首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 儘管美國CPI下降,比特幣和山寨幣仍下跌,聯準會降息震驚市場——加密貨幣大屠殺中獲勝的前五名加密貨幣選擇

Bitcoin and Altcoins Drop Despite US CPI Decline, Fed Rate Cuts to Shock the Market – Top 5 Crypto Picks to Win on Crypto Bloodbath


發布: 2024/09/13 03:10 閱讀: 224



Cryptocurrency prices are falling despite a decline in the US CPI. This unexpected move may be related to upcoming Fed rate cuts that could surprise the market. Amidst the uncertainty, certain digital coins stand out as potential winners. This article examines five top cryptocurrencies that could thrive during the current market turmoil.


CYBRO Presale Soars Over $1.8 Million: A Unique NeoBank Investment

CYBRO 預售飆升超過 180 萬美元:獨特的 NeoBank 投資

CYBRO has captured the attention of crypto investors as its exclusive token presale surpasses $1.8 million. This cutting-edge NeoBank offers an unparalleled opportunity to maximize earnings regardless of market conditions.

CYBRO 因其獨家代幣預售超過 180 萬美元而吸引了加密貨幣投資者的注意。無論市場狀況如何,這個尖端的 NeoBank 都提供了無與倫比的收益最大化機會。

Experts predict a possible 1200% ROI, with CYBRO tokens available at a presale price of just $0.03 each. This innovative project has attracted significant interest from crypto whales and influencers, signaling confidence and potential.

專家預測 CYBRO 代幣的投資回報率可能為 1200%,每個代幣的預售價僅為 0.03 美元。這個創新項目引起了加密鯨魚和影響者的極大興趣,顯示了信心和潛力。

In addition to tokens, CYBRO introduces Points, providing investors with further opportunities. Points holders will participate in the CYBRO Airdrop, where more Points held equates to more tokens received. CYBRO distributes up to 1 million Points weekly, earned through DeFi Vaults in the CYBRO app.

除了代幣之外,CYBRO 還推出了積分,為投資者提供了更多機會。積分持有者將參與 CYBRO 空投,持有的積分越多,收到的代幣就越多。 CYBRO 每週分發多達 100 萬個積分,這些積分是透過 CYBRO 應用程式中的 DeFi Vault 賺取的。

Holders of CYBRO tokens will benefit from lucrative staking rewards, exclusive airdrops, cashback on purchases, reduced trading and lending fees, and a comprehensive insurance program.

CYBRO 代幣的持有者將受益於豐厚的質押獎勵、獨家空投、購買現金回饋、降低的交易和借貸費用以及全面的保險計劃。

With only 21% of the tokens available for presale and approximately 80 million already sold, this is a golden opportunity for savvy investors to secure their stake in a truly exceptional project.

目前只有 21% 的代幣可供預售,但已售出約 8,000 萬枚,這對於精明的投資者來說是一個絕佳的機會,可以確保他們在真正傑出項目中的股份。

>>>Join CYBRO and Aim for Future Returns of Up to 1200%<<<


Cardano: Primed for Another Bull Run in 2024

卡爾達諾:為 2024 年另一場牛市做好準備

Cardano is a prominent player in the cryptocurrency realm, enabling the creation of financial applications, tokens, and games. ADA, its primary coin, rivals Ethereum's ETH. It serves as a value store, a medium of exchange, and a means of network security.

卡爾達諾是加密貨幣領域的知名參與者,支援創建金融應用程式、代幣和遊戲。 ADA 是其主要貨幣,可與以太坊的 ETH 競爭。它作為價值儲存、交換媒介和網路安全手段。

Cardano employs an energy-efficient approach, differentiating itself from other platforms. It segregates its operations, allowing for faster transaction processing. In 2021, it introduced smart contract functionality. As 2024 approaches, many anticipate a potential bull run for ADA, similar to previous years.

卡爾達諾採用節能方法,與其他平台不同。它分離其操作,從而實現更快的事務處理。 2021年,它引入了智能合約功能。隨著 2024 年的臨近,許多人預計 ADA 可能會出現牛市,與前幾年類似。

Ethereum: Evolution and Price Projections


Ethereum remains a key player in the blockchain industry. It extends beyond basic transactions through its smart contracts and dApps, providing a versatile platform for developers. The transition to Proof-of-Stake enhances its efficiency and security. Ethereum's future roadmap includes sharding for improved scalability.

