首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 如果比特幣(BTC)的歷史重演,那麼何時會出現週期頂部

If Bitcoin (BTC) History Is Repeated, Here’s When To Expect Cycle Top


發布: 2024/06/19 06:09 閱讀: 502

原文作者:Coingape News Media



Bitcoin Price Outlook: Analyst Shares Insights


The price of Bitcoin (BTC) has exhibited a bearish trend in the past week. As it attempts to regain momentum, market analyst Ali Martinez has provided valuable insights.


Historic Bull Run Cycles


Martinez presented a chart depicting Bitcoin's price action during various periods following cycle lows. It highlighted cycles from 2011-2015, 2015-2018, 2018-2022, and 2022+. During these cycles, Bitcoin experienced significant fluctuations, but it reached peak prices at certain intervals.

馬丁內斯展示了一張圖表,描述了比特幣在周期低點後各個時期的價格走勢。它強調了 2011-2015 年、2015-2018 年、2018-2022 年和 2022 年以上的週期。在這些週期中,比特幣經歷了顯著的波動,但在一定的時間間隔內達到了峰值價格。

"If this #Bitcoin market cycle mirrors the last three, the top could actually come around December 2024 or October 2025!" - Ali Martinez

「如果#Bitcoin 市場週期與過去三個週期相符,那麼頂部實際上可能會在 2024 年 12 月或 2025 年 10 月左右出現!” ——阿里·馬丁內斯

Based on this historical data, Martinez suggests that the current Bitcoin cycle may follow a similar pattern, potentially leading to a major bull run by December 2024 or October 2025.

根據這些歷史數據,馬丁內斯認為目前的比特幣週期可能會遵循類似的模式,可能會在 2024 年 12 月或 2025 年 10 月引發重大牛市。

Support from Predictions


Martinez's analysis aligns with previous forecasts from industry experts. Jack Mallers, CEO of Strike, believes Bitcoin could experience a surge of 260%-1,357% in the coming months. He views the coin as in its early stages and predicts it could reach $250,000 to $1 million within 10-18 months.

馬丁內斯的分析與產業專家先前的預測一致。 Strike 執行長 Jack Mallers 認為,未來幾個月比特幣可能會飆升 260%-1,357%。他認為該代幣仍處於早期階段,並預測其價格可能在 10 至 18 個月內達到 25 萬至 100 萬美元。

Similarly, Bernstein has projected a $200,000 price target for BTC by 2025 and a more ambitious $1 million by 2033.

同樣,伯恩斯坦預計 BTC 到 2025 年的目標價為 20 萬美元,到 2033 年目標價為 100 萬美元。

Current Bearish Movement


Despite these predictions, BTC's price has exhibited a bearish trend recently.



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