首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Angry Pepe Fork 的投資報酬率超過 Book Of Meme 和 PepeCoin,投資報酬率高達 35 倍

Angry Pepe Fork Outshines Book Of Meme and PepeCoin With 35x ROI

Angry Pepe Fork 的投資報酬率超過 Book Of Meme 和 PepeCoin,投資報酬率高達 35 倍

發布: 2024/06/25 20:02 閱讀: 425

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


Angry Pepe Fork 的投資報酬率超過 Book Of Meme 和 PepeCoin,投資報酬率高達 35 倍

Angry Pepe Fork: A Promising Memecoin with 35x ROI Potential

Angry Pepe Fork:一種有前途的 Memecoin,具有 35 倍的投資回報率潛力

The Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) project, built on Solana, has garnered significant attention from industry experts due to its impressive roadmap. Analysts predict that APORK has the potential to outperform similar projects such as Book of Meme and PepeCoin in the near future.

基於 Solana 構建的 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) 專案因其令人印象深刻的路線圖而引起了行業專家的高度關注。分析師預測,APORK 在不久的將來有潛力超越Book of Meme 和 PepeCoin 等類似專案。

Conquer-to-Earn Strategy and Staking Rewards


APORK's unique "Conquer-to-Earn" strategy incentivizes users to eliminate inactive meme coins, thereby earning tokens, badges, and other rewards. Users can collaborate to maximize their earnings by destroying more "zombie" coins.

APORK 獨特的「征服即賺取」策略激勵用戶消除不活躍的迷因幣,從而獲得代幣、徽章和其他獎勵。用戶可以合作,透過銷毀更多「殭屍」硬幣來最大化他們的收入。

Additionally, APORK offers a staking feature that allows token holders to earn during the presale period. Three lock-in periods are available, ranging from 30 days to 90 days, with varying reward rates.

此外,APORK 還提供質押功能,允許代幣持有者在預售期間賺取收益。共有三個鎖定期,從 30 天到 90 天不等,獎勵率也不同。

Limited Token Supply and Partnerships


APORK has a relatively low token supply of 1.9 billion, increasing the scarcity and value of each token. The project plans to secure partnerships that will enhance the utility of APORK and establish it as a leading memecoin.

APORK 的代幣供應量相對較低,為 19 億,增加了每個代幣的稀缺性和價值。該專案計劃建立合作夥伴關係,以增強 APORK 的實用性,並將其打造成領先的迷因幣。

Analysts Predict Significant Growth


Presale analysts estimate that APORK's value could soar by 100% in the coming week. This aligns with the positive sentiment surrounding APORK, which is currently available for purchase at $0.014.

預售分析師估計 APORK 的價值可能在未來一周飆升 100%。這與 APORK 的正面情緒一致,目前 APORK 的售價為 0.014 美元。

Book of Meme's Potential Uptrend and PepeCoin's Bullish YTD Gain

Meme 的潛在上升趨勢和 PepeCoin 年初至今的看漲收益之書

Book of Meme (BOME) has experienced price declines recently. However, analysts predict a potential surge in the near future, with some estimating a rise to $0.0294 in the short term.

Book of Meme (BOME) 最近經歷了價格下跌。然而,分析師預測在不久的將來可能會飆升,一些人預計短期內將上漲至 0.0294 美元。

Meanwhile, PepeCoin (PEPECOIN) has recorded an impressive year-to-date gain of over 7,000%. Although its weekly and monthly charts show bearish signals, analysts believe it could rally to $5 from its current price of $2.66.

與此同時,PepeCoin (PEPECOIN) 今年迄今的漲幅令人印象深刻,超過 7,000%。儘管其周線圖和月線圖顯示看跌訊號,但分析師認為其可能從目前 2.66 美元的價格反彈至 5 美元。



Angry Pepe Fork stands out among other memecoins with its innovative features and favorable outlook. Its Conquer-to-Earn strategy, staking rewards, limited token supply, and partnership roadmap make it an attractive investment opportunity for those seeking a potential 35x return on investment.

Angry Pepe Fork 以其創新功能和良好的前景在其他 memecoin 中脫穎而出。其「征服即賺錢」策略、質押獎勵、有限的代幣供應和合作路線圖使其成為那些尋求潛在 35 倍投資回報率的投資者的有吸引力的投資機會。


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