首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 螞蟻礦機 L9 即將推出:會改變萊特幣和狗狗幣挖礦嗎?

Antminer L9 Coming Soon: Will Change Litecoin and Dogecoin Mining?

螞蟻礦機 L9 即將推出:會改變萊特幣和狗狗幣挖礦嗎?

發布: 2024/05/17 22:12 閱讀: 992



Antminer L9 is coming, offering a more powerful and energy-efficient way for Scrypt mining. This hashing algorithm is crucial for securing the Litecoin network and producing Dogecoin. Scrypt miners can expect a price tag above $16K, but the potential for higher profitability in mining LTC and DOGE.

Antminer L9即將到來,為Scrypt挖礦提供更強大、更節能的方式。這種哈希演算法對於保護萊特幣網路和生產狗狗幣至關重要。 Scrypt 礦工預計價格將超過 16,000 美元,但挖掘 LTC 和 DOGE 的獲利潛力可能更高。

Bitmain remains the primary source of mining rigs, and its new models drive the arms race among miners. Proof-of-work blockchains persist, and new rigs enhance energy efficiency and performance to mitigate environmental concerns.


Antminer L9 to Be Released by the End of May


The new Antminer Scrypt rig was initially announced for a May arrival, but an exact date is yet to be set. The miner is not currently listed on the Bitmain website.

新的 Antminer Scrypt 礦機最初宣布將於 5 月上市,但日期尚未確定。該礦機目前尚未在比特大陸網站上列出。

However, some vendors have already listed the model for presale, with prices starting at $14,700. The new hashing power is unlikely to impact Scrypt networks for months, as the first shipments are scheduled for June.

不過,一些供應商已經將該型號列為預售,起價為 14,700 美元。新的哈希能力不太可能在幾個月內影響 Scrypt 網絡,因為首批發貨計劃於 6 月進行。

Also read: Litecoin Price Prediction 2024-2030: Will LTC Price Hold $100?

另請閱讀:2024-2030 年萊特幣價格預測:LTC 價格會保持在 100 美元嗎?

The Antminer L9 will produce up to 17.6 GH/s, competing with the growing mining presence for Litecoin.

Antminer L9 將產生高達 17.6 GH/s 的速度,與日益增長的萊特幣挖礦競爭。

Over the past three years, Litecoin's mining has steadily increased, with activity surging by 500%. The hashrate now stands at 1.16 PH/s, reaching a new range. However, this mining level remains negligible compared to Bitcoin's network.

過去三年來,萊特幣的挖礦量穩定成長,活躍度激增 500%。算力現已達到 1.16 PH/s,達到新的範圍。然而,與比特幣網路相比,這個挖礦水平仍然可以忽略不計。

Also read: How is Litecoin a Winner? LTC Leads As Most Widely-Used Coin for Payments and Simple Transactions

另請閱讀:萊特幣如何成為贏家? LTC 成為支付和簡單交易中使用最廣泛的代幣

Nevertheless, for Litecoin miners, the relatively low competition allows for additional block creation and higher rewards. Litecoin is still between two halving cycles, and its block reward remains at 6.25 coins per block, with additional Dogecoin (DOGE) issued in every new block created.

然而,對於萊特幣礦工來說,相對較低的競爭允許額外的區塊創建和更高的獎勵。萊特幣仍處於兩個減半週期之間,其區塊獎勵仍為每個區塊 6.25 個幣,每個新區塊都會發行額外的狗狗幣 (DOGE)。

Is the New Litecoin Miner Profitable?


The crucial question when investing in a mining rig is whether it can pay for itself through rewards and fees.


The new Antminer L9 can be profitable, given affordable electricity and peak performance. However, earnings are estimated at around $1,000 per year, subject to varying electricity costs.

考慮到價格實惠的電力和尖峰性能,新的 Antminer L9 可以獲利。然而,每年的收入預計約為 1,000 美元,具體取決於不同的電費。

Litecoin and SCRYPT mining profitability varies and depends primarily on the creation of new LTC. Other Scrypt-based assets may have different profit margins.

