首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 銀行正在簡化加密貨幣交易,這是您投資組合中應對即將到來的反彈的最佳加密貨幣

Banks Are Streamlining Crypto Transactions, Best Cryptocurrencies to Have in Your Portfolio for Upcoming Rally


發布: 2024/06/06 21:04 閱讀: 368




Deutsche Bank Partners with Bitpanda, Facilitating Crypto Transactions

德意志銀行與 Bitpanda 合作,促進加密貨幣交易

Deutsche Bank has forged a strategic alliance with Bitpanda, enabling Austrian crypto exchange Bitpanda to process customer deposits and withdrawals. This collaboration signals a shift in the financial landscape, bridging the gap between cryptocurrencies and mainstream finance.

德意志銀行與 Bitpanda 建立了戰略聯盟,使奧地利加密貨幣交易所 Bitpanda 能夠處理客戶存款和提款。這種合作標誌著金融格局的轉變,彌合了加密貨幣和主流金融之間的差距。

Top 5 Cryptos to Consider as Banks Embark on Crypto Streamlining

銀行著手簡化加密貨幣時應考慮的 5 種加密貨幣

The easing of crypto transaction restrictions by banks has sparked a surge in interest in crypto diversification. Five prominent cryptocurrencies that have gained traction include Angry Pepe Fork (APORK), Notcoin (NOT), Brett (BRETT), ORDI (ORDI), and Kaspa (KAS). We will delve into their performance and metrics to assess their potential.

銀行放寬加密貨幣交易限制引發了人們對加密貨幣多元化的興趣激增。受到關注的五種著名加密貨幣包括 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)、Notcoin (NOT)、Brett (BRETT)、ORDI (ORDI) 和 Kaspa (KAS)。我們將深入研究他們的績效和指標,以評估他們的潛力。

1. Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): "Conquer to Earn" Program with Limited Token Supply

1. Angry Pepe Fork(APORK):「征服賺錢」計劃,代幣供應有限

APORK has generated significant buzz in its presale phase due to its innovative "Conquer to Earn" model. This gamified staking platform encourages active participation, allowing users to tailor lock-in periods for rewards. With a capped supply of 1.9 billion tokens, APORK prioritizes long-term value appreciation. Built on the Solana blockchain, it emphasizes utility over speculation.

APORK憑藉其創新的「征服賺錢」模式,在預售階段引起了巨大反響。這個遊戲化的質押平台鼓勵積極參與,允許用戶自訂獎勵的鎖定期。 APORK 的代幣供應量上限為 19 億,優先考慮長期價值增值。它建立在 Solana 區塊鏈之上,強調實用性而非投機。

2. Notcoin (NOT): Surge in Trading Volume Fuels Uptrend

2. Notcoin(NOT):交易量激增推動上漲趨勢

NOT experienced a significant milestone, surpassing $4 billion in trading volume on June 2, 2024. This upswing has attracted investors' attention. Currently, NOT is poised to overcome the $0.030 barrier, with potential for further gains.

NOT 經歷了一個重要的里程碑,2024 年 6 月 2 日交易量突破 40 億美元。目前,NOT 有望突破 0.030 美元的關口,並有進一步的上漲潛力。

3. Brett (BRETT): 70% Price Increase Sets Record


BRETT's remarkable 70% surge in the past week has resulted in a new all-time high of $0.1271. Despite a slight downward trend, bullish RSI and MACD indicators suggest a potential for recovery and further upward momentum.

BRETT 過去一周大幅上漲 70%,創下 0.1271 美元的歷史新高。儘管呈小幅下降趨勢,但看漲的 RSI 和 MACD 指標表明有復甦的潛力和進一步的上升勢頭。

4. ORDI (ORDI): Breaks Past $50 Resistance, Eyes Higher Ground

4. ORDI (ORDI):突破50美元阻力位,著眼於更高水平

ORDI has demonstrated impressive growth, rising 27% in the past week and breaking above the $50 resistance level. Sentiment remains bullish, with analysts anticipating a maximum price of $57.13 by Q4, 2024.

ORDI 表現出了令人印象深刻的增長,過去一周上漲了 27%,並突破了 50 美元的阻力位。市場情緒依然看漲,分析師預計到 2024 年第四季最高價格將達到 57.13 美元。

5. Kaspa (KAS): Ecosystem Enhancements Foster Value

5. Kaspa (KAS):生態系增強培育價值

KAS has witnessed a 25% price increase, as node upgrades enhance its ecosystem's utility. The reduction in un-upgraded nodes has fueled increased demand for KAS. Analysts predict its potential for continued upward movement.

隨著節點升級增強了其生態系統的效用,KAS 的價格上漲了 25%。未升級節點的減少推動了對 KAS 需求的增加。分析師預測其有持續上漲的潛力。

Conclusion: Diversifying Portfolios with High-Potential Cryptocurrencies


APORK, NOT, BRETT, ORDI, and KAS have exhibited exceptional growth potential as banks embrace crypto transactions. By incorporating these cryptocurrencies into their portfolios, investors have the opportunity to capitalize on the upcoming rally. APORK, in particular, stands out as a compelling diversification choice with a high-ROI potential.

隨著銀行擁抱加密貨幣交易,APORK、NOT、BRETT、ORDI 和 KAS 展現了非凡的成長潛力。透過將這些加密貨幣納入其投資組合,投資者有機會利用即將到來的反彈。尤其是 APORK,它是一個引人注目的多元化選擇,具有高投資回報率潛力。


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