首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣價格下跌; InQubeta 吸引投資者關注

Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin See Price Downturn; InQubeta Captures Investor Attention

比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣價格下跌; InQubeta 吸引投資者關注

發布: 2024/01/08 20:31 閱讀: 970



比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣價格下跌; InQubeta 吸引投資者關注

The crypto market has witnessed a downturn in the prices of prominent digital assets such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Dogecoin (DOGE). This fluctuation has captured the attention of investors and industry observers alike, prompting a closer examination of the factors influencing these market shifts. Amidst this backdrop, InQubeta (QUBE), a notable player in the crypto space, emerges as a focal point, drawing heightened investor attention.


The new DeFi project aims to democratize AI startup investment opportunities using NFTs and Ethereum smart contracts. As the best crypto investment, InQubeta is making waves in the crypto market, having raised over $7.9 million in its ongoing presale. As the platform draws closer to its launch, experts predict a 50x increase in value.

新的 DeFi 專案旨在利用 NFT 和以太坊智能合約使人工智慧新創公司投資機會民主化。作為最好的加密投資,InQubeta 在加密市場掀起波瀾,在正在進行的預售中籌集了超過 790 萬美元。隨著該平台距離推出越來越近,專家預測其價值將增加 50 倍。

Let’s explore the reasons behind the Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin price downturns and examine why InQubeta is capturing investors’ attention.

讓我們探討一下比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣價格下跌背後的原因,並研究一下 InQubeta 為何吸引投資者的注意。

InQubeta (QUBE): Revolutionizing Crypto Crowdfunding

InQubeta has made a name for itself as the world’s first crypto crowdfunding platform, capturing the attention of retail investors looking for the best crypto investment opportunities in the crypto market. InQubeta leverages the Ethereum blockchain, employing the powerful features of smart contracts to establish a transparent and secure investment ecosystem. This platform simplifies the funding and connection process for AI startups with the public.

InQubeta (QUBE):革命性的加密眾籌InQubeta 已成為世界上第一個加密眾籌平台,吸引了在加密市場尋找最佳加密投資機會的散戶投資者的注意力。 InQubeta利用以太坊區塊鏈,利用智慧合約的強大功能,建立透明、安全的投資生態系統。該平台簡化了人工智慧新創公司與公眾的融資和聯繫流程。

This new DeFi project is attracting investors with its remarkable presale growth. The presale, which is divided into ten stages, is currently in the sixth stage. This stage has sold over 700 million tokens at an entry price of 0.01925 USDT per QUBE. To join the presale, interested investors can use established coins like USDT, BTC, and ETH to purchase the QUBE token.

這個新的 DeFi 項目以其顯著的預售成長吸引了投資者。預售分為十個階段,目前處於第六階段。本階段已售出超過 7 億枚代幣,入場價為每個 QUBE 0.01925 USDT。要參加預售,有興趣的投資者可以使用 USDT、BTC 和 ETH 等現有代幣購買 QUBE 代幣。

What makes the QUBE tokens unique is their deflationary nature. Investors seeking portfolio diversification can find an appealing opportunity here, as a 2% buy and sell tax contributes to a burning wallet, while a 5% tax feeds a dedicated reward pool. Staking QUBE tokens becomes an attractive prospect, offering holders the chance to earn rewards.

QUBE 代幣的獨特之處在於其通貨緊縮性質。尋求投資組合多元化的投資者可以在這裡找到一個有吸引力的機會,因為 2% 的買賣稅會導致錢包燒錢,而 5% 的稅則為專門的獎勵池提供資金。質押 QUBE 代幣成為一個有吸引力的前景,為持有者提供賺取獎勵的機會。

InQubeta’s trending NFT marketplace is another innovative feature attracting investors to the platform. This marketplace provides a distinct investment avenue for AI tech startups. By listing investment NFTs on the platform, startups gain exposure to a diverse range of investors from the community, along with the support of experienced industry professionals.

InQubeta 的熱門 NFT 市場是吸引投資者進入該平台的另一個創新功能。這個市場為人工智慧技術新創公司提供了獨特的投資途徑。透過在平台上列出投資 NFT,新創公司可以接觸到來自社區的各種投資者,並獲得經驗豐富的行業專業人士的支持。

Bitcoin (BTC): The Pioneering Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin, the groundbre­aking digital currency, has undergone a re­cent decline in its marke­tplace worth alongside Ethere­um and Dogecoin, stirring up the investme­nt scene. BTC has long served as a focal point for investors searching for diversification and likely high returns in the unpredictable­ realm of cryptocurrencies


Although there was a recent spike to $45k, the price soon returned to the region of $43k. The decline in Bitcoin’s value can be attributed to several factors, with one notable aspect being the decrease in whale activity. Over the past few days, the number of significant whale transactions, each involving at least $100,000 worth of BTC, has seen a substantial drop. According to Santiment data, the count has plummeted from 15,295 trades on December 22 to a significantly lower 6,379 unique transactions at the reporting time.

