首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Austin Hilton 評論預售金額超過 600 萬美元的最新 Meme 硬幣及其即將推出的第 2 層區塊鏈

Austin Hilton Reviews Newest Meme Coin Surpassing $6 Million in Presale and Its Upcoming Layer-2 Blockchain

Austin Hilton 評論預售金額超過 600 萬美元的最新 Meme 硬幣及其即將推出的第 2 層區塊鏈

發布: 2024/07/31 15:02 閱讀: 928

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Austin Hilton 評論預售金額超過 600 萬美元的最新 Meme 硬幣及其即將推出的第 2 層區塊鏈

Pepe Unchained: Advancing Meme Coins with Layer-2 Efficiency

Pepe Unchained:以第 2 層效率推進 Meme 幣

Renowned crypto YouTuber Austin Hilton has highlighted the impressive success of Pepe Unchained, a meme coin that has garnered over $6 million in presale revenue. Fueled by the surge in interest surrounding Layer-2 (L2) blockchain technology, Pepe Unchained is poised to be the first meme coin to establish its own blockchain.

著名加密貨幣 YouTuber Austin Hilton 強調了 Pepe Unchained 的巨大成功,這是一種迷因代幣,預售收入已超過 600 萬美元。在人們對 Layer-2 (L2) 區塊鏈技術興趣激增的推動下,Pepe Unchained 有望成為第一個建立自己的區塊鏈的迷因幣。

L2 is a breakthrough built on the Ethereum network that empowers faster and more economical transactions. This innovation makes Pepe Unchained the frontrunner among Ethereum meme coins, as it provides a dedicated blockchain with unmatched efficiency.

L2 是建立在以太坊網路上的突破,可實現更快、更經濟的交易。這項創新使 Pepe Unchained 成為以太坊迷因幣中的領跑者,因為它提供了具有無與倫比效率的專用區塊鏈。

Overcoming Meme Coin Limitations

克服 Meme 幣的限制

Amidst the escalating demand for meme coins, Pepe Unchained distinguishes itself by implementing an ingenious solution to address the pitfalls of traditional utility-less tokens. By introducing its L2 blockchain, fully compatible with Ethereum, the project offers significant advantages while retaining the decentralization and security of the Ethereum network.

在對模因幣的需求不斷增加的背景下,Pepe Unchained 透過實施巧妙的解決方案來解決傳統無實用代幣的陷阱,從而脫穎而出。透過引入與以太坊完全相容的 L2 區塊鏈,該專案提供了顯著的優勢,同時保留了以太坊網路的去中心化和安全性。

Optimized Transactions on L2

優化 L2 交易

Ethereum meme coins frequently encounter exorbitant transaction fees due to network congestion. However, Pepe Unchained's L2 solution promises swift and cost-effective transactions while preserving the Ethereum ecosystem's benefits.

由於網路擁塞,以太坊模因幣經常遇到過高的交易費用。然而,Pepe Unchained 的 L2 解決方案承諾快速且經濟高效的交易,同時保留以太坊生態系統的優勢。

Seamless Ethereum Integration


Pepe Unchained simplifies fund transfers within the Ethereum ecosystem through its dedicated bridge. This utility caters to meme coin enthusiasts and underscores the project's commitment to seamless user experiences.

Pepe Unchained 透過其專用橋簡化了以太坊生態系統內的資金轉移。該實用程式迎合了模因幣愛好者的需求,並強調了該專案對無縫用戶體驗的承諾。

Generous Staking Rewards


The project further enhances its appeal with a lucrative staking protocol that offers an impressive 300% APY during the presale period.

該項目透過利潤豐厚的質押協議進一步增強了其吸引力,該協議在預售期間提供了令人印象深刻的 300% APY。

Verified Token Distribution


Pepe Unchained's token distribution mechanism ensures fairness and transparency. Over two years, 608 $PEPU tokens will be released per Ethereum block. This system rewards both short-term and long-term stakers alike.

Pepe Unchained 的代幣分配機制確保公平和透明。兩年內,每個以太坊區塊將發行 608 個 $PEPU 代幣。該系統對短期和長期利害關係人給予同樣的獎勵。

Security and Audit


The project prioritizes security through a thorough audit of its $PEPU smart contract by Solid Proof and Coinsult, ensuring the integrity of the token.

該專案透過 Solid Proof 和 Coinsult 對 $PEPU 智能合約進行徹底審核,優先考慮安全性,確保代幣的完整性。

Presale Success and Tokenomics


Pepe Unchained has already raised an impressive $6.4 million in its presale. Investors can acquire $PEPU tokens at $0.008769 using a variety of payment options, including $ETH, $USDT, $BNB, or credit/debit cards. The presale operates in stages, with prices gradually increasing to reward early adopters.

Pepe Unchained 在預售中已籌集 640 萬美元,令人印象深刻。投資者可以使用各種付款選項,包括 $ETH、$USDT、$BNB 或信用卡/金融卡,以 0.008769 美元的價格購買 $PEPU 代幣。預售分階段進行,價格逐漸上漲以獎勵早期採用者。

Strategic Token Allocation


The project has meticulously allocated its 8 billion $PEPU tokens:

該項目精心分配了 80 億美元的 PEPU 代幣:

  • 20% for presale participants
  • 30% for staking rewards
  • 20% for marketing
  • 10% for liquidity
  • 10% for project finance
  • 10% for 'Chain Inventory'

Future Plans


Pepe Unchained plans to secure listings on both decentralized (DEXs) and centralized (CEXs) exchanges. The project's growing popularity is evident in its significant social media following, with nearly 9,000 X followers and over 4,000 Telegram members. To participate in the presale, visit the pepeunchained.com website.

Pepe Unchained 計畫確保在去中心化 (DEX) 和中心化 (CEX) 交易所上市。該項目日益受歡迎的事實體現在其社交媒體上的大量追隨者,擁有近 9,000 名 X 追隨者和超過 4,000 名 Telegram 會員。要參與預售,請造訪 pepeunchained.com 網站。

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