首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 幣安支援 Zilliqa 和 Sei 升級,推出新的「玩賺」迷因幣預售

Binance backs Zilliqa and Sei upgrades amid a new play-to-earn memecoin presale

幣安支援 Zilliqa 和 Sei 升級,推出新的「玩賺」迷因幣預售

發布: 2024/01/03 17:34 閱讀: 798



幣安支援 Zilliqa 和 Sei 升級,推出新的「玩賺」迷因幣預售

  • Binance supports Zilliqa and Sei upgrades.
  • Binance支援Zilliqa和Sei升級。

  • Binance will ensure smooth transitions for users during ZIL and SEI network upgrades.
  • 幣安將確保用戶在ZIL和SEI網路升級期間順利過渡。

  • Meme Moguls unveils play-to-earn fantasy meme trading game.
  • Meme Moguls 推出邊玩邊賺錢的奇幻迷因交易遊戲。

In a surge of crypto developments, Binance has announced its support for the upcoming upgrades of Zilliqa (ZIL) and Sei (SEI) networks. The exchange will ensure a seamless transition for users during the network enhancements.

在加密貨幣發展的浪潮中,幣安宣布支持即將到來的 Zilliqa (ZIL) 和 Sei (SEI) 網路升級。該交易所將確保用戶在網路增強期間實現無縫過渡。

Meanwhile, the crypto community is abuzz with the unveiling of Meme Moguls, a platform set to revolutionize meme trading, featuring a unique play-to-earn game that immerses users into the fantasy meme market.

同時,加密貨幣社群因 Meme Moguls 的推出而熱鬧非凡,這是一個旨在徹底改變 meme 交易的平台,其特色是獨特的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,讓用戶沉浸在幻想 meme 市場中。

Zilliqa Network upgrade

Zilliqa 網路升級

Zilliqa (ZIL), a prominent player in the crypto space, is gearing up for a significant network upgrade scheduled for January 3, 2024, at 12:00 PM Turkey time.

加密貨幣領域的知名參與者 Zilliqa (ZIL) 正在為定於土耳其時間 2024 年 1 月 3 日中午 12:00 進行的重大網路升級做準備。

To facilitate this transformation, Binance announces a temporary suspension of ZIL token deposits and withdrawals from approximately 11:00 AM (Turkey Standard Time) on the same day. However, users can continue trading ZIL tokens seamlessly during this period on the Binance platform.

為了促進這一轉變,幣安宣布從當天上午 11:00 左右(土耳其標準時間)起暫停 ZIL 代幣充值和提現。不過,在此期間,用戶可以繼續在幣安平台上無縫交易 ZIL 代幣。

The ZIL network upgrade promises improvements in scalability and efficiency, aligning with Zilliqa’s commitment to providing users with a high-performance blockchain. Binance reassures its users that the trading of ZIL tokens on the platform will not be affected, ensuring a smooth user experience during and after the upgrade.

ZIL 網路升級有望提高可擴展性和效率,符合 Zilliqa 為用戶提供高效能區塊鏈的承諾。幣安向用戶保證,平台上ZIL代幣的交易不會受到影響,確保升級期間和升級後的流暢用戶體驗。

Sei Network upgrade


Simultaneously, the Sei (SEI) network is set for a substantial upgrade at block 49,519,931 or on January 3, 2024, at 8:00 PM Turkey time.

同時,Sei (SEI) 網路計劃在區塊 49,519,931 或土耳其時間 2024 年 1 月 3 日晚上 8:00 進行大幅升級。

In preparation for this upgrade, Binance will temporarily suspend the deposit and withdrawal of SEI tokens starting at approximately 7:00 PM (Turkey Standard Time) on the upgrade day. However, users can continue trading SEI tokens on the Binance platform without interruptions.

為了準備本次升級,幣安將在升級當天晚上 7 點左右(土耳其標準時間)開始暫時停止 SEI 代幣的充值和提現。不過,用戶可以繼續在幣安平台上交易 SEI 代幣,不會中斷。

The SEI network upgrade aims to enhance its capabilities, possibly introducing new features and optimizations. Binance emphasizes its commitment to managing all technical aspects diligently, ensuring users can navigate the evolving crypto landscape with confidence.

