首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 幣安捲土重來將顛覆印度加密貨幣市場

Binance Comeback Will Upheaval Indian Crypto Market


發布: 2024/05/15 19:19 閱讀: 898

原文作者:Coin Gabbar News



Binance: A Global Cryptocurrency Exchange


Binance, established in 2017, is a renowned cryptocurrency exchange with a focus on trading altcoins. It offers crypto-to-crypto trading for over 350 cryptocurrencies and virtual tokens, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and its own token, BNB. The Binance website and mobile app provide users with a comprehensive platform to trade cryptocurrencies, supporting hundreds of popular coins. Binance also offers a cryptocurrency wallet for storing virtual currency and allows users to earn interest or conduct cryptocurrency transactions through its exchange support services. Additionally, it assists traders in making investment decisions and provides programs for miners. BNB is a Binance token based on the blockchain. Despite its global presence, Binance is prohibited by law in some nations, including the United States and the United Kingdom. By both daily trade volume and asset holdings, Binance is the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.

幣安成立於 2017 年,是一家專注於山寨幣交易的著名加密貨幣交易所。它提供超過 350 種加密貨幣和虛擬代幣的加密貨幣交易,包括比特幣 (BTC)、以太幣 (ETH)、萊特幣 (LTC)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 以及自己的代幣 BNB。幣安網站和行動應用程式為用戶提供了一個全面的加密貨幣交易平台,支援數百種流行硬幣。幣安還提供用於儲存虛擬貨幣的加密貨幣錢包,並允許用戶透過其交易支援服務賺取利息或進行加密貨幣交易。此外,它還幫助交易者做出投資決策並為礦工提供計劃。 BNB是基於區塊鏈的幣安代幣。儘管幣安業務遍布全球,但在一些國家(包括美國和英國)仍受到法律禁止。從每日交易量和資產持有量來看,幣安都是全球最大的加密貨幣交易所。

Leading Indian Exchanges


31 cryptocurrency companies are currently registered with the FIU in India. Unocoin is one of the largest and most established exchanges in India for purchasing, storing, and selling cryptocurrencies. Users can trade in eighty various digital currencies and receive free Bitcoins upon registration. WazirX is one of the exchanges in India that is expanding the fastest. It is also renowned for having sophisticated trading charts that are accessible through Windows, iOS, Android, and web apps and for having an easy-to-use interface for beginners.

目前有 31 家加密貨幣公司在印度金融情報機構註冊。 Unocoin 是印度最大、最成熟的購買、儲存和銷售加密貨幣的交易所之一。用戶可以交易八十多種數位貨幣,並在註冊後獲得免費的比特幣。 WazirX 是印度擴張最快的交易所之一。它也因擁有可透過 Windows、iOS、Android 和 Web 應用程式存取的複雜交易圖表以及適合初學者的易於使用的介面而聞名。

CoinDCX is one of the safest and most transparent cryptocurrency trading platforms in India. Numerous security checks are performed during the onboarding process in a safe manner using automated software programs like biometrics.


Binance's Return to India


Binance, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world which the government outlawed in January, is preparing to make a $2 million payment to re-enter India. International cryptocurrency exchange Binance has received permission from the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), an Indian financial regulator, to provide its services in India. As of right now, Binance is preparing to return to India while adhering to local market regulations.

幣安是世界上最大的加密貨幣交易所,1 月被政府取締,現在準備支付 200 萬美元重新進入印度。國際加密貨幣交易所幣安已獲得印度金融監管機構金融情報部門(FIU)的許可,並可在印度提供服務。截至目前,幣安正準備重返印度,同時遵守當地市場法規。

India has historically taken a tough stance on cryptocurrencies and the companies that enable their trading. The largest cryptocurrency exchange in the world, Binance, has reassured its Indian user base about the safety and security of its accounts and cash in the aftermath of India's recent ban on international cryptocurrency exchanges.


