首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣和以太坊攀升,而 PawFury 的目標是 50 倍回報 – 不要錯過!

Bitcoin and Ethereum Climb While PawFury Targets 50x Returns – Don’t Miss Out!

比特幣和以太坊攀升,而 PawFury 的目標是 50 倍回報 – 不要錯過!

發布: 2024/07/17 06:40 閱讀: 762

原文作者:The Bitcoin Daily


Popular meme coins Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE face notable price drops, while newcomer PawFury garners attention with a successful presale and promising future outlook. Amidst the volatility in the meme coin market, PawFury stands out as an innovative and community-focused investment option.

流行的模因幣狗狗幣、柴犬和 PEPE 面臨著顯著的價格下跌,而新來者 PawFury 則憑藉成功的預售和充滿希望的未來前景而受到關注。在迷因幣市場的波動中,PawFury 作為一種創新且以社區為中心的投資選擇脫穎而出。

In the past weeks, holders of the top meme coins Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE have experienced significant price declines. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, established players in the meme coin market, along with the newer PEPE, have all seen losses exceeding 20%.

在過去的幾周里,頂級模因幣狗狗幣、柴犬和 PEPE 的持有者經歷了價格的大幅下跌。狗狗幣 (Dogecoin) 和柴犬幣 (Shiba Inu) 是迷因幣市場的老牌玩家,以及較新的 PEPE,損失均超過 20%。

According to data from IntoTheBlock, Dogecoin dropped by 24% in the last seven days and 41.8% over 30 days. Shiba Inu lost 23.5% and 49% in the same periods. PEPE faced declines of 34.5% and 45.6%.

根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,狗狗幣在過去 7 天內下跌了 24%,在 30 天內下跌了 41.8%。柴犬同期分別下跌 23.5% 及 49%。 PEPE 分別下跌 34.5% 和 45.6%。

Profitability metrics indicate that 54.05% of Dogecoin addresses remain profitable, compared to 20.47% for Shiba Inu and 58% for PEPE. Current trading prices are $0.09535 for Dogecoin, $0.00001321 for Shiba Inu, and $0.000007991 for PEPE.

獲利指標表明,54.05% 的狗狗幣地址保持盈利,而 Shiba Inu 的比例為 20.47%,PEPE 的比例為 58%。目前狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.09535 美元,柴犬幣為 0.00001321 美元,PEPE 為 0.000007991 美元。

Amidst the turmoil among traditional meme coins, PawFury (PAW) emerges as a beacon of hope. With its successful presale raising $4.2 million and the current presale price at $0.01040, PawFury has already captured significant attention. Analysts predict that PawFury could reach $1 by the end of 2024, offering a potential 100x return. The excitement is further fueled by the upcoming listings on major exchanges. Once PawFury gets listed, the token will become more accessible to the broader masses, leading to a potential price increase.

在傳統迷因幣的混亂中,PawFury(PAW)成為希望的燈塔。 PawFury 成功預售籌集了 420 萬美元,目前預售價格為 0.01040 美元,已經引起了廣泛關注。分析師預測,到 2024 年底,PawFury 的股價可能會達到 1 美元,提供潛在的 100 倍回報。即將在主要交易所上市進一步加劇了人們的興奮。一旦 PawFury 上市,該代幣將更容易被更廣泛的大眾所接受,從而導致潛在的價格上漲。

PawFury's blend of innovation and community engagement makes it a standout choice for investors looking to diversify and capitalize on new opportunities in the crypto market. Nonetheless, while PawFury seems promising, it is important to do your own research and understand the risks involved in cryptocurrency investments.

PawFury 融合了創新和社區參與,使其成為尋求多元化和利用加密貨幣市場新機會的投資者的絕佳選擇。儘管如此,雖然 PawFury 看起來很有前途,但您自己進行研究並了解加密貨幣投資所涉及的風險也很重要。

For further details on PawFury, please visit:

有關 PawFury 的更多詳細信息,請訪問:

Website: https://www.pawfury.com/
Twitter: https://x.com/Paw_Fury



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