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Binance Initiates Zero-Fee Trading For 6 Cryptocurrency Pairs

幣安啟動 6 種加密貨幣對的零費用交易

發布: 2023/12/06 06:01 閱讀: 904



Binance, the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange, has introduced a zero-fee trading initiative for six FDUSD spot and margin trading pairs in the thick of the surge in the cryptocurrency market lately.

全球領先的加密貨幣交易所幣安最近在加密貨幣市場飆升之際,為六個 FDUSD 現貨和保證金交易對推出了零費用交易計劃。

Zero-Fee Trading Initiative By Binance


On Tuesday, Binance announced its plans to launch zero-fee trading for six different cryptocurrencies pairing with the FDUSD stablecoin. These include Ethereum (ETH), XRP, BNB, Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Chainlink (LINK).

週二,幣安宣布計劃推出與 FDUSD 穩定幣配對的六種不同加密貨幣的零費用交易。其中包括以太坊 (ETH)、XRP、BNB、Solana (SOL)、狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Chainlink (LINK)。

Notably, a zero-fee trading was made to commemorate the FDUSD stablecoin when it was listed on Binance in July this year. The stablecoin was added by Binance in response to the termination of BUSD support. Also, the exchange is progressively delisting BUSD pair trades.

值得注意的是,今年 7 月 FDUSD 穩定幣在幣安上市時,進行了零手續費交易。幣安添加了該穩定幣,以應對 BUSD 支援的終止。此外,該交易所正在逐步下架 BUSD 貨幣對交易。

The six zero-fee trading pairs listed by the crypto exchange are BNB/FDUSD, DOGE/FDUSD, ETH/FDUSD, LINK/FDUSD, SOL/FDUSD, and XRP/FDUSD.


Following the announcement, the initiative is expected to go into effect on December 8 at 00:00 UTC. It will allow users to benefit from a zero maker-and-taker cost for the listed pairings above. 

公告發布後,該舉措預計將於世界標準時間 12 月 8 日 00:00 生效。它將允許用戶從上面列出的配對的零製造者和接受者成本中受益。

The announcement read:


Validity Period: 2023-12-08 00:00 (UTC) until further notice. All users will enjoy zero maker and taker fees for the above spot and margin trading pairs.

有效期限:2023年12月8日 00:00 (UTC) 直至另行通知。所有用戶對於上述現貨和保證金交易對將享有零掛單費和吃單費。

The crypto platform also noted that these spot and margin trading pairs will be excluded from several trading fees. These include BNB fee discounts, fee rebates, or any other form of fee adjustments or fee promotions.

該加密貨幣平台也指出,這些現貨和保證金交易對將不收取多項交易費用。其中包括 BNB 費用折扣、費用回扣或任何其他形式的費用調整或費用促銷。

The company stated:


The above spot and margin trading pairs will be excluded from BNB fee discounts, fee rebates, or any other form of fee adjustments or fee promotions.


Furthermore, the trading volume of the aforementioned trading pairs will not be included in the calculation of the VIP tier volume. It will also not be included in any liquidity provider programs, if there are any.


The announcement also saw several other key information from the crypto platform. Binance has noted that it will disqualify any detected suspicious trades which include wash trades and trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.  


One-Hour Interest Fee Waiver By The Crypto Exchange


Another initiative that was introduced by the platform is the one-hour interest fee waiver. The new promotion was made for BTC, DOGE, ETH, GALA, GMT, LINK, MATIC, ORDI, SEI, SOL, TIA, and XRP.

該平台推出的另一項舉措是免除一小時利息費用。新促銷活動針對 BTC、DOGE、ETH、GALA、GMT、LINK、MATIC、ORDI、SEI、SOL、TIA 和 XRP。

The one-hour interest fee waiver is automatically granted to users who borrow these coins with Binance Margin. All users who borrow any of these cryptos at Binance Margin during the campaign period will not be charged interest on the borrowed amount for a period of one hour.  


“During the Promotion Period, all users who borrow any of these eligible cryptocurrencies on Binance Margin will automatically receive a one-hour interest fee waiver,” the company stated.


However, this is valid until 12:00 PM on December 18, and after the given time the waiver will no longer be available.

不過,該豁免有效期至 12 月 18 日中午 12:00 為止,超過指定時間後,豁免將不再可用。


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