The conversation suggested that while the Binance app is operational, the difficulty is specific to individuals attempting to obtain app access through the Apple store and their accounts are the same. The FIU provided information that led to the ban, which was put into effect by the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology in January. The information mentioned allegations of money laundering and noncompliance with Indian cryptocurrency regulations.


Google removed the apps on Saturday as well, following suit with its Playstore. On December 28, the FIU sent notifications to the nine exchanges requesting an explanation for their operations in India without the required authorizations or permissions. In response to these suggestions, the ministry ordered that access to these platforms' URLs be blocked.

谷歌也於週六刪除了這些應用程序,緊隨其後的是其 Playstore。 12 月 28 日,金融情報機構向這 9 家交易所發出通知,要求它們就未經所需授權或許可在印度開展業務做出解釋。針對這些建議,該部下令封鎖對這些平台 URL 的存取。

The guarantee follows the removal of nine cryptocurrency service providers including OKX and Kucoin from the Apple app store, which led to the blocking of their websites. Binance was one of nine offshore cryptocurrency platforms that were banned from using mobile applications and websites to conduct business in India in January. The platforms' disregard for FIU and PMLA regulations prompted the government to take action.

此前,包括 OKX 和 Kucoin 在內的 9 家加密貨幣服務提供商已從 Apple 應用程式商店中刪除,導致其網站被封鎖。幣安是一月份被禁止使用行動應用程式和網站在印度開展業務的九個離岸加密貨幣平台之一。這些平台無視金融情報機構和 PMLA 法規,促使政府採取行動。

Is Binance a Threat to Indian Exchanges?




Many Indian investors rushed to foreign cryptocurrency exchanges to avoid the tax regime that was implemented after India levied a steep 30% tax on cryptocurrency gains and a 1% tax deduction at source on every cryptocurrency transaction. Binance was said to have accounted for 90% of all trade volume from India at the height of the tax drain. There are still around USD 4 billion worth of cryptocurrency assets on offshore platforms, mostly held by Binance as customers sought to avoid the 1 percent source tax.

許多印度投資者紛紛湧向外國加密貨幣交易所,以避免印度對加密貨幣收益徵收 30% 的高額稅以及對每筆加密貨幣交易進行 1% 的源頭減稅後實施的稅收制度。據稱,在稅收流失高峰期,幣安交易額佔印度所有貿易額的 90%。離岸平台上仍有價值約 40 億美元的加密貨幣資產,其中大部分由幣安持有,因為客戶試圖避免 1% 的來源稅。



Experts advise transferring your valuables to an Indian exchange or your pocket rather than hastily selling them after the ban. Once it is in a personal wallet, it can be sold or swapped when the moment is right. Following the prohibition, there has been a noticeable increase in the number of registrations on domestic exchanges, suggesting that investors are switching to domestic venues. India is said by Binance to have the most cryptocurrency users worldwide. Binance is a global brand with a global perspective in terms of price. Binance is a platform that offers several functions beyond cryptocurrency. Binance is a whole ecosystem. Hence, it is a threat to Indian exchanges because it will dominate the market with a global presence and innovative trading activities while Indian exchanges do not have the potential to compete with Binance.


No. of Tokens


If the number of Tokens of Binance and Indian Exchanges is compared then it will be a threat to Indian Exchanges because Binance has more than 350 cryptocurrencies. None of the exchanges of India can compete with several tokens listed on Binance. That's why it is a threat to Indian Exchanges. Binance trading spectrum is huge and this may suppress the Indian exchange like CoinDCX, WazirX, and many others. Binance is the whole ecosystem that interests the world with innovative tactics to surf in the cryptocurrency market.