儘管最近飆升至 45,000 美元,但價格很快又回到了 43,000 美元區域。比特幣價值的下跌可歸因於多種因素,其中一個值得注意的方面是鯨魚活動的減少。過去幾天,每筆價值至少 10 萬美元 BTC 的大鯨魚交易數量大幅下降。根據 Santiment 的數據,交易數量已從 12 月 22 日的 15,295 筆大幅下降至報告時的 6,379 筆。

Ethereum (ETH): Decentralized Crypto Platform

Ethere­um, a notable digital currency has molded the blockchain sce­ne. Known for its smart contract functionality, ETH has be­en a pivotal player in empowe­ring decentralized applications (DApps) and e­ncouraging different blockchain venture­s. Its local currency, Ethe­r (ETH), fills in as a method for exchange and a store­ of significant worth inside the ETH system.

以太坊(ETH):去中心化加密平台以太坊是一種著名的數位貨幣,它塑造了區塊鏈場景。 ETH 以其智慧合約功能而聞名,一直是賦能去中心化應用程式 (DApp) 和鼓勵不同區塊鏈企業的關鍵參與者。其本地貨幣以太幣 (ETH) 是 ETH 系統內的一種交換方式和重要價值的儲存手段。

Recently, Ethereum’s value took a dip mainly due to various influences. The cost went down after failing to surpass the $2,320 barrier. This de­crease can be linked to unfavorable comments from regulators, a massive cybe­rattack impacting nearly the whole Web3 environment, lessened action in the ETH system, and disapproval from an e­x-Ethereum Base developer.

近期,以太幣價格下跌主要是受多方面影響。在未能突破 2,320 美元的門檻後,成本下降了。這種下降可能與監管機構的不利評論、影響幾乎整個 Web3 環境的大規模網路攻擊、ETH 系統中的行動減少以及前以太坊 Base 開發人員的反對有關。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Lighthearted Cryptocurrency

Dogecoin, which was initially designed as a playful cryptocurrency highlighting the Shiba Inu dog from the famous “Doge” meme, has gained both popularity and doubt within the crypto sphe­re. In spite of its comical beginnings, DOGE has transformed into a noteworthy participant in the market, distinguished for its energetic community and periodic spikes in value.

狗狗幣(DOGE):輕鬆的加密貨幣狗狗幣最初被設計為一種有趣的加密貨幣,突出了著名的「Doge」迷因中的柴犬,在加密領域既受歡迎又受到質疑。儘管起步很滑稽,DOGE 已成為市場上值得注意的參與者,以其充滿活力的社區和週期性的價值飆升而聞名。

Rece­nt happenings in the marketplace­ have seen Doge­coin undergo a downturn in its valuation. This descending move corresponds with an observable­ decrease in the­ DOGE supply possessed by its most affluent financial backers. Specifically, the supply controlled by Dogecoin addresses holding between 100 million and 1 billion DOGE tokens, known as the green surge, has diminished by almost 1%.

最近市場上發生的事情導致狗狗幣的估值出現下滑。這一下降趨勢與最富裕的金融支持者所擁有的 DOGE 供應量的顯著減少相對應。具體來說,由狗狗幣控制的持有 1 億至 10 億枚 DOGE 代幣的供應量(被稱為「綠色激增」)已減少了近 1%。



As Bitcoin,  Ethereum, and Dogecoin are currently facing a price downturn in the crypto market, InQubeta has emerged as a beacon of innovation and stability, garnering attention and interest from investors. This platform offers a unique deflationary nature, astonishing presale growth, and a trending NFT marketplace, making it a good investment in crypto

由於比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣目前面臨加密貨幣市場的價格低迷,InQubeta 已成為創新和穩定的燈塔,吸引了投資者的注意和興趣。該平台具有獨特的通貨緊縮性質、驚人的預售增長以及流行的 NFT 市場,使其成為加密貨幣的良好投資

Bitcoin (BTC): The Pioneering Cryptocurrency

Bitcoin, the groundbre­aking digital currency, has undergone a re­cent decline in its marke­tplace worth alongside Ethere­um and Dogecoin, stirring up the investme­nt scene. BTC has long served as a focal point for investors searching for diversification and likely high returns in the unpredictable­ realm of cryptocurrencies


Although there was a recent spike to $45k, the price soon returned to the region of $43k. The decline in Bitcoin’s value can be attributed to several factors, with one notable aspect being the decrease in whale activity. Over the past few days, the number of significant whale transactions, each involving at least $100,000 worth of BTC, has seen a substantial drop. According to Santiment data, the count has plummeted from 15,295 trades on December 22 to a significantly lower 6,379 unique transactions at the reporting time.

