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As Avalanche and Dogecoin Decline, a New Bonk Alternative Promises Substantial Growth

隨著 Avalanche 和狗狗幣的衰落,新的債券替代品有望大幅增長

發布: 2024/01/11 06:17 閱讀: 213



隨著 Avalanche 和狗狗幣的衰落,新的債券替代品有望大幅增長



  • On January 4, 2024, Grayscale Investments added Avalanche (AVAX) to its Digital Large Cap Fund, expressing confidence in its utility and long-term growth. Crypto enthusiast Bill Morgan applauded the move, interpreting it as a sign of Grayscale’s positive outlook.
  • 2024 年 1 月 4 日,Grayscale Investments 將 Avalanche (AVAX) 加入其數位大盤基金中,表達了對其實用性和長期成長的信心。加密貨幣愛好者比爾摩根對此舉表示讚賞,並將其解釋為灰度積極前景的標誌。

  • On January 1, 2024, Whale Alerts exposed significant Dogecoin (DOGE) transactions between unknown whales and Robinhood/Binance. Initially raising suspicions, these transfers were linked to the upcoming DOGE-1 space mission to the moon.
  • 2024 年 1 月 1 日,Whale Alerts 曝光了未知鯨魚與 Robinhood/Binance 之間的重大狗狗幣 (DOGE) 交易。最初引起懷疑的是,這些轉移與即將到來的 DOGE-1 月球太空任務有關。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) is an innovative play-to-earn (P2E) game on Ethereum featuring a community-driven ownership model and a commitment to social responsibility. NUGX enables safe mining for those lacking proper equipment by redirecting earnings to artisanal miners.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款以太坊上的創新賺錢 (P2E) 遊戲,具有社群驅動的所有權模式和對社會責任的承諾。 NUGX 透過將收入重新分配給手工採礦者,為那些缺乏適當設備的人提供安全採礦服務。

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, staying abreast of significant developments is crucial for investors seeking profitable opportunities. We look at the factors that have caused significant drops in Avalanche (AVAX) and Dogecoin (DOGE). Yet, NuggetRush (NUGX) promises massive growth in a volatile market. Can NuggetRush keep thriving to compete with Avalanche and Dogecoin? Let’s find out here.

在充滿活力的加密貨幣世界中,跟上重大發展對於尋求獲利機會的投資者至關重要。我們研究了導致 Avalanche (AVAX) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 大幅下跌的因素。然而,NuggetRush (NUGX) 承諾在動蕩的市場中實現大幅成長。 NuggetRush 能否繼續蓬勃發展,與 Avalanche 和 Dogecoin 競爭?讓我們在這裡了解一下。

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Grayscale Investments Adds Avalanche (AVAX) to Digital Large Cap Fund, Reflecting Confidence in Long-Term Growth

Grayscale Investments 將 Avalanche (AVAX) 加入數位大盤基金中,反映出對長期成長的信心

On January 4, 2024, Grayscale Investments strategically reshaped its Digital Large Cap Fund portfolio to incorporate Avalanche (AVAX). The firm incorporated Avalanche (AVAX) in its portfolio, citing its utility and growth potential.

2024 年 1 月 4 日,Grayscale Investments 策略性地重塑了其數位大盤基金投資組合,將 Avalanche (AVAX) 納入其中。該公司將 Avalanche (AVAX) 納入其投資組合,理由是其實用性和成長潛力。

One lawyer and crypto enthusiast, Bill Morgan, was excited by Grayscale’s decision to incorporate Avalanche (AVAX) in its Digital Large Cap Fund. He said Grayscale’s quarterly review and portfolio rebalancing to include Avalanche meant the institution is confident about the growth potential of AVAX in the long term.

一位律師兼加密貨幣愛好者 Bil​​l Morgan 對 Grayscale 決定將 Avalanche (AVAX) 納入其數位大盤基金感到興奮。他表示,Grayscale 的季度審查和投資組合重新平衡以納入 Avalanche 意味著該機構對 AVAX 的長期成長潛力充滿信心。

Previously, on December 29, 2023, Avalanche Foundation highlighted its Culture Catalyst Program and the expected plans. The $100 million blockchain investment program launched in 2022 and focused on tokenized physical world assets, gas tokens, governance tokens, new DeFi projects, and stablecoins.

此前,2023 年 12 月 29 日,雪崩基金會重點介紹了其文化催化劑計劃和預期計劃。這個 1 億美元的區塊鏈投資計畫於 2022 年啟動,重點關注代幣化的實體世界資產、gas 代幣、治理代幣、新的 DeFi 項目和穩定幣。

The foundation plans to begin investing heavily in Avalanche (AVAX)-based meme coins. Nonetheless, investors complained about Avalanche’s plan to invest in meme coins, and AVAX dipped.

該基金會計劃開始大力投資基於 Avalanche (AVAX) 的迷因幣。儘管如此,投資者還是對 Avalanche 投資 meme 幣的計劃提出了抱怨,導致 AVAX 股價下跌。

On January 7, Avalanche (AVAX) was trading at $34.87. Analysts say AVAX will struggle below $35.50 in January because of uncertainty in its market. Thus, it is not a good crypto to buy today.