如果比較幣安和印度交易所的代幣數量,那麼這對印度交易所來說是一個威脅,因為幣安擁有超過 350 種加密貨幣。印度沒有一家交易所可以與幣安上上市的幾種代幣競爭。這就是為什麼它對印度交易所構成威脅。幣安交易範圍龐大,可能會壓制 CoinDCX、WazirX 等印度交易所。幣安是整個生態系統,透過創新策略在加密貨幣市場上衝浪,引起了全世界的興趣。

Indian Exchanges lacks liquidity, reliability, trust, and regulations.


No Binance is Not a threat to Indian Exchanges


The FIU license


The cryptocurrency exchange will reappear as an organization that is registered with the finance ministry's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). Supervision of virtual digital asset trade is assigned to FIU (VDA). Binance promises to abide by all relevant rules, which include the VDA taxation structure and the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), "which it had been sloppily flouting until now."

該加密貨幣交易所將作為在財政部金融情報部門(FIU)註冊的組織重新出現。虛擬數位資產交易的監管由金融情報機構(VDA)負責。幣安承諾遵守所有相關規則,其中包括 VDA 稅收結構和《反洗錢法》(PMLA),「迄今為止,幣安一直在粗心地藐視這些規則」。

India has consistently made it plain that all international Bitcoin exchanges must follow rules to maintain operations there. Unfortunately, it took Binance more than two years to realize there was no room for negotiations, especially at the cost of exposing the country's financial system to vulnerabilities. No global giant may demand special treatment.


The Federal Investigation Unit (FIU) is an Indian government organization that examines financial transactions. It accused nine cryptocurrency companies of breaking India's anti-money laundering laws and sent show cause warnings to them late last month. We are aware that Binance and other cryptocurrency companies are impacted by an IP restriction. One of the FIU-compliant companies saw a $1 million increase in cryptocurrency deposits from well-known exchanges like Binance. In a recent post on X, CoinSwitch's co-founder and CEO stated, "Offshore exchanges should seriously consider registering with the FIU-IND and adhering to India's AML and CFT regulations.

聯邦調查組 (FIU) 是印度政府的一個組織,負責檢查金融交易。它指責九家加密貨幣公司違反了印度的反洗錢法,並在上月底向他們發出了有理由的警告。我們知道幣安和其他加密貨幣公司受到智慧財產權限制的影響。一家符合金融情報機構標準的公司發現,來自幣安等知名交易所的加密貨幣存款增加了 100 萬美元。 CoinSwitch 聯合創始人兼執行長在 X 最近的一篇文章中表示:「離岸交易所應認真考慮在 FIU-IND 註冊並遵守印度的 AML 和 CFT 法規。

Indian exchanges created credibility


You should transfer your funds to an Indian cryptocurrency exchange that is FIU-registered if you are still trading on an overseas platform that is not registered with the FBI but hasn't been banned yet. The best course of action is to sell your assets rather than simply transfer them to an Indian exchange or your wallet because trading on foreign platforms carries inherent dangers. Once they are in your wallet, trading or selling them as you see fit is simple.

如果您仍在未向 FBI 註冊但尚未被禁止的海外平台上進行交易,則應將資金轉移到已 FIU 註冊的印度加密貨幣交易所。最好的做法是出售您的資產,而不是簡單地將其轉移到印度交易所或您的錢包,因為在外國平台上進行交易存在固有的危險。一旦它們進入您的錢包,您就可以按照您認為合適的方式進行交易或出售它們。

The CEO and co-founder of Mudrex stated, "The Indian government has consistently encouraged innovation and responsible expansion in the cryptocurrency sector. Since it provides them with a more individualized experience and, more crucially, a means of pursuing legal action if fraudulent behavior occurs on their account, Indian investors should always strive to place their assets in FIU-compliant entities.

Mudrex 的執行長兼聯合創始人表示:「印度政府一貫鼓勵加密貨幣領域的創新和負責任的擴張。因為這為他們提供了更個性化的體驗,更重要的是,如果發生詐欺行為,他們可以採取法律行動就他們而言,印度投資者應始終努力將其資產置於符合金融情報機構規定的實體中。

When utilizing money on foreign exchanges, it is usually better to try to transfer the money back to India. The regulatory focus on the Indian cryptocurrency business has recently increased, with initiatives to guarantee legal operations and advance investor safety being the main highlights.


