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5 Billion Dogecoin (DOGE) Resistance Is Not Problem for Meme Currency

50 億狗狗幣 (DOGE) 對 Meme 貨幣來說抵抗不是問題

發布: 2023/12/11 10:04 閱讀: 831



Dogecoin (DOGE) has been recently defying market resistance levels. Recently, DOGE faced a significant hurdle at the 5 billion coin mark — a resistance level that was anticipated to pose a serious challenge. Contrary to these expectations, the meme currency has not only breached this barrier but is also showing resilience against profit-taking pressures, which could lead to a potential reversal in its price trajectory.

狗狗幣(DOGE)最近一直在挑戰市場阻力位。最近,DOGE 在 50 億枚代幣大關面臨重大障礙——這一阻力位預計將構成嚴峻挑戰。與這些預期相反,迷因貨幣不僅突破了這一障礙,而且還表現出了抵禦獲利回吐壓力的能力,這可能導致其價格軌跡發生潛在逆轉。

The "in/out of the money" indicator, a tool used to gauge the profitability of addresses holding DOGE, reveals that a substantial portion of the coin holders are "in the money." With 72.88% of addresses currently holding DOGE in profit, this suggests a strong foundation of holders who may be less inclined to sell, providing a solid support level for the cryptocurrency. Despite the presence of 23.52% of holders "out of the money," which could indicate potential selling pressure, Dogecoin's recent performance suggests that the asset is efficiently absorbing sell-offs and maintaining its upward momentum.

「資金/資金外」指標是一種用於衡量持有 DOGE 的地址獲利能力的工具,它表明很大一部分代幣持有者處於「資金內」。目前 72.88% 的地址持有 DOGE 並獲利,這表明持有者基礎穩固,可能不太願意出售,為加密貨幣提供了堅實的支撐水平。儘管有 23.52% 的持有者處於「價外」狀態,這可能表明存在潛在的拋售壓力,但狗狗幣最近的表現表明該資產正在有效地吸收拋售並保持上漲勢頭。

ITB dataSource: IntoTheBlock


Large transactions and trading volumes offer additional insights into Dogecoin's market activities. A review of the "number of large transactions" and "large transactions volume" indicates that while there have been fluctuations, there is sustained interest and movement from substantial holders. This can contribute to both the support and resistance levels, as large holders have the ability to sway the price more significantly than smaller retail investors.


The price chart for Dogecoin underscores a bullish narrative. After a period of consolidation, DOGE has shown a robust upward trend, marked by its breakthrough of previous resistance levels. The moving averages have aligned to signal continued bullish behavior, with the shorter-term averages crossing above longer-term ones — a classic technical indicator of positive price momentum.

狗狗幣的價格圖表強調了看漲的敘述。經過一段時間的盤整,DOGE 呈現出強勁的上升趨勢,突破了先前的阻力位。移動平均線已一致表明持續看漲行為,短期平均線突破長期平均線——這是積極價格動能的經典技術指標。

https://app.intotheblock.com/coin/DOGE/deep-dive?group=all&chart=allSource: IntoTheBlock


The "bulls and bears" volume indicator further demonstrates the tug-of-war between optimistic and pessimistic market sentiments. Despite the presence of bearish volume, the bullish sentiment has been predominating, which may fortify the argument for a continued upward trend.


Given Dogecoin's recent ability to surpass the 5 billion coin resistance, the meme-fueled currency's market dynamics are proving to be more resilient than many may have presumed. As DOGE continues to navigate through profit-taking and market fluctuations, its defiance against the odds remains a testament to its unexpected and unconventional success story in the crypto world. Investors and spectators alike will be watching to see if Dogecoin can maintain its current trajectory or if a reversal is indeed on the horizon.

鑑於狗狗幣最近有能力突破 50 億枚硬幣的阻力位,事實證明,這種由迷因驅動的貨幣的市場動態比許多人想像的更有彈性。隨著 DOGE 繼續在獲利了結和市場波動中航行,它對困難的挑戰仍然證明了它在加密世界中意想不到的、非常規的成功故事。投資者和觀眾都將關注狗狗幣是否能夠維持目前的軌跡,或者是否確實即將出現逆轉。

XRP's next stop

XRP 的下一站

XRP's recent price performance indicates a strong recovery from its lower support levels, with the price now hovering around the $0.65 mark. The daily chart shows a series of higher lows, a bullish signal that underlines growing investor confidence and a potential trend reversal from previous downturns.

XRP 最近的價格表現表明其已從較低的支撐位強勁反彈,目前價格徘徊在 0.65 美元大關附近。日線圖顯示了一系列更高的低點,這是一個看漲訊號,突顯了投資者信心的增強以及先前低迷趨勢的潛在逆轉。

The moving average (MA) lines provide further bullish indicators, with the shorter-term MAs crossing above the longer-term ones. This "golden cross" is often interpreted as a sign of sustained upward momentum, which could lead to further gains. Additionally, the relative strength index (RSI) remains below the overbought territory, suggesting that there is room for growth before the asset hits a potential resistance zone or becomes overextended.

移動平均線 (MA) 提供了進一步看漲的指標,短期移動平均線穿越長期移動平均線。這個「金十字」通常被解釋為持續上漲勢頭的標誌,這可能會帶來進一步的上漲。此外,相對強弱指數(RSI)仍低於超買區域,顯示該資產在觸及潛在阻力區或過度擴張之前還有成長空間。

Possible scenarios for XRP's price movement

XRP 價格變動的可能情況

Continued uptrend to $0.73: If the current support level holds strong and buying pressure continues, XRP could challenge the next significant resistance at $0.73. A break above this level might confirm a new bullish phase, potentially opening the door to further highs.

繼續上漲至 0.73 美元:如果當前支撐位保持強勁並且購買壓力持續存在,XRP 可能會挑戰下一個重要阻力位 0.73 美元。突破該水平可能會確認新的看漲階段,並有可能打開進一步高點的大門。

Consolidation before the next move: Another possibility is a period of consolidation, where XRP prices might fluctuate between the current levels and the next resistance, building the necessary momentum for a breakout. This could involve retesting support levels, shaking out weak hands and attracting more investors eyeing the next rally.

下一步行動之前的盤整:另一種可能性是盤整期,XRP 價格可能在當前水準和下一個阻力位之間波動,為突破建立必要的動力。這可能涉及重新測試支撐位、擺脫弱勢並吸引更多投資者關注下一次反彈。

Reversal and retest of support: Despite the bullish signs, there is always the risk of a sudden market reversal. If sell-off pressures emerge, XRP might retrace its steps back to test foundational support levels. This scenario would call for close monitoring of the $0.60 or lower support zones for potential buy zones or a reversal of the uptrend.

反轉和重新測試支撐:儘管有看漲跡象,但始終存在市場突然反轉的風險。如果出現拋售壓力,XRP 可能會回調以測試基本支撐位。這種情況需要密切關注 0.60 美元或更低的支撐區域,以尋找潛在的買入區域或上升趨勢的逆轉。


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