首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師預測 Shiba Inu 和 Pepe 將會大幅復甦,但憤怒的 Pepe Fork 能超越它們嗎?

Analysts Predict Huge Recovery for Shiba Inu and Pepe, But Can Angry Pepe Fork Outshine Them ?

分析師預測 Shiba Inu 和 Pepe 將會大幅復甦,但憤怒的 Pepe Fork 能超越它們嗎?

發布: 2024/07/10 00:08 閱讀: 330

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


分析師預測 Shiba Inu 和 Pepe 將會大幅復甦,但憤怒的 Pepe Fork 能超越它們嗎?

Crypto Market Crash Impacts Memecoins SHIB and PEPE

加密貨幣市場崩盤影響 Memecoin SHIB 和 PEPE

The recent market downturn has significantly impacted memecoins like SHIB (Shiba Inu) and PEPE. SHIB's price has declined in both weekly and monthly timeframes. However, analyst Crypto Sheriff predicts a potential price increase to $0.000045 in the near future.

最近的市場低迷對 SHIB(Shiba Inu)和 PEPE 等模因幣產生了重大影響。 SHIB 的價格在每周和每月的時間範圍內都有所下降。然而,分析師 Crypto Sheriff 預測在不久的將來價格可能會上漲至 0.000045 美元。

Similarly, PEPE's value has also dropped across weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly charts. Nevertheless, analyst Eljaboom anticipates a new peak soon.

同樣,PEPE 的價值在周圖、雙週圖和月圖上也有所下降。儘管如此,分析師 Eljaboom 預計很快就會出現新的高峰。

Experts Identify Potential Successor to SHIB and PEPE

專家確定 SHIB 和 PEPE 的潛在繼任者

Market experts, including Mr. Brown, have identified a promising new memecoin called Angry Pepe Fork. This project exhibits similarities to SHIB and PEPE in terms of price patterns and profitability potential.

包括布朗先生在內的市場專家已經確定了一種有前途的新模因幣,稱為“憤怒的佩佩叉”。該項目在價格模式和獲利潛力方面與 SHIB 和 PEPE 相似。

Shiba Inu (SHIB): Bullish Prediction from Top Analyst

Shiba Inu (SHIB):頂級分析師的看漲預測

SHIB, a prominent Ethereum-based memecoin, has experienced a downward trend in recent weeks. Despite a brief market rally, SHIB's price has declined significantly. Crypto Sheriff, a market expert, suggests that the accumulation phase for SHIB is nearing an end and predicts a surge to $0.000045 in the upcoming trading sessions.

SHIB 是一種基於以太坊的著名模因幣,最近幾週經歷了下跌趨勢。儘管市場短暫上漲,SHIB 的價格卻大幅下跌。市場專家 Crypto Sheriff 表示,SHIB 的吸籌階段已接近尾聲,並預計在接下來的交易時段將飆升至 0.000045 美元。

Pepe (PEPE): Analysts Anticipate Future Peak


Similar to SHIB, PEPE's price has been trading in the red zone. Despite the bearish market sentiment, analysts like VegetaCrypto1 and Eljaboom remain optimistic about its future value. Eljaboom forecasts that PEPE could reach a new all-time high of $0.000026, while VegetaCrypto1 predicts a more significant increase to $0.000037.

與SHIB類似,PEPE的價格一直在紅色區域交易。儘管市場情緒看跌,但 VegetaCrypto1 和 Eljaboom 等分析師仍對其未來價值持樂觀態度。 Eljaboom 預測 PEPE 可能會達到 0.000026 美元的歷史新高,而 VegetaCrypto1 預測更顯著的增長至 0.000037 美元。

Angry Pepe Fork: A Potential Market Dominator


Angry Pepe Fork is an emerging project gaining traction in the market due to its unique features that distinguish it from other memecoins.

Angry Pepe Fork 是一個新興項目,因其與其他 memecoin 不同的獨特功能而在市場上獲得關注。

  • Conquer to Earn Mechanism: Community members can collectively stake their coins to conquer zombie meme coins, resulting in increased APY for every conquest.
  • Flexible Staking Options: Members can lock their APORK coins for 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on their risk appetite.
  • Community Engagement Rewards: Active participation in the community earns additional rewards.
  • Limited Token Supply: Only 1.9 billion tokens are available, potentially increasing scarcity and value in the long term.

Analysts anticipate a 200% price increase during the presale and a 100x surge after exchange listing.

征服賺取機制:社群成員可以集體質押他們的幣來征服殭屍迷因幣,從而每次征服都會增加 APY。 .社區參與獎勵:積極參與社區可以獲得額外獎勵。 ,預售後價格將飆升100 倍交易所上市。



Ethereum-based memecoins continue to navigate the challenges of a bear market. However, analysts and experts remain cautiously optimistic about the potential for SHIB, PEPE, and the emerging Angry Pepe Fork project.

基於以太坊的模因幣繼續應對熊市的挑戰。然而,分析師和專家對 SHIB、PEPE 和新興的 Angry Pepe Fork 專案的潛力仍持謹慎樂觀態度。


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