關鍵水平。下跌趨勢很大程度上歸因於整體市場看跌。

Despite this bearish outlook, Book of Meme's technical indicators suggest a potential price drop followed by parabolic bull runs. This presents an opportune entry point for investors to buy at a discount and reap higher returns, establishing it among the best cryptos to acquire at present.

儘管前景看跌,Book of Meme 的技術指標顯示價格可能下跌,隨後出現拋物線牛市。這為投資者提供了一個以折扣價購買並獲得更高回報的絕佳切入點,使其成為目前最值得購買的加密貨幣之一。

Cardano Whales Profiting from ADA Price Decline

卡爾達諾鯨魚從 ADA 價格下跌中獲利

Cardano's price has declined significantly in the face of bearish market trends, while other top cryptocurrencies experience a tug-of-war between bullish and bearish sentiment. However, Cardano's price outlook remains optimistic.


The altcoin is expected to break its upper critical resistance level, triggering parabolic bull runs. This presents an investment opportunity for investors to buy ADA at a discounted price and benefit from potential substantial returns in the coming months. Experts have projected bold price predictions for ADA, suggesting that it could reach $1 by the end of the year, positioning it as one of the best crypto investments.

山寨幣預計將突破其上方關鍵阻力位,引發拋物線牛市。這為投資者提供了一個以折扣價購買 ADA 的投資機會,並在未來幾個月內從潛在的豐厚回報中受益。專家對 ADA 的價格做出了大膽的預測,表明其到今年年底可能會達到 1 美元,將其定位為最佳的加密貨幣投資之一。

Angry Pepe Fork: Primed for Dominance in 2024

憤怒的佩佩福克:為 2024 年的統治做好準備

DOT, BOME, and ADA possess established foundations in the crypto market, but Angry Pepe Fork is rapidly emerging as a top contender, despite being in its early presale stage, where tokens are available for $0.014. Additionally, Angry Pepe Fork offers a 10% discount on all purchases.

DOT、BOME 和 ADA 在加密貨幣市場中擁有穩固的基礎,但 Angry Pepe Fork 正迅速成為頂級競爭者,儘管其處於早期預售階段,代幣價格為 0.014 美元。此外,Angry Pepe Fork 為所有購買提供 10% 的折扣。

For further details, visit the Angry Pepe coin presale website or follow the project on X and Telegram.

如需了解更多詳情,請造訪 Angry Pepe 幣預售網站或追蹤 X 和 Telegram 上的商品。


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