儘管最近飆升至 45,000 美元,但價格很快又回到了 43,000 美元區域。比特幣價值的下跌可歸因於多種因素,其中一個值得注意的方面是鯨魚活動的減少。過去幾天,每筆價值至少 10 萬美元 BTC 的大鯨魚交易數量大幅下降。根據 Santiment 的數據,交易數量已從 12 月 22 日的 15,295 筆大幅下降至報告時的 6,379 筆。

Ethereum (ETH): Decentralized Crypto Platform

Ethere­um, a notable digital currency has molded the blockchain sce­ne. Known for its smart contract functionality, ETH has be­en a pivotal player in empowe­ring decentralized applications (DApps) and e­ncouraging different blockchain venture­s. Its local currency, Ethe­r (ETH), fills in as a method for exchange and a store­ of significant worth inside the ETH system.

以太坊(ETH):去中心化加密平台以太坊是一種著名的數位貨幣,它塑造了區塊鏈場景。 ETH 以其智慧合約功能而聞名,一直是賦能去中心化應用程式 (DApp) 和鼓勵不同區塊鏈企業的關鍵參與者。其本地貨幣以太幣 (ETH) 是 ETH 系統內的一種交換方式和重要價值的儲存手段。

Recently, Ethereum’s value took a dip mainly due to various influences. The cost went down after failing to surpass the $2,320 barrier. This de­crease can be linked to unfavorable comments from regulators, a massive cybe­rattack impacting nearly the whole Web3 environment, lessened action in the ETH system, and disapproval from an e­x-Ethereum Base developer.

近期,以太幣價格下跌主要是受多方面影響。在未能突破 2,320 美元的門檻後,成本下降了。這種下降可能與監管機構的不利評論、影響幾乎整個 Web3 環境的大規模網路攻擊、ETH 系統中的行動減少以及前以太坊 Base 開發人員的反對有關。

Dogecoin (DOGE): The Lighthearted Cryptocurrency

Dogecoin, which was initially designed as a playful cryptocurrency highlighting the Shiba Inu dog from the famous “Doge” meme, has gained both popularity and doubt within the crypto sphe­re. Despite its comical beginnings, DOGE has transformed into a noteworthy participant in the market, distinguished for its energetic community and periodic spikes in value.

狗狗幣(DOGE):輕鬆的加密貨幣狗狗幣最初被設計為一種有趣的加密貨幣,突出了著名的「Doge」迷因中的柴犬,在加密領域既受歡迎又受到質疑。儘管起步很滑稽,DOGE 已成為市場上值得注意的參與者,以其充滿活力的社區和週期性的價值飆升而聞名。

Rece­nt happenings in the marketplace­ have seen Doge­coin undergo a downturn in its valuation. This descending move corresponds with an observable­ decrease in the­ DOGE supply possessed by its most affluent financial backers. Specifically, the supply controlled by Dogecoin addresses holding between 100 million and 1 billion DOGE tokens, known as the green surge, has diminished by almost 1%.

最近市場上發生的事情導致狗狗幣的估值出現下滑。這一下降趨勢與最富裕的金融支持者所擁有的 DOGE 供應量的顯著減少相對應。具體來說,由狗狗幣控制的持有 1 億至 10 億枚 DOGE 代幣的供應量(被稱為「綠色激增」)已減少了近 1%。



As Bitcoin,  Ethereum, and Dogecoin are currently facing a price downturn in the crypto market, InQubeta has emerged as a beacon of innovation and stability, garnering attention and interest from investors. This platform offers a unique deflationary nature, astonishing presale growth, and a trending NFT marketplace, making it a good investment in crypto.

由於比特幣、以太幣和狗狗幣目前面臨加密貨幣市場的價格低迷,InQubeta 已成為創新和穩定的燈塔,吸引了投資者的注意和興趣。該平台具有獨特的通貨緊縮性質、驚人的預售成長以及流行的 NFT 市場,使其成為加密貨幣的良好投資。


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