首頁 > 資訊新聞 > ApeCoin 和 Dogecoin 未能給人留下深刻印象:VC Spectra 稱霸

ApeCoin and Dogecoin Fail To Impress: VC Spectra Reigns Supreme

ApeCoin 和 Dogecoin 未能給人留下深刻印象:VC Spectra 稱霸

發布: 2023/08/01 18:30 閱讀: 832



ApeCoin (APE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are currently struggling with their price fluctuations. After a lot of ups and downs, it’s time for something better. VC Spectra (SPCT) might be the crypto project you’re looking for. With native SPCT tokens in front of a 900% surge and $2.4 million raised during the first seed sale, VC Spectra stands out from its competitors. Are you ready to learn more?

猿幣(APE)和狗狗幣(DOGE)目前正在努力應對價格波動。在經歷了很多起起落落之後,是時候做一些更好的事情了。 VC Spectra (SPCT) 可能是您正在尋找的加密項目。憑藉原生 SPCT 代幣飆升 900% 並在首次種子銷售期間籌集了 240 萬美元,VC Spectra 從競爭對手中脫穎而出。您準備好了解更多資訊了嗎?


>>立即購買 SPECTRA 代幣

ApeCoin (APE) Loses its Value After Waves in the NFT Market

ApeCoin (APE) 在 NFT 市場浪潮過後失去價值

After returning on a bullish run because of developing its Bored Ape Yacht Club project, ApeCoin (APE) is now again struggling with its price movement.

在因開發 Bored Ape Yacht Club 項目而恢復看漲之後,ApeCoin (APE) 現在再次陷入價格波動的困境。

ApeCoin (APE) and its Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT collection have experienced significant price drops in the last 24 hours. Due to this, ApeCoin (APE) dropped by 0.20%, and ApeCoin (APE) tokens are currently $1.98. This happened because there was a cooldown in the NFT market that caused negative price movement for ApeCoin (APE).

ApeCoin (APE) 及其 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT 系列在過去 24 小時內經歷了大幅價格下跌。因此,ApeCoin (APE) 下跌了 0.20%,ApeCoin (APE) 代幣目前價格為 1.98 美元。發生這種情況是因為 NFT 市場降溫導致 ApeCoin (APE) 價格出現負面波動。

But crypto experts claim that ApeCoin (APE) can increase to $2.73 once the NFT market strengthens. As a result, they say that ApeCoin (APE) is worth the investment.

但加密貨幣專家聲稱,一旦 NFT 市場走強,ApeCoin (APE) 可能會上漲至 2.73 美元。因此,他們認為 ApeCoin (APE) 值得投資。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Faces Increased Pressure


Dogecoin (DOGE) spent some time on a bullish run because Musk announced Twitter’s rebranding. Unfortunately, Dogecoin (DOGE) is showing bearish signs again.

由於馬斯克宣布 Twitter 進行品牌重塑,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 經歷了一段時間的看漲。不幸的是,狗狗幣(DOGE)再次顯示出看跌跡象。

Dogecoin community saw Twitter’s rebranding as only the start for incorporating Dogecoin (DOGE) in the Twitter ecosystem. As a result, the pressure on DOGE increased, which put the coin on a negative price movement. This put significant pressure on Dogecoin (DOGE), resulting in a price decline. It is now available for $0.07739 because it has decreased by 1.49%.

狗狗幣社群將 Twitter 的品牌重塑視為將狗狗幣 (DOGE) 納入 Twitter 生態系統的開始。結果,DOGE 的壓力增加,導致該代幣出現負價格走勢。這給狗狗幣(DOGE)帶來了巨大壓力,導致價格下跌。現在價格為 0.07739 美元,因為它已減少 1.49%。

On a more positive note, analysts claim that when the situation calms down, Dogecoin (DOGE) will return among bulls. Moreover, it is estimated to reach $0.09999 by the end of the year.

從更積極的角度來看,分析師聲稱,當局勢平靜下來時,狗狗幣(DOGE)將重返多頭行列。此外,預計到今年年底將達到 0.09999 美元。

VC Spectra (SPCT) Emerges as a Leading Crypto Project

VC Spectra (SPCT) 成為領先的加密項目

SPCT is a revolutionary decentralized hedge fund with several investor benefits. It offers dividends and buybacks from investment profits and exclusive access to voting rights and ICOs. VC Spectra runs on trustless and transparent blockchain infrastructure, which includes peer-to-peer trading and asset management opportunities without intermediaries.

SPCT 是一款革命性的去中心化對沖基金,可為投資者帶來多種好處。它提供股息和投資利潤回購以及投票權和 ICO 的獨家訪問權。 VC Spectra 運行在無需信任且透明的區塊鏈基礎設施上,其中包括無需中介的點對點交易和資產管理機會。

Moreover, VC Spectra (SPCT) has native SPCT tokens that raised $2.4 million during their first private seed sale. What’s more, SPCT tokens allow exchanging, decentralized trading, managing your assets, and paying transaction fees. They are standard BRC-20 ones that follow a deflationary model. In other words, it utilizes a burn mechanism that reduces token circulation over time.

此外,VC Spectra (SPCT) 擁有原生 SPCT 代幣,在首次私募種子銷售中籌集了 240 萬美元。此外,SPCT 代幣允許交換、去中心化交易、管理您的資產並支付交易費用。它們是遵循通貨緊縮模型的標準 BRC-20。換句話說,它利用了一種燃燒機制,可以隨著時間的推移減少代幣的流通。

SPCT tokens recently entered Stage 2 of the public presale. Due to this, VC Spectra tokens experienced a 37.5% price boost from the beginning price of $0.008. You can get them now for $0.011, and they will jump by an additional 627% by the end of the presale.

SPCT代幣最近進入公開預售的第二階段。因此,VC Spectra 代幣的價格從 0.008 美元的起始價格上漲了 37.5%。您現在只需 0.011 美元即可購買,到預售結束時價格將額外上漲 627%。

But first, SPCT tokens need to enter Stage 3. Then, SPCT tokens will increase by 127.7% and cost $0.025. After they get listed on major exchanges, their value will reach $0.08 thanks to its overall 900% surge.

但首先,SPCT 代幣需要進入第 3 階段。然後,SPCT 代幣將增加 127.7%,價格為 0.025 美元。在主要交易所上市後,由於整體上漲 900%,其價值將達到 0.08 美元。

Therefore, you need to hurry up to enjoy all the benefits VC Spectra offers. Join VC Spectra’s family today!

因此,您需要抓緊時間享受 VC Spectra 提供的所有好處。今天就加入 VC Spectra 的大家庭吧!


>>立即購買 SPECTRA 代幣

Find out more about the VC Spectra presale here:

在此處了解有關 VC Spectra 預售的更多資訊:





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