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Binance Releases Proof Of Reserves: Here’s How Much DOGE, SHIB, And XRP It Holds

幣安發布儲備證明:以下是其持有的 DOGE、SHIB 和 XRP 數量

發布: 2024/02/09 21:32 閱讀: 596



Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has officially released its Proof Of Reserves (PoR), showcasing significant holdings in popular digital assets such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and XRP. 

全球最大的加密貨幣交易所之一幣安已正式發布其儲備證明 (PoR),展示了狗狗幣 (DOGE)、柴犬 (SHIB) 和 XRP 等流行數位資產的大量持有量。

Binance’s DOGE And SHIB Holdings Top 100%

幣安的 DOGE 和 SHIB Holdings 排名前 100%

On Thursday, February 1, 2024, Binance published its Proof of Reserve audit, revealing the exclusive net balances of both customers and the exchange’s digital asset holdings. The showcased assets included leading cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH)

2024 年 2 月 1 日星期四,幣安發布了其儲備金審計證明,披露了客戶和交易所持有的數位資產的獨家淨餘額。展示的資產包括比特幣(BTC)和以太幣(ETH)等領先的加密貨幣。


Bitcoin’s ratio stood at 102.49%, with the exchange holding a total of 609,477.128 BTC in its treasury and a customer net balance of 594,688.859 BTC, currently worth over $27.4 billion. Meanwhile, Ethereum’s ratio was 104.58%, with Binance holding approximately 4,353,718.384 ETH in net balance and a total customer net balance of 4,163,085.942 ETH, valued at more than $10.1 billion. 

比特幣的比率為 102.49%,該交易所在庫中總共持有 609,477.128 BTC,客戶淨餘額為 594,688.859 BTC,目前價值超過 274 億美元。同時,以太坊的比例為104.58%,幣安持有約4,353,718.384 ETH的淨餘額,總客戶淨餘額為4,163,085.942 ETH,價值超過101億美元。

Popular meme coins like DOGE and SHIB also took a significant position in Binance’s digital asset portfolio. Dogecoin exhibited a ratio of 100.65%, boasting a treasury of about 12,202,610,586.421 DOGE and a customer net balance of 12,124,403,806.92 DOGE, valued at over $977 million. 

DOGE 和 SHIB 等流行的迷因幣也在幣安的數位資產組合中佔據了重要地位。狗狗幣佔比為100.65%,金庫約為12,202,610,586.421 DOGE,客戶淨餘額為12,124,403,806.92 DOGE,價值超過9.77億美元。

In contrast, Shiba Inu maintained a ratio of 103.64%, with a Binance net balance of 69,431,545,051,732.125 SHIB, and a total customer net balance of 66,995,801,414,557.41 SHIB, surpassing a valuation of more than $626 million.

相較之下,柴犬維持了103.64%的比例,幣安淨餘額為69,431,545,051,732.125 SHIB,總客戶淨餘額為66,995,801,414,557.41 SHIB,估值超過6.26億美元以上。

Binance’s considerable holdings in DOGE and SHIB underscore the widespread global appeal of these meme coins, offering insights into the cryptocurrencies experiencing increased demand among investors in the industry. Alongside these popular doggy-themed cryptocurrencies, major assets such as XRP and Solana (SOL), as well as stablecoins like USDT and USDC, also hold a significant share in Binance’s diverse portfolio. 

幣安對 DOGE 和 SHIB 的大量持有凸顯了這些 meme 代幣在全球範圍內的廣泛吸引力,提供了有關行業投資者需求不斷增長的加密貨幣的見解。除了這些受歡迎的狗狗主題加密貨幣之外,XRP 和 Solana (SOL) 等主要資產,以及 USDT 和 USDC 等穩定幣也在幣安多樣化的投資組合中佔有重要份額。

XRP and SOL maintain ratios of 101.14% and 102.16%, respectively. The total customer net balance for both cryptocurrencies stands at 2,761,728,028.243, valued at over $1.4 billion for XRP, and 29,139,907.185, worth over $3 billion for SOL. 

XRP 和 SOL 的比率分別維持在 101.14% 和 102.16%。兩種加密貨幣的客戶淨餘額總額為 2,761,728,028.243,XRP 的價值超過 14 億美元;SOL 的客戶淨餘額為 29,139,907.185,價值超過 30 億美元。

DOGE price at $0.081 | Source: DOGEUSD On Tradingview.com

DOGE 售價為 0.081 美元 |資料來源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSD

Binance Upholds Transparency Standards


Binance’s Proof of Reserve audit provides a detailed account of the digital assets held in custody for customers. The crypto exchange has stated that the reserve specifically excludes Binance’s corporate holdings, which are recorded on a separate ledger. 


相關閱讀:XRP 價格能否漲至 10 美元?加密貨幣分析師揭示了路線圖

The release of the audit not only underscores Binance’s dedication to transparency but also serves as evidence of the exchange’s substantial presence in the global cryptocurrency market. Binance has also taken its transparency and security values a step further by utilizing an advanced cryptographic tool, the Merkle Tree. This tool enables users to verify their asset holdings on the exchange through their Merkle hash or record IDs.  

審計報告的發布不僅強調了幣安對透明度的致力於,也證明了該交易所在全球加密貨幣市場中的重要地位。幣安也透過利用先進的加密工具 Merkle Tree,進一步提高了透明度和安全性。該工具使用戶能夠透過 Merkle 雜湊或記錄 ID 驗證其在交易所持有的資產。

Featured image from CryptoPotato, chart from Tradingview.com

精選圖片來自 CryptoPotato,圖表來自 Tradingview.com


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