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Binance pool launches Bellscoin (BEL) merged mining with LTC and DOGE

幣安礦池推出 Bellscoin (BEL) 與 LTC 和 DOGE 合併挖礦

發布: 2024/09/30 18:31 閱讀: 561



幣安礦池推出 Bellscoin (BEL) 與 LTC 和 DOGE 合併挖礦

Bellscoin (BEL) Joins Binance Pool Portfolio

Bellscoin (BEL) 加入幣安礦池投資組合

Bellscoin (BEL) has expanded its presence on the Litecoin (LTC) network as a new merged mining asset. Effective September 30, Binance Pool will reward BEL produced in each Litecoin block to all its clients.

Bellscoin (BEL) 作為一種新的合併挖礦資產,擴大了其在萊特幣 (LTC) 網路上的影響力。自 9 月 30 日起,幣安礦池將向所有客戶獎勵每個萊特幣區塊中產生的 BEL。

Rewards and Mining


To earn BEL rewards, miners must join Binance Pool with their Scrypt mining operations. BEL will be allocated to an external wallet since it's not yet listed on Binance, and there are no immediate plans for listing.

要獲得 BEL 獎勵,礦工必須將其 Scrypt 挖礦業務加入幣安礦池。 BEL 將被分配到外部錢包,因為它尚未在幣安上上市,並且沒有立即上市的計劃。

Limited Supply and Potential Rewards


BEL's relatively scarce supply, with a self-reported 42M in circulation, makes it appealing. The supply will increase to 58M by year-end, and new token production will slow down drastically after the Epoch 5 cutoff date. Blocks will produce 2 BEL every minute, reaching a supply of 60M by 2026.

BEL 的供應相對稀缺,根據自我報告,流通量為 4,200 萬,這使其具有吸引力。到年底,供應量將增加到 5,800 萬個,而新代幣的生產將在 Epoch 5 截止日期之後急劇放緩。區塊每分鐘將產生 2 BEL,到 2026 年供應量將達到 6,000 萬。

Bellscoin's Origins and Mission

Bellscoin 的起源與使命

Bellscoin, first launched in 2013, combines meme elements with classic mining. It was revived in 2023 with merged mining capabilities. The creator, Billy Markus, known as Shibetoshi Nakamoto, aims to grow the asset organically and potentially integrate community-based projects.

Bellscoin於2013年首次推出,將meme元素與經典挖礦結合。它於 2023 年通過合併採礦能力而復活。創建者比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus),又名 Shibetoshi Nakamoto,旨在有機地增長資產,並有可能整合社區為基礎的項目。

Merged Mining Process


Merged mining for BEL requires a self-custodial wallet and a Binance account. BEL will be credited to the wallet once it's configured for Binance's mining pool. Participants without a configured wallet will not receive rewards. Anonymous BEL mining is possible only through solo machines or pools with different terms.

BEL 的聯合挖礦需要一個自我託管錢包和一個幣安帳戶。一旦錢包配置為幣安礦池,BEL 將記入錢包。沒有配置錢包的參與者將不會獲得獎勵。匿名 BEL 挖掘只能透過單獨的機器或具有不同術語的池來實現。

Performance and Rewards


The amount of BEL mined depends on the pool's performance, not the proportion of LTC or DOGE produced in their respective blocks. All BEL miners through Binance Pool will receive a minimum payout of 1 BEL. As of September 30, Bellscoin has 36 days remaining in its accelerated mining Epoch 3.

開採的 BEL 數量取決於礦池的性能,而不是各自區塊中產生的 LTC 或 DOGE 的比例。所有通過幣安礦池的 BEL 礦工將獲得最低 1 BEL 的支付。截至 9 月 30 日,Bellscoin 的加速挖礦 Epoch 3 還剩 36 天。

Upcoming Changes and Market Activity


After six months, Bellscoin will transition to a flat block reward of 2 BEL every minute. BEL has recently reached an all-time high near $1, supported by its Binance announcement. It relies on smaller exchanges like CoinEx for trading, but the Binance attention has boosted its profile.

六個月後,Bellscoin 將過渡到每分鐘 2 BEL 的固定區塊獎勵。在幣安公告的支撐下,BEL 最近達到了接近 1 美元的歷史新高。它依賴 CoinEx 等較小的交易所進行交易,但幣安的關注提升了它的形象。

Barriers to Entry and Growth Potential


While BEL's addition to Binance Pool may increase Scrypt activity, the top pools hold a significant portion of the hashrate. Binance Pool's relatively small share of the Litecoin hashrate indicates that newcomers may face challenges in mining BEL.

雖然 BEL 加入幣安礦池可能會增加 Scrypt 活動,但頂級礦池佔據了算力的很大一部分。幣安礦池在萊特幣算力中所佔的份額相對較小,這表明新來者在挖掘 BEL 時可能會面臨挑戰。

Impact on Litecoin Network


The inclusion of BEL has contributed to Litecoin's hashrate reaching an all-time high, offering increased security for the network. LTC and DOGE have stabilized at $68.10 and $0.12, respectively.

BEL 的加入有助於萊特幣的算力達到歷史最高水平,從而提高了網路的安全性。 LTC 和 DOGE 分別穩定在 68.10 美元和 0.12 美元。


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