More exchanges will lead to more transactions in the ecosystem


The global adoption of cryptocurrencies has been accompanied by the growth of cryptocurrency exchanges, or online markets where investors, consumers, and dealers may buy, sell, and store virtual currencies. A cryptocurrency exchange, like a stock market, makes it easier to trade virtual currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Tether. These exchanges function similarly to e-brokerages on online markets, using PC features or mobile apps. Users of cryptocurrency exchanges can also access a wide range of trading and investment instruments.

加密貨幣的全球採用伴隨著加密貨幣交易所或投資者、消費者和經銷商可以購買、出售和儲存虛擬貨幣的線上市場的成長。加密貨幣交易所就像股票市場一樣,可以更輕鬆地交易比特幣、以太坊和 Tether 等虛擬貨幣。這些交易所的功能類似於線上市場上的電子經紀業務,使用 PC 功能或行動應用程式。加密貨幣交易所的用戶還可以存取各種交易和投資工具。



The facts and findings above by Coin Gabbar reflect the whole ecosystem of Binance. It also expresses the Binance exchange in the cryptocurrency market and why it was banned in India. After complying with regulatory norms Binance is back in India, which shows India’s strict regulations for foreign markets. Hence, Binance will follow the rules and regulations imposed by India and register itself with FIU. Binance is taking re-entry into the Indian Cryptocurrency market which highlights the potential threats and benefits to local exchanges like CoinDCX, WazirX, etc. Binance dominates in terms of tokens, volume, and trading pairs, and is the global cryptocurrency exchange that emphasizes its compliance efforts and the need for a diverse exchange ecosystem. Indian exchanges will face a downshift due to Binance backing in India. Binance is the whole ecosystem that covers whole trading aspects of the cryptocurrency market. Binance will be quite dominating in the Indian exchanges because of its global efforts and now Binance has re-assured to comply with full regulatory norms. This will increase trust among the users to trade with the Binance.

Coin Gabbar 上述事實和調查結果反映了幣安的整個生態系統。它也表達了加密貨幣市場中的幣安交易所以及其在印度被禁止的原因。在遵守監管規範後,幣安重返印度,並足見印度對國外市場的嚴格監管。因此,幣安將遵守印度實施的規則和規定,並在金融情報機構註冊。幣安正在重新進入印度加密貨幣市場,這突顯了CoinDCX、WazirX 等當地交易所的潛在威脅和好處。貨幣交易所。由於幣安在印度的支持,印度交易所將面臨下行趨勢。幣安是涵蓋加密貨幣市場所有交易方面的整個生態系統。由於其全球努力,幣安將在印度交易所佔據主導地位,現在幣安已再次保證遵守全面的監管規範。這將增加用戶與幣安交易的信任度。

“Statement Given By Co-Founder of CoinDCX, Sumit Gupta“

“CoinDCX 聯合創始人 Sumit Gupta 發表的聲明“

The aim is to give global users a single-click mobile experience while traversing the Web3 space, co-founder of CoinDCX Sumit Gupta in an interview. ”We are now in the process of building an entire Okto Ecosystem. We believed all CeFi platforms would eventually have a DeFi arm. The Okto Chain will power thousands of applications being built in the Web3 space. More than 20 apps are being built through the SDK

CoinDCX 聯合創辦人 Sumit Gupta 在接受採訪時表示,其目標是在穿越 Web3 空間的同時為全球用戶提供點擊式行動體驗。 「我們現在正在建立整個 Okto 生態系統。我們相信所有 CeFi 平台最終都會擁有 DeFi 部門。 Okto 鏈將為 Web3 空間中建立的數千個應用程式提供支援。超過 20 個應用程式正在透過 SDK 構建


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