SEI 網路升級旨在增強其功能,可能會引入新功能和最佳化。幣安強調其致力於勤奮管理所有技術方面的承諾,確保用戶能夠自信地駕馭不斷變化的加密貨幣格局。

Meme Moguls’ meme coins play-to-earn game

Meme Moguls 的 Meme 硬幣玩賺錢遊戲

As Zilliqa and Sei start 2024 with network upgrades, Meme Moguls takes centre stage with its unique play-to-earn game set to immerse players into the fantasy meme market trading world. The game offers captivating features, allowing players to create custom avatars using their favourite memes, work their way up to Mogul Status, and earn $MGLS tokens, currently in the presale stage.

隨著 Zilliqa 和 Sei 在 2024 年開始進行網路升級,Meme Moguls 以其獨特的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲佔據了舞台中心,讓玩家沉浸在奇幻 Meme 市場交易世界中。該遊戲提供了令人著迷的功能,允許玩家使用他們最喜歡的迷因創建自訂頭像,努力晉升為大亨地位,並賺取 $MGLS 代幣,目前正處於預售階段。

As the crypto community witnesses overnight sensations like Pepe, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin surging to $1 billion market caps, Meme Moguls provides an opportunity to trade these memes in a stock market-style meme trading platform. The game introduces character NFTs, rare NFT items, and mined materials representing real-world assets, creating a virtual economy within the Meme Moguls universe.

隨著加密貨幣社區目睹 Pepe、Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 等一夜之間轟動一時的市值飆升至 10 億美元,Meme Moguls 提供了在股票市場式 meme 交易平台上交易這些 meme 的機會。該遊戲引入了角色 NFT、稀有 NFT 物品以及代表現實世界資產的開採材料,在 Meme Moguls 宇宙中創建了虛擬經濟。

Meme Moguls also introduces game-changing Features, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Players can stake NFTs to earn more $MGLS tokens, contributing to the decentralized nature of the platform. This staking mechanism allows users to earn rewards based on their share of the pool and annual returns percentage.

Meme Moguls 還引入了改變遊戲規則的功能,增強了整體遊戲體驗。玩家可以質押 NFT 來賺取更多 MGLS 代幣,促進平台的去中心化。這種質押機制允許用戶根據他們在礦池中的份額和年回報率來獲得獎勵。

Furthermore, Meme Moguls provides an opportunity to earn while playing the game. Players can build their characters to elite levels, creating custom items for avatars. Achieving Mogul status unlocks the ability to sell skins, items, and other valuables in the Moguls Marketplace.

此外,Meme Moguls 提供了在玩遊戲時賺錢的機會。玩家可以將自己的角色打造至精英級別,為化身創建自訂物品。獲得大亨身份可以解鎖在大亨市場中出售皮膚、物品和其他貴重物品的能力。

For those ready to test their meme-trading skills, Meme Moguls encourages users to start small and win big. The game provides a platform for meme market gurus to create a regular and substantial income stream. MGLS tokens can be used to obtain lootbox keys, unlocking valuable meme assets and rare NFTs, all tradable on platforms like OpenSea or the Moguls Marketplace.

對於那些準備測試自己的迷因交易技巧的人來說,迷因大亨鼓勵用戶從小處著手,贏得大勝利。該遊戲為模因市場大師提供了一個創造定期且可觀收入流的平台。 MGLS 代幣可用於獲取戰利品箱金鑰,解鎖有價值的 meme 資產和稀有的 NFT,所有這些都可以在 OpenSea 或 Moguls Marketplace 等平台上進行交易。



The crypto landscape is evolving rapidly, with significant upgrades, new platforms, and innovative features reshaping the industry.


From Binance’s steadfast support for Zilliqa and Sei upgrades to the exciting unveiling of Meme Moguls, the crypto community continues to witness groundbreaking developments. As users navigate this dynamic environment, the fusion of technological advancements and entertainment in projects like Meme Moguls underscores the industry’s vibrant and ever-evolving nature.

從幣安對 Zilliqa 和 Sei 升級的堅定支持,到令人興奮的 Meme Moguls 的推出,加密社群不斷見證突破性的發展。當用戶在這個充滿活力的環境中航行時,Meme Moguls 等項目中技術進步和娛樂的融合凸顯了該行業充滿活力和不斷發展的本質。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/binance-backs-zilliqa-and-sei-upgrades-amid-a-new-play-to-earn-memecoin-presale-tbt75431.html



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