1 月 7 日,Avalanche (AVAX) 的交易價格為 34.87 美元。分析師表示,由於市場的不確定性,AVAX 1 月將掙扎在 35.50 美元以下。因此,今天它不是一個值得購買的好加密貨幣。

Doge Days in Space: Examining Massive DOGE Transactions Amidst Upcoming DOGE-1 Space Mission

太空中的 Doge Days:在即將到來的 DOGE-1 太空任務中檢查大規模 DOGE 交易

On January 1, 2024, on-chain data from Whale Alerts revealed multiple Dogecoin (DOGE) transactions executed between unknown whales and crypto exchanges Robinhood and Binance. Dogecoin whale transfers like this one, which amounted to 1.88 billion DOGE tokens, catch investors’ attention over their motives.

2024 年 1 月 1 日,Whale Alerts 的鏈上數據顯示,未知鯨魚與加密貨幣交易所 Robinhood 和 Binance 之間執行了多筆狗狗幣 (DOGE) 交易。像這樣的狗狗幣鯨魚轉賬,金額達 18.8 億 DOGE 代幣,其動機引起了投資者的關注。

But this time around, these transactions can be attributed to the approaching DOGE-1 space mission that will take a physical Dogecoin to the moon.

但這一次,這些交易可以歸因於即將到來的 DOGE-1 太空任務,該任務將把實體狗狗幣帶到月球。

Based on crypto experts, Dogecoin (DOGE) is in the Greed Zone on the market charts, an indication that the altcoin might experience a correction soon. The massive Dogecoin (DOGE) movements might mean a sell-off is looming. If the bears dominate the market, Dogecoin (DOGE) might retest lower supports on its way downward.


On January 7, Dogecoin (DOGE) was trading at $0.08016, down 11.83% in the past week. Analysts expect Dogecoin (DOGE) to drop to $0.07815 in January, suppressed by uncertainty in the market.

1月7日,狗狗幣(DOGE)交易價格為0.08016美元,過去一週下跌11.83%。分析師預計,受市場不確定性的壓制,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 1 月將跌至 0.07815 美元。

NuggetRush (NUGX): A Revolutionary P2E Game on Ethereum with Community-Driven Ownership

NuggetRush (NUGX):以太坊上具有社群驅動所有權的革命性 P2E 遊戲

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a new blockchain-based, play-to-earn (P2E) game supported by the Ethereum network. Impressively, NuggetRush offers a community-driven ownership model.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款由以太坊網路支援的新型基於區塊鏈的邊玩邊賺 (P2E) 遊戲。令人印象深刻的是,NuggetRush 提供了社群驅動的所有權模式。

Additionally, NuggetRush (NUGX) promotes social responsibility. Some earnings and rewards from the platform are sent to artisanal miners in underdeveloped countries. Therefore, NuggetRush (NUGX) lets real-world miners with no proper equipment and technical facilities mine safely. For this reason, experts rank it among the best altcoins to buy now.

此外,NuggetRush (NUGX) 也提倡社會責任。該平台的部分收入和獎勵被發送給欠發達國家的手工採礦者。因此,NuggetRush(NUGX)可以讓現實世界中沒有適當設備和技術設施的礦工安全挖礦。因此,專家將其列為目前最值得購買的山寨幣之一。

As a user of the platform, you can build NuggetRush (NUGX) mining facilities with the help of fellow gamers or mining experts. The mining equipment can extract minerals and other valuable metals representing physical world assets.

作為該平台的用戶,您可以在其他遊戲玩家或採礦專家的幫助下建立 NuggetRush (NUGX) 採礦設施。採礦設備可以提取代表現實世界資產的礦物和其他有價值的金屬。

Furthermore, users staked mined minerals, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and many other NuggetRush in-game assets to enjoy remarkable APY on the platform. Its marketplace supports the trade of all these assets and NUGX rewards earned in the game.

此外,用戶還可以質押開採的礦物、不可替代代幣 (NFT) 和許多其他 NuggetRush 遊戲內資產,以在平台上享受可觀的 APY。其市場支持所有這些資產的交易以及遊戲中獲得的 NUGX 獎勵。

Round 4 of NuggetRush’s (NUGX) presale is almost complete, and the price will rise from the current $0.015 to $0.018 in the next round. This price increase represents a 20% ROI for the early investors.

NuggetRush(NUGX)第四輪預售已基本完成,下一輪價格​​將從目前的 0.015 美元上漲至 0.018 美元。此次價格上漲對早期投資者來說意味著 20% 的投資報酬率。

Moreover, the current NuggetRush (NUGX) investors will enjoy a 33.33% profit after the token hits its presale target of $0.020 per token. These price surges make NUGX the best crypto investment in the current market. The project has sold 141 million NUGX tokens and raised over $1.6 million.

此外,目前的 NuggetRush (NUGX) 投資者在該代幣達到每個代幣 0.020 美元的預售目標後將享受 33.33% 的利潤。這些價格飆升使 NUGX 成為當前市場上最好的加密貨幣投資。該項目已售出 1.41 億個 NUGX 代幣,籌集了超過 160 萬美元。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website  

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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The post As Avalanche and Dogecoin Decline, a New Bonk Alternative Promises Substantial Growth appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

隨著雪崩和狗狗幣的衰落,新的邦克替代品承諾大幅增長的帖子首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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