萊特幣和 SCRYPT 挖礦的獲利能力各不相同,主要取決於新 LTC 的創建。其他基於 Scrypt 的資產可能有不同的利潤率。

Are Scrypt-Based Tokens Still Relevant?

基於 Scrypt 的代幣仍然相關嗎?

Most Scrypt mining assets are relatively older, created shortly after Bitcoin's launch. Litecoin and Dogecoin remain the most prominent ones.

大多數 Scrypt 挖礦資產都相對較舊,是在比特幣推出後不久創建的。萊特幣和狗狗幣仍然是最突出的。

Other mined assets include Syscoin (SYS), MonaCoin (MONA), and ReddCoin (RDD), which survive largely due to their ties to their online communities. Most Scrypt-based coins have trading volumes near zero, and some have become virtually frozen and worthless.

其他開採的資產包括 Syscoin (SYS)、MonaCoin (MONA) 和 ReddCoin (RDD),它們的生存很大程度上歸功於其與線上社群的聯繫。大多數基於 Scrypt 的代幣的交易量接近零,有些已經幾乎凍結且毫無價值。

Any new Scrypt-based hashing power would thus primarily benefit LTC and DOGE production, with minimal impact on other networks.

因此,任何新的基於 Scrypt 的哈希能力將主要有利於 LTC 和 DOGE 的生產,而對其他網路的影響最小。

Mining Links to Web3, NFT Items

挖掘 Web3、NFT 專案的鏈接

The traditional mining model involved creating coins that were then held or sold to cover costs.


However, in recent times, miners have found alternative ways to retain value. Newly minted coins are often used as collateral to support the value of NFTs or other token types. Thus, not all LTC and DOGE will be sold.

然而,近年來,礦商找到了保留價值的替代方法。新鑄造的代幣通常用作抵押品,以支持 NFT 或其他代幣類型的價值。因此,並非所有 LTC 和 DOGE 都會被出售。

Some miners offer a share of their rig's performance, typically in exchange for fees or the purchase of a specific NFT. Snekkies, an NFT project on Cardano, is linked to a Scrypt miner who also holds LTC and DOGE collateral.

一些礦工提供其礦機性能的一部分,通常是為了換取費用或購買特定的 NFT。 Snekkies 是 Cardano 上的 NFT 項目,與一位也持有 LTC 和 DOGE 抵押品的 Scrypt 礦工相關。

LTC remains a relatively stable asset, trading at $83.08. DOGE has recovered above $0.15 and has also maintained a predictable range. Together, these assets have a loyal community of long-term holders and are suitable as collateral for riskier Web3 features.

LTC 仍然是相對穩定的資產,交易價格為 83.08 美元。 DOGE 已恢復至 0.15 美元上方,並維持在可預測的範圍內。這些資產共同擁有忠實的長期持有者社區,並且適合作為風險較高的 Web3 功能的抵押品。

Litecoin Mining Still Relies on Large Pools


Solo Litecoin mining is virtually impossible. Similar to Bitcoin's network, Litecoin mining is dominated by four large pools.


Bitmain's own Antpool produces the majority of LTC, along with ViaBTC, F2Pool, and the Binance.com pool.

比特大陸自己的 Antpool 以及 ViaBTC、F2Pool 和 Binance.com 礦池生產了大部分 LTC。

It is possible that the Antminer L9 will first be available to and tested by Antpool, further solidifying its leading position. Antpool controls 28.9% of the known hashrate and discovers an average of 16 out of every 100 Litecoin blocks.

螞蟻礦機L9有可能先進入螞蟻礦池並進行測試,進一步鞏固其領先地位。螞蟻礦池控制 28.9% 的已知算力,平均發現每 100 個萊特幣區塊中的 16 個。

Cryptopolitan reporting by Hristina Beeva.

克里斯蒂娜貝瓦 (Hristina Beeva) 的《密碼城》報道。


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