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Binance Web3 Wallet Integrates Bitcoin and 4 Altcoins

Binance Web3 錢包整合了比特幣和 4 種山寨幣

發布: 2023/12/07 20:15 閱讀: 264



Giant cryptocurrency exchange Binance announced the integration of Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Sei Network (SEI) networks into the Binance Web3 Wallet, a crypto wallet embedded in the Binance app designed to empower users in the decentralized finance (DeFi) world.

加密貨幣巨頭幣安宣布將比特幣(BTC)、比特幣現金(BCH)、萊特幣(LTC)、狗狗幣(DOGE) 和Sei Network (SEI) 網路整合到幣安Web3 錢包中,幣安Web3錢包是嵌入幣安應用程式中的加密錢包旨在為去中心化金融(DeFi)世界的用戶提供支援。

Bitcoin and 4 Altcoins Integrated into Binance Web3 Wallet

比特幣和 4 種山寨幣整合到 Binance Web3 錢包中

Binance made an important announcement for the Binance Web3 Wallet, a crypto wallet embedded in the Binance app designed to empower users in the DeFi world.

幣安發布了幣安 Web3 錢包的重要公告,這是一款嵌入幣安應用程式中的加密錢包,旨在為 DeFi 世界的用戶提供支援。

The cryptocurrency exchange announced the completion of the integration of Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Sei Network networks into the user-controlled crypto wallet. Referred to as the “Most Advanced Crypto Wallet in Its Class,” the Binance Web3 Wallet now allows users to transfer tokens to and from Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and Sei Network networks.

該加密貨幣交易所宣布完成將比特幣、比特幣現金、萊特幣、狗狗幣和 Sei Network 網路整合到用戶控制的加密錢包中。 Binance Web3 錢包被稱為“同類中最先進的加密錢包”,現在允許用戶在比特幣、比特幣現金、萊特幣、狗狗幣和 Sei Network 網路之間傳輸代幣。

What is Binance Web3 Wallet?

什麼是幣安 Web3 錢包?

The Binance Web3 Wallet serves as a digital gateway to blockchain-based applications (dApps), allowing users to manage their cryptocurrencies, exchange tokens across different blockchains, earn returns, and interact with various blockchain platforms in a secure and seamless manner.

Binance Web3 錢包充當基於區塊鏈的應用程式(dApp) 的數位網關,允許用戶管理其加密貨幣、跨不同區塊鏈交換代幣、賺取回報並以安全、無縫的方式與各種區塊鏈平台進行互動。

The Binance Web3 Wallet is embedded in the Binance app, providing users with a decentralized wallet that allows them to securely manage their cryptocurrencies, exchange tokens across different blockchains, earn returns, and interact with dApps.

Binance Web3 錢包嵌入在 Binance 應用程式中,為用戶提供去中心化錢包,使他們能夠安全地管理其加密貨幣、跨不同區塊鏈交換代幣、賺取回報並與 dApp 互動。

It is simple, user-friendly, and secure. The Binance Web3 Wallet uses MPC technology to give users control of their assets. It also offers advantages such as effortless token swaps across different blockchains and 24/7 customer support.

它簡單、用戶友好且安全。 Binance Web3 錢包使用 MPC 技術讓使用者控制其資產。它還提供多種優勢,例如跨不同區塊鏈的輕鬆代幣交換和 24/7 客戶支援。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/binance-web3-wallet-integrates-bitcoin-and-4-altcoins/



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