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Ancient Dogecoin (DOGE) Whale Suddenly Wakes up After 10 Years


發布: 2024/04/04 17:45 閱讀: 884



An ancient Dogecoin (DOGE) whale resurfaced on the cryptocurrency market after a prolonged absence, according to a report by Whale Alert. Holding a substantial 3.7 million DOGE, equivalent to approximately $662,519, this whale has recently initiated transactions for the first time since January 2014. 

根據 Whale Alert 的一份報告,一頭古老的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鯨魚在長期消失後重新出現在加密貨幣市場上。這隻鯨魚持有 370 萬個 DOGE,約合 662,519 美元,最近發起了自 2014 年 1 月以來的首次交易。

The unexpected return of this long-dormant investor has garnered significant attention within the crypto community, particularly as it coincides with the approaching DOGE Day on April 20 — a date of cultural significance for Dogecoin enthusiasts.

這位長期蟄伏的投資者的意外回歸引起了加密貨幣社區的極大關注,特別是因為它恰逢4 月20 日狗狗日即將到來,這一天對於狗狗幣愛好者來說具有重要的文化意義。

Historically, the reappearance of dormant whales like this one has been met with speculation regarding potential market implications. Similar instances involving participants from past ICOs, notably in Ethereum, have led crypto enthusiasts to closely monitor market dynamics following such events. 

從歷史上看,像這頭鯨魚這樣的休眠鯨魚的重新出現引起了人們對潛在市場影響的猜測。涉及過去 ICO(尤其是以太坊)參與者的類似事件導致加密貨幣愛好者密切關注此類事件後的市場動態。

💤 A dormant address containing 3,700,051 #DOGE (662,519 USD) has just been activated after 10.3 years!https://t.co/GRLucRTvvg

💤 包含 3,700,051 #DOGE (662,519 USD) 的休眠位址在 10.3 年後剛啟動!https://t.co/GRLucRTvvg

— Whale Alert (@whale_alert) April 3, 2024

— 鯨魚警報 (@whale_alert) 2024 年 4 月 3 日

This resurgence occurs amid Dogecoin's recent surge in popularity, solidifying its position as the eighth-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, currently valued at $25.5 billion, with each token priced at $0.17.

這種復甦發生在狗狗幣最近人氣飆升之際,鞏固了其作為市值第八大加密貨幣的地位,目前價值 255 億美元,每個代幣的價格為 0.17 美元。

Days prior to DOGE day

DOGE 日之前的天數

However, despite this renewed interest, Dogecoin encountered volatility in April, experiencing a 19.2% decline in price over the past four days. This downturn contrasts with the significant growth observed from February to March, during which Dogecoin's value soared by 180%. 

然而,儘管人們重新燃起興趣,狗狗幣在 4 月還是遭遇了波動,過去四天價格下跌了 19.2%。這種低迷與 2 月至 3 月觀察到的顯著增長形成鮮明對比,在此期間狗狗幣的價值飆升了 180%。

DOGE to USD by CoinMarketCap

透過 CoinMarketCap 將 DOGE 兌換為 USD

As the ancient Dogecoin whale reemerges into active trading, the cryptocurrency community awaits further developments and assesses the potential impact on market trends, especially as the highly anticipated DOGE Day draws near. The return of the ancient DOGE whale for sure adds a layer of intrigue to the evolving narrative surrounding the popular meme-based cryptocurrency.

隨著古老的狗狗幣鯨魚重新出現在活躍的交易中,加密貨幣社群正在等待進一步的發展並評估對市場趨勢的潛在影響,特別是在備受期待的狗狗日臨近之際。古代 DOGE 鯨魚的回歸無疑為圍繞著流行的基於模因的加密貨幣不斷發展的敘事增添了一層吸引力。


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