首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 市場動盪之際,幣安在錢包大洗牌中轉移了 1.28 兆 PEPE 幣

Binance Moves 1.28 Trillion PEPE Coins in Major Wallet Shuffle Amid Market Turbulence

市場動盪之際,幣安在錢包大洗牌中轉移了 1.28 兆 PEPE 幣

發布: 2024/07/05 03:04 閱讀: 826

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


市場動盪之際,幣安在錢包大洗牌中轉移了 1.28 兆 PEPE 幣

Amidst market-wide turbulence, PEPE has seen over 1.28 trillion tokens shuffled on Binance as investors race to accumulate them.

在整個市場的動盪中,PEPE 見證了幣安上超過 1.28 兆的代幣被洗牌,投資者競相囤積這些代幣。

PEPE has become the third-largest meme coin in the industry after reaching an all-time high earlier this year.

PEPE 在今年稍早達到歷史新高後,已成為業界第三大迷因幣。

The cryptocurrency market has witnessed a turbulent couple of days led by Bitcoin, but with altcoins taking the biggest hit. Large-cap meme coins such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and PEPE coin have been significantly impacted. A majority of these transactions have taken place on the Binance exchange, indicating renewed interest in the coin.

加密貨幣市場經歷了以比特幣為首的動盪幾天,但山寨幣受到的打擊最大。狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB) 和 PEPE 幣等大盤 meme 幣受到了顯著影響。這些交易大部分發生在幣安交易所上,顯示人們對這種代幣重新產生了興趣。

Notably, major players have been re-entering the picture and accumulating PEPE. Whale tracking agencies have highlighted the substantial transactions occurring. One notable move was the transfer of 1,286,733,285,955 PEPE tokens from a crypto address dubbed 'Binance 28' to 'Binance 70'.

值得注意的是,主要參與者已經重新進入市場並累積 PEPE。鯨魚追蹤機構強調了正在發生的大量交易。一項值得注意的舉措是將 1,286,733,285,955 個 PEPE 代幣從名為「Binance 28」的加密地址轉移到「Binance 70」。

A whale identified as 'dimethyltryptamine.eth' has resurfaced after ten months of inactivity. According to SpotOnChain, the whale sold 10 billion PEPE coins for 32.73 Ether (ETH), netting a profit of $112K.

一頭被識別為「二甲基色胺.eth」的鯨魚在十個月不活動後重新浮出水面。據 SpotOnChain 稱,鯨魚以 32.73 以太幣(ETH)的價格出售了 100 億個 PEPE 幣,淨利潤為 11.2 萬美元。

The actions of large investors and long-term holders will significantly impact the coin's value. Currently, approximately 78% of current holders are in profit at the current price.


PEPE traders on derivatives markets have experienced over $3 million in liquidations, with $2.71 million for traders who held long positions and $350,000 for those who held short positions. Despite a 73% increase in derivatives trading volume over 24 hours, suggesting renewed interest, PEPE's price has continued to decline.

衍生性商品市場上的 PEPE 交易者經歷了超過 300 萬美元的清算,其中持有多頭部位的交易者為 271 萬美元,持有空頭部位的交易者為 35 萬美元。儘管衍生性商品交易量在 24 小時內增加了 73%,顯示人們的興趣重新燃起,但 PEPE 的價格仍在繼續下跌。

At the time of writing, PEPE is trading for $0.000009566 after a 7% drop in the last 24 hours. The Altcoin has extended its weekly losses by 23% amidst the market turbulence. However, its trading volume has surged by 44%.

截至撰寫本文時,PEPE 的交易價格為 0.000009566 美元,在過去 24 小時內下跌了 7%。在市場動盪中,山寨幣每週跌幅擴大了 23%。然而,其交易量卻暴增了44%。

With a market cap of just over $4 billion, PEPE has become the third largest memecoin in the market after Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB), which are ranked 10th and 14th, respectively.

PEPE 的市值略高於 40 億美元,已成為市場上第三大迷因幣,僅次於分別排名第 10 和第 14 位的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB)。

Data from CoinPaprika suggests that PEPE Coin isn't experiencing significant selling on regular trading markets, with more buy orders than sell orders being placed. However, on-chain data and technical indicators suggest a potential price drop, signaling a possible further decline in the value of the coin.

CoinPaprika 的數據表明,PEPE Coin 在常規交易市場上並未經歷大量拋售,買入訂單多於賣出訂單。然而,鏈上數據和技術指標表明價格可能下跌,這表明代幣的價值可能進一步下跌。


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