以太坊仍然是區塊鏈產業的關鍵參與者。它透過智能合約和 dApp 超越基本交易,為開發人員提供了一個多功能平台。向權益證明的過渡提高了其效率和安全性。以太坊的未來路線圖包括用於提高可擴展性的分片。

Price predictions suggest Ethereum could reach $6,580.53 in 2025. Further growth is expected by 2030 as technological advancements unfold. Monitoring Ethereum's development is crucial as it continues to evolve.

價格預測表明,以太坊到 2025 年可能會達到 6,580.53 美元。隨著以太坊的不斷發展,監控其發展至關重要。

Dogecoin: From Meme to Market Contender in 2024

狗狗幣:2024 年從 Meme 到市場競爭者

Dogecoin, launched in 2013, began as a playful alternative in the crypto world. Its Shiba Inu meme logo added a touch of humor to digital currencies. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin has an unlimited supply, with 10,000 coins mined per minute.

狗狗幣於 2013 年推出,最初是加密世界中的有趣的替代品。其柴犬模因標誌為數位貨幣增添了一絲幽默感。與比特幣不同,狗狗幣的供應量是無限的,每分鐘可開採 10,000 個硬幣。

In 2021, Dogecoin surged into the top ten cryptocurrencies, bolstered by social media and influencers such as Elon Musk. Despite its humble origins, Dogecoin has demonstrated resilience through community support and online chatter. As of 2024, it remains popular with a significant market presence, showcasing the influence of social dynamics on financial trends. Dogecoin continues to be a noteworthy factor in digital currency discussions.

2021 年,在社群媒體和馬斯克等影響者的支持下,狗狗幣飆升至十大加密貨幣。儘管狗狗幣起源卑微,但它透過社群支援和線上聊天表現出了韌性。截至 2024 年,它仍然很受歡迎,具有重要的市場影響力,顯示了社會動態對金融趨勢的影響。狗狗幣仍然是數位貨幣討論中值得注意的因素。

Shiba Inu: Momentum for Another Altcoin Surge

Shiba Inu:另一次山寨幣激增的勢頭

Shiba Inu (SHIB) appears poised for another exciting phase in the crypto realm. Inspired by Dogecoin, SHIB operates on the Ethereum blockchain, enhancing its integration and functionality. Launched in August 2020 by Ryoshi, SHIB gained traction by burning a significant portion of its supply and contributing to the India Covid Relief Fund.

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 似乎已準備好進入加密領域的另一個令人興奮的階段。受狗狗幣的啟發,SHIB 在以太坊區塊鏈上運行,增強了其整合度和功能。 SHIB 由 Ryoshi 於 2020 年 8 月推出,透過燃燒其大部分供應並向印度新冠救濟基金捐款而獲得了關注。

SHIB's compatibility with Ethereum enables projects such as ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange. Future plans include an NFT platform and DAO-based governance. SHIB's forward-thinking roadmap suggests potential growth and adaptability in the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies.

SHIB 與以太坊的兼容性使得去中心化交易所 ShibaSwap 等項目成為可能。未來的計劃包括 NFT 平台和基於 DAO 的治理。 SHIB 的前瞻性路線圖顯示了加密貨幣動態世界中的潛在成長和適應性。



ADA, ETH, DOGE, and SHIB may face limited potential in the immediate future. Instead, CYBRO, a revolutionary DeFi platform, offers unparalleled opportunities for investors. AI-driven yield aggregation on the Blast blockchain sets it apart. Staking rewards, exclusive airdrops, and cashback on purchases are offered. Transactions are seamless. CYBRO prioritizes transparency and compliance. Crypto whales and influencers have expressed keen interest in this promising project.

ADA、ETH、DOGE 和 SHIB 在不久的將來可能面臨有限的潛力。相反,CYBRO 這個革命性的 DeFi 平台為投資者提供了無與倫比的機會。 Blast 區塊鏈上人工智慧驅動的收益聚合使其與眾不同。提供質押獎勵、獨家空投和購買現金回饋。交易是無縫的。 CYBRO 優先考慮透明度和合規性。加密鯨魚和影響者對這個有前途的項目表示了濃厚